06.03.2014 - 07:36
Hi to you, I'd like some advice on which home country to pick in 1v1 5k eu+ (except Ukraine) and about some first turn expansion possibilities for it. I'm using PD. Thx in advance
06.03.2014 - 08:20
5k 1v1 is my favorite and easily what I am best at. Here are some ideas: -use gw -pick Greece, Romania, Serbia, Austria, or Poland -if your enemy picks first and picks Ireland, Portugal, Belgium, or something like that, pick a country like Croatia to screw their starting units -make good use of your militia -it is not such a big deal to get a massive source of income like Germany. You should be okay with income for most of the game if it is a short game. Focus more on getting units
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AlexMeza Профил је обрисан |
06.03.2014 - 09:01 AlexMeza Профил је обрисан
*5k 2 initial. Please fix, people are getting confused ![]() There are two rules. You get Serbia, you double your chances of winning. You go IF, and if your enemy can't defend, you win. Btw, Poland is bad since you have no enough money to pick another country. Best picks are Serbia and Belarus. Belarus is worse though, and don't go for ukr unless you know what you're doing, it will make you broke.
06.03.2014 - 09:27
Creating confusion is a key to defeat your opponents, but now, everyone knows why I'm asking for this. Thx Alex! ![]()
AlexMeza Профил је обрисан |
06.03.2014 - 09:30 AlexMeza Профил је обрисан
In case that wasn't a joke, you miss understood it xD.
06.03.2014 - 09:33
Pick Serbia
---- We are not the same - I am a Martian. We are not the same - I am a... divided constellation? ![]()
AlexMeza Профил је обрисан |
06.03.2014 - 11:32 AlexMeza Профил је обрисан
I'm pretty sure this guy meant 5k 2 initial, Serbia is way cheaper. Austria used to be overrated before but not a big deal.
06.03.2014 - 11:55
1v1 5k is all about the counter pick. 2nd pick op in 1v1s. it's in my opinion that in 5ks you are more worried about troop count than income, unless you are using a offensive strat like ra sm ds etc. biggest thing is play them, not their pick. think like a poker game. -Freeland
---- -Freeland ![]() ![]()
06.03.2014 - 14:19
I have never played 5k 2 initial, I don't know who does. Serbia GW would easily lose to TG Austria. Austria just needs to rush Hungary and that fucks Serbia.
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AlexMeza Профил је обрисан |
06.03.2014 - 15:24 AlexMeza Профил је обрисан
toplel TG Austria xD IF has strongest rush btw, not RA. And GW does not go for hungary. And GW is not the only strat there.
06.03.2014 - 15:29
Wrong. First of all, GW is by far the most common for Serbia Second of all, you may need militia, so no RA Third of all, if you rush Hungary! Serbia won't be able to reach you from Romania or Bulgaria
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AlexMeza Профил је обрисан |
06.03.2014 - 15:37 AlexMeza Профил је обрисан
When someone is close or near, GW is not a common strat at all. People decide to go IF, PD, imp, or DS instead. I meant first turn rush, and yeah the militias thing, you wall with 3 and use only 2. IF power does compensate it, so still, if you meant by rushing his cap, IF is strongest. All you get from hungary is 5 reinfs. With bulgaria and bosnia you compensate it already, but it's still better to rush Hungary as IF and fag-rush Austria. Both Austria and Serbia have same reinforcements amount, but Austria is more expensive and therefore you'll have less money when you pick your second country. Ofc this is 2 initial. In 5k only, both countries are retarded since Poland is best pick.
06.03.2014 - 22:36
I have almost always seen GW used as a start, even close by. GW is good for pissing off your opponents, something you could easily use to gain control in such a short game. Just remember that despite being able to get Romania and Bulgaria, neither of those countries have the range to capture Hungary.
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06.03.2014 - 23:34
It's totally bogus to assume that GW is appropriate for a "short game" or "easily use control" in any game. GW isn't about large decisive battles. With upgraded marines and 2 initial starting positions, GW Serbia (cap) essentially wouldn't need to reach Hungary from Bulg/Romania. Smart player picks Serbia & Croatia, to out flank the opponent and use rage transference.
---- "Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one"
07.03.2014 - 07:36
It is not about large, decisive battles, but neither are small 5k games. In 5k, every single country is important due to the minimal amount of units generally, especially if both players are in Eastern Europe. Due to the cluster, you need to be sneaky and have a decent range. The added militia range as well as the stealth units for attacking enemy stacks makes GW perfect for such a game. I would just argue that a good TG, or maybe even IF Austria could easily beat Serbia. And I am not talking about 2 initial
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AlexMeza Профил је обрисан |
07.03.2014 - 08:42 AlexMeza Профил је обрисан
Let's start another autistic quote spam, the other one is too long, I can't read :S
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