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Постови: 2   Посвећено од стране: 67 users
19.10.2011 - 22:33
I just noticed something, strategy's seem to be more of a burden than helpful. "Nerf this, boost that" it really is impossible to balance them all- I mean, there are a million different ways to use each, and very cheap things can come out of some (i.e. spam a shitton of your best unit every match and win). And if you choose to skip all the BS and just go with "none" everyone else will have some sort of advantage over you. Can we have a "no strategy's" option? I'm really sick and tired of being beaten by everything and not doing average with any strategy. May I also add, strategy's shouldn't take a mathematical / strategical genius to understand- it's seems like that's the case, i.e. the "protips" I receive from ego-maniacs like "You have to remember the arb and atk/def for every unit and strat against every other unit and strat"- just no. My tanks shouldn't have to have 5 less attack because a magical fairy gave you an arb+1. And it also seems like the only solution being given is just nerfing the strat everyone uses- it's obviously not working. I've always said crazy things, but removing the whole strategy system and replacing it with something else sounds like a better solution than continuing to nerf the hell out of each one and continue to have players like me who have played for nearly a year and cannot master a single strategy because of the many random updates / nerfs to them. The one that killed them all though, was the hp system. I still have no clue how it works, why have hp when you have atk/def? def should pretty much = hp, it seems like its more of a damage threshold rather than defense. So all in all- enough with the nerfs, do something to put the strategy problem to rest- because even though I always used Great combinator, it is nothing compared to IF and GW now.

Edit: I should mentioning, stating I "suck" isn't a valid argument considering every cheap attribute of every strat is abused.
20.10.2011 - 21:47
A simple option of no strats in a new game should be enough.

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