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Let me add an idea to the Nuke Equasion.
Here is an idea to instill nukes
1 you have to have a weekly income of 2k
2 you have to spend 500 upkeep
3 they cost 2k

so here is the math
a country that qualifys for nukes with an income of 2k will only be able to build MAX 4 nukes and thats if they have no other troops
as they go past 2.5k then they can have a stockpile of 5 with this method nukes dont get over built but still are afordable for any player to achive.
this also kinda mimics real life because week countrys dont have the resorces to invest in nuclear tecnology and have not developed them
also building nukes would make it harder to defend and attack because your troops would become more limited every time you built one unless you use it right away.
Another thing, if your hitting folks with nukes people will think there stratagys through much more and look at you diferent then those who dont have them.
20.03.2011 у Greenland
Greanland was of vital inportance durring WWII because at that time air planes did not have the range they have now so they would fly to greenland refuel there then head over to iceland then europe.
Yea well then dont complain when new people play a few games then quit because they dont have enuff time and infentry defend like crap.
20.03.2011 у 1 min turn. tic box
Yep just played a game on world map with 3min turn and was winning then the whole world ganged me. Do i asked nicely for a longer clock and they voted no. I would have won the game and explained if they wanted a good chalange then i would need time to be able to look at the map. so i ended it by a surender and lost around 2k SP for it.
There needs to be some kind of way to make the game more even to the guys who need more time.
I think for now you should just add the bomb and think about radiation and how to impliment it after you decide how much of a handycap you need to give those players useing them.
19.03.2011 у Rejoining
Just think of all the extra SP he gave you
19.03.2011 у Auto Move
Is there a way for the player to modify the program?
for example you tell the program to alow the player to makes the rout, its not like a game rule there are no calculations but the program checks for the line the players makes and if a player makes a rout then it looks for those troops and move s them only along that rout till they hit a city.
so i could wagon train my troops from one city to the next.
19.03.2011 у Biological warfare.
Unless they took over the country right
PS: dimonds are Just like oil it dont matter how many there are it matters how many there selling as in that artical you read if i owned all the dimonds but only sold 1 diamond every year there would be alot of realy upset women not getting them and alot of really rich guys trying to buy it.
back years ago we called it a monopoly but now its called price fixing.
The answer to your questin is the oil comanys make the money.
here is a really quick explanation.

You and I mine oil(oil company) and is sold on markets world wide.
Investers Buy oil from the markets around the world.
Your company gets attacked by rebels so you cant make oil so now your buyers have to buy somewhere else.
This raisis the price of oil even though the supply is still there and the Demand did not change, it did to all the other companys because now a new country is asking them to get the oil that you use to provide to them.
so if country A gets oil from you and country B gets oil from me, country A can't get oil from you and must outbid country B for the oil im selling raizing the market price.
And I (oil company) make more mony and country B pays more even though it never bought oil from you.
YEP no defence there gone though if they hit you first your tost lol.
19.03.2011 у Biological warfare.
Sounds cool. How will this afect the countrys income though?
Infentry should NOT cost more becasue this takes places like africa,south america and tinny countrys out of the game giving the guy with the most money a bigger advantage. Infentry should be adjusted into the unit there designed to be and alow them to work in that way.

here are a few
1)raize the defence up +1to +4
2)give them an added bonus when in a city thats higher then the curent bonus
3)Lower there Hit points to reflect how there weeker then other units

Infentry should have LOW hp but the Same as melitia because HP= Health in almost every game on the planet,Use DEF to represnt there differet equipment.

Inf VS TANK: on defence-they split up and hide,have better vission, can here the tank comming, prepair a defence,have mines, anti tank rockets,hand granade vs Tanks big gun and smaller anti-infentry gun(mechine gun or whatever the unit is using to get infentry) and heavy armour to render most othe inf. wepons useless.

Tank is good for killing tank and Mec. units but infentry are hard for them without useing the trusty Michine gun(tanks still have them) also hard to hit because they hide from tanks as they would against morters or any artilery piece. Also tanks can't go where infentry go like up cliffs or over revines,rooftops, there still limited by there movement alowing infentry terrain advantage.
In the open infentry lie flat, depoy anti tank type wepons and since the tipical infentry unit is about 50-60 men were the tipical tank unit is about 10-20 tanks there almost even but tanks have mobility armour and range advantages.

Today Tanks are generaly used like mobile artilery VS infentry being tanks are expensive and there range lets them mess up Humvee or transports pinning inf. down. When they do move forward they usualy hide suporting infentry behind them to
give them cover and gain a better field of view alowing better offencive ability. Remeber infentry walking,riding on or behind the tank have guns to kill the pined down infentry there attacking and the tank adds to there mobility as well.

So how to ballance the game? I say make infentry better at defence, lower HP and make tanks weeker at taking on infentry when not acomponyed by infentry. so lowering the def. score of the defenders when tanks+infentry are attacking only infentry and take away some of there bonus.
Another thing to consider is that if the defender also has tanks reinstate the bonus because those tanks are going to nock out alot more tanks when acompanyed by infentry.
But you should also make it so ANY INFENTRY ATTACKED BY TANKS CANT MOVE!
Tanks have a hard time conqureing citys without infentry due to there limited view range and high visability to the infentry.

Tank is great for distroying a building or big target But remember 1 guy running from rooftop to rooftop with a Bazooka will kill alot of tanks and the rubble the tank creates just adds more stuff for the inf. to hide behind.
19.03.2011 у Late Joiners
I like it the way it is. Yea when you first start playing AW you will loose quite a few games to lates but in the end you will do all the things people are suggesting and here is a hint i use. Every Build turn put 10 more units in your capital and dont forget to have a back up force of a decent size ready to rush to your capital should it get supprized.
The game is verry strategic in what countrys you capture and how you defend and plan both your offence and defence. each game varrys alot so think about all those nutral countrys as posible players and not as just 8 millitia that wil never attack you.
O yea let me add they can be shot down.
Ok nukes Would NOT imbalance the game Because they taget only 1 city per nuke and are distroyed upon impact so if you build defensive lines and dont stack troops then they cant distroy all your units with 1 nuke.
Hear is a nuke strike in my mind
1nuke launched from britton at germany targeting berlin
berlin looses all units at target but keeps all defensive lines units in other citys and the country.
i feel 1 nuke should cost about 10units to buy or 2k gold to ballance out the loose
Now here is the advantage.
if you try caping just my capital i could nuke it 1 turn before i capture it back to cleen out your troops stoping those big stack hit my cap on first turn players

week end of nukes
there expensive,they still have range, there detectable, they dont capture anything, and if you wanted to add real world economic impacts they lower the countrys ability to produce.

Defence for nukes, dont stack your units, form defensive lines around captured citys.
A costal Battery is designed for stoping naval attack.
its a defensive building made of either concreat,steel or even earth containing 1 or more artilery pieces pointed tward the ocean in order to attack incoming naval units.
Generaly there built on high ground(top of cliff or mountain) to increase spot range and artilery range. costal batteries are sometimes acomanied by other type of protectionary forces and defences in order to make getting to land harder.
wiki it for a more detailed list of its uses.
17.03.2011 у Starting money
WOW this is complex sounding. are you saying increasing the zoom size for the map would require a huge amount of work? that alone would make it somewhat easyer to move troops?
17.03.2011 у 1 min turn. tic box
Thats right at start is agreed to by ticking box then cant be changed later.
17.03.2011 у Special unit ideas
OK im really happy with the inprovements of the new units!!
here are a few more idea
Sea units
Bigger transports(slower too)
PT boat
aircraft carrier (been suggested but maybe it gives a move bonus to plane)
Mineing boat
Mine sweeper

Air Units.
Supersonic upgrade to air units(increases range)
Hypersonic Upgrade to air units(another increase in range)
Ion propultion up. to air(another upgrade to range)
radar jamer

Land units
Engineering unit
bridging unit(can cross small bodies of water but must end turn on land also alow other units in stack to cross with them)
scout unit or recon unit(increeses unit view range)
mobile radar
mobile radar jamer
advanced radar upgrade
paratrooper(unit dont need a plane and is considerd a air unit for movement)
Bazooka unit
lite infentry(beter move less att/def power)
Heavy infentry( slower move better att/def)
mobile missile platform(another form of long range artilery)
Missile silo
infentry bunker
defensive wall
defensive gun emplacement
Yea i think the robots are called MEC. i got them too but dont quote me on the name i only got them 1 time.
Me too=)
Im putting this post together NOT to form a complaint page but to help point out any isues with the game that are makeing it harder for you to play. If you have a Idea on what it is or a solution for it please put it in. Again this is not a complaint area but a nice way to let the developers know what causing you to have dificulty winning in afterwind.

Here are mine
Cant see units untill mouse over:on big map i find myself looking at each city to see where i hid my bombers or what has been autoproduced.

Posible solution: increse zoom level and put the actual unit on the map as units not a number IE 3 ground,1air,3sea or 3/1/3 seen without mouseover

Cant move my boats fast enuff in areas like Eastern USA and Denmark.
Solution: again increase zoom so that area is easyer to navigate boats through.

Cant see what countrys are in autobuild without clicking the map.
Solution: maybe a page or overall report that states each country what its producing and the units stationed there,Maybe even a zoom to unit from the page. or ability to chage production from the page.(flag name/ production/units in country air/sea/land
17.03.2011 у Bombers get no love
I think Bombers are being overlooked, would like to ba able to take away income by bombing my oponent.
droping nukes would be cool or some other form of upgraded bombs.
am glad to see the fighter in there that was really cool.
16.03.2011 у New maps/territories?
Yes your correct on it being a desert not a tundra(the veritation through me off) i had to check that one out. but here is the wiki on it.

Antarctica, on average, is the coldest, driest, and windiest continent, and has the highest average elevation of all the continents.[2] Antarctica is considered a desert, with annual precipitation of only 200 mm (8 inches) along the coast and far less inland.[3] There are no permanent human residents, but anywhere from 1,000 to 5,000 people reside throughout the year at the research stations scattered across the continent. Only cold-adapted plants and animals survive there, including penguins, seals, nematodes, tardigrades, mites, many types of algae and other microorganisms, and tundra vegetation.

so there you have it hope this dispels any belife units will be comming there soon
They added artilery AWSOME!! now let me buy it let me buy it!!!
16.03.2011 у 1 min turn. tic box
I know i will get alot of greif here but please give this some thought.
on all but the smallest map a 1min. turn is going to hurt someone somehow. i dont need to state how becasue we have all encountered issues with running out of time. could we make a tic box or something that must be cheched to alow the game to drop down to a 1 min turn so the looseing side dont gang the winning side by takeing there time away 3/4ths through the game.
you can still do 2 min turns and thats prity quick and for those of you who like the one min turn its still avalable but must be agreed apon at the beginning of the game's as to if it is an option after the game is underway.
box would say: (v) 1 min turn not alowed.
Its really good but requires you to attack there stacks. so there is the weekness, dont attack there thatcks if you can go around it.
thas the way defence should work though i would support a movement disadvatage for it.
16.03.2011 у V maps
Basicly what i think everyone is saying is they want map changes?

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