I would like to see clovis put 9,9,9 vs Mortalk Kombat's 14,12,11

MK 15,13,11 vs Epic Clan 13,13,9 in all those CWs.
Sure MK is strong and nobody denies that. However if you think we're weaker due to ranks, then you've been proven wrong.
Also no problem for us to put our rank 9 against their top ranks. However since our R9 are mostly scenario players, the CW will have to be on a scenario.
Don played those cw's, it's perfectly reasonable for us that we lost them !
No it's because steve wasn't there
Back in Nexus Myself, Anti-Maidan, and Sultan of Swing used to smack MK's high ranks in clan wars. This had nothing to do with ranks though as you could see. It's how well you perform with your team. It's all in the players. I said before leave it to rank 9s like myself sultan dinoscout and heatcheck to smack the higher ranks. Yall complain too much.
tell that to enigma
this thread has gone on for too long about some idiotic cry that clovis made it was not the actual rank difference that was the issue it was the players involved+the fact that epic clan always post 9-9-10 looking for cw and then goes in with 13-12-11 its the fact that i was willing to play 2v2 cw atm with them with their higher ranks and clovis refused he was strongly opinioned to play 3v3 when our third not only was a lower rank but was not the best setup for him to play.
i am so happy that he wrote in the original post that hes not trying to bash enigma since that was the main reason he made this post,
he knows very well that we beat him a bunch of times with lower ranks and he just was looking to complain atm he made this thread so please stop putting our name in bad context we beat every clan out there more then once with lower ranks since we have top rank 10 in our clan and most are 9's so stop bitching and throwing out your nonsense on the forums.
Let me tell you one thing we all agree this thread ran too long but please notice that your people are the ones who keep posting here. Just ignore this thread already and move on.
What's up with the "Launch the last stone" ideology...
Just spam emare is a noob and the thread will be locked
Enigma scared to cw, epic clan ranks of 13,13, and 8. when will enigma stop being a coward. 10:50. usa: Eastern time.
Sigh, can you stop bumping this thread; it has become toxic
let's agree that this will be the last post
~Locked by The People!!!!
We are not the same - I am a Martian.
We are not the same - I am a... divided constellation?
let's agree that this will be the last post
~Locked by The People!!!!
No. Locked.