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10.03.2012 - 13:13
I've honestly never really used it before, but want to know how since there are some maps where it seems this strategy would be best.
So how do you use GW effectively?
~Somewhere in the distance an eagle shrieked as it rode an American buffalo to an apple-pie-eating contest at a baseball field.~
10.03.2012 - 14:51
Its a terrible strategy now since nerf
Написао NateBaller, 30.08.2012 at 20:04

I make Americans look bad? Are you kidding me?
10.03.2012 - 14:54
Doesn't mean I don't want tips.
~Somewhere in the distance an eagle shrieked as it rode an American buffalo to an apple-pie-eating contest at a baseball field.~
11.03.2012 - 15:05
Guerilla warfare strategy guide can be found in the trips and tricks thread.
11.03.2012 - 17:52
This is that forum.
~Somewhere in the distance an eagle shrieked as it rode an American buffalo to an apple-pie-eating contest at a baseball field.~
11.03.2012 - 18:27

Geez, use the search function next time. Or just look at "Similar topic" below the thread like I did.
Youth-Oriented, Bydło-Approved
11.03.2012 - 19:54
I've already read the quick guide, I wanted something a little bit more in-depth. -.-
~Somewhere in the distance an eagle shrieked as it rode an American buffalo to an apple-pie-eating contest at a baseball field.~
12.03.2012 - 09:48
That guide is terrible, it suggests using bombers
12.03.2012 - 18:49
Yeah, and bombers aren't mean for GW I believe.
~Somewhere in the distance an eagle shrieked as it rode an American buffalo to an apple-pie-eating contest at a baseball field.~
13.03.2012 - 10:39
Написао DURRHUNTER, 10.03.2012 at 14:51

Its a terrible strategy now since nerf

i disagree, overall it's the best strategy.
Don't trust the manipulative rabbit.
13.03.2012 - 12:46
Yup GW is best for low income countries with a high amount of reinforcements, so south america, west china, middle east, eastern europe, and if your income is more than your enemy, you have most likely beat them because you can push huge amounts of troops at them.

for high income, mos is superior
13.03.2012 - 23:42
Написао Aristosseur, 12.03.2012 at 09:48

That guide is terrible, it suggests using bombers

... Bombers are vital to GW is nearly every extended game. They are also needed in many key situation.
14.03.2012 - 03:56
I disagree that GW is terrible, its still a good strategy, even since the nerf. It works best on small maps or small territory. I've a guide here that maybe helps you a bit. However, its a old guide (before the nerf and update) but i still think the most of it fits in current games.

Guerilla Warfare

General Style

GW is fairly known as a cheap strategy.
With its boosted stats of militia, dropped expenditure of marines and nerfed other combat units, obviously marines and militia are the main choice of units for GW.

Sneaking with marines, and fight visible wars with militia is how it plays. Sometimes some transports to increase the troops mobility and a few bombers for turnblocking or for attack/defence if you get it so rich (normally the game will end soon if you can spam bombers).

Overall, GW is an attacking and invasive strategy, unlike imperalist or PD, GW rarely afraid of losing land.
When you lose it, take it back next turn. In case you may say they are playing "mobile defence".

Always advance, suppress the enemy and cause them chaos.
Better stick on land, as for the low mobility militia, or else you will need nerfed and more expensive transports. This is luxurious.

Micro-management is v.important in GW, try to ultilize every single unit in your troops, coz every unit can be effective soldiers in GW.

For occupying neutral countries, always aim at the following prirority
- Weakly defended countries with high manpower, e.g. Austria, Hungary, Serbia etc
- Weakly defended countries with low manpower, e.g. Czech, Croatia, Netherland etc
- Heavily defended countries with high manpower e.g. Germany, France, UK
- Countries which needs sea transports and low manpower e.g. Cyprus, Scandavia

Stating this is due to the low attacking power of your troops. Always attack as many countries as you can with the least amount of soldiers required in each assualt while you can expand fast by recruiting more and cheaper units.

Remember, manpower is everything. With 4 - 5 countries occupied, even that a low total income of say $500 already allows u for 25 militia. Gorilla needs no human money.

Strong points

1. Cheap
Marines 70 (80 with no upgrades) + militia 20 meaning money is not that important for you.

2. Mobile force everywhere
Once you take a land, you gain additional, and useful militia. Even the enemy guards the capital cities well, he can bearly take care of those satellite cities. EVERY CITY is a jumping stone for your invasion. Therefore allow you for multi-direction/multi-dimension attack)

3. Every cities are precious target
You always earn in attacking any cities. Even you don't get the cap for reinforcement, the surrounding cities can provide you with fresh militia.

4. A GW player is never defeated;unless he's really lost
Even when it looks real worse, when a GW player has country's, it can always fight back and further expand well.

Weak points

1. Weak attacking power
Militia of 5 and marine of 7, compare with other strategies like TG (tanks 9), MoS (marines 8, subs and stealths 9), NC (destroyers 11). Don't ever think a single unit can take out a single enemy, even a marine may suck with a neutral militia.

2. Weak defending power
Militia of 5 (6 in city) and marine of 4. When your cities are exposed, make an assumption it will fall next week even you are guarded with militia group.

3. Low mobility
Mobile force =/= mobility. You may get a lot of effective troops on the frontline but still they move slow. Especially for militia. Don't ever think of surprise attack of striking with them.

4. Expensive and nerfed transport units
As told in the title. Only lucky part is that if you are fighting in a small map like Europe, the range nerf doesnt matter much.

Therefore, usually GW players have 2 ways of playing

- Militia-focus (This doesn't work that good since the nerf
Since every single unit is weak, militia-spammers overcome the quality problem with high quantity. Build tonnes of militia instead of marines, suppress or threaten the enemy with obviously large stack of miltita. Slowly pushing up and erase anything on the way. Slow but powerful. Especially when your large stack takes out any city, it get replenishment and likely of no loss on its death march to the capital.

- Marine-focus
Simply, a sneaker. Send your marines out, creating holes of every defence-line to cause a mental stress for opponent's defence, and capture weak/0-defence cities to replenish your force on the way and to create multi-fronts or start a second front at the back of opoonents. Militia is more used in a supporting role and to reinforce the places what your marines have sneaked.

All in all, both miltia-spammers or sneakers will certainly use both types of units, but the ratio will be quite dfferent. Of course you can shift through the 2 tactics in response to opponents' strategies, ur financial status or ur aim of the game in team war.

Starting from below, all the tactics I mentioned will be for sneakers.

1 v 1 match

General playing

A 1 v 1 match simply favours GW. As mentioned before, GW can utilize every units after taking any city, therefore the expansion (in terms of units, more accurately, mobile force) of GW is usually fast in the beginning, and hence it favours GW player to put emphasis on early attack.

Making it a long-term war is not that favourable since the quantity advantage can be over when both sides get quite a lot of lands, which can provide so much money, no matter for cheap or expensive tactics.

Also, try to keep the combat zone small. What I mean is try to squeeze enemy so they can't take much land, although u may get fewer land too, but it doesnt matter since you can always get replenishment from enemy's land, while for the others they just get rather useless militia for them.

Of coz, fewer countries means both sides receive lower income, certainly GW favours from this as the affect for GW is smaller.

More, a smaller combat zone allows ur militia troops to avoid from its weakness (low range), hence you can make use of both marines and militia for your fabulous micro-management.

vs Perfect Defence

Always remember this: PD needs to defend his fortress and they are total fail in attack.

Since it is quite a cheap strategies, taking the money source away from PD isnt that useful.
Also, the terrible defence of infantry forces you to avoid hitting the inf stacks of PDers.

Therefore, to win it you hv to reverse those disadvantages into:
- Grab high reinforcement countries to cut his manpower supply
- Expose their cities to make them prone under attack and creates need for defending
- Avoid strong stacks, attack weakly defended cities to gain up strength, at the same time reduce his
- Force his infantry stack to attack to reduce his mobile force

Mainly doing this by marines to attack, while militia to defend/support attack.

Extra notes about the aforementioned points
Reason of exposure of his cities
Always use marines (militia if fall into their range) to break holes of defence line,
even you have no main force near those cities, this can cause opponents panic coz they can't see ur marine troops and have to spread his troops everywhere for defending. At the same time you can just pin into 1 or a few cities for major offensive such that it is certain the opponent will keep losing cities in every week.

Extended use of disturbance
Save up money for air transports to send marines/militia to their back to cause panic in all his territory (not only frontline cities) and disturbance to the opponent, afterwards, either send them to turnblock enemies or transport more troops. Usually 1-3 air transports are enough in a game.

Exchange ratio of troops
Always sneak into every cities that are lack of defence, normally 1 marine can beat down 1 PD militia,
2 militia for 1-2 PD militia.

What to do after sneaking to hold the achievement made by marines
Use all those militia in the frontline (likely from newly occupied cities) to cause more disturbance or damage to the opponent with the marines. Guard the new cities from militia from old cities. Simply just a flow of militia from the back (farthest away from frontline) to the frontline. Make it a wave attack to keep squeezing opponent into smaller and smaller combat zone.

Keep doing this for a few weeks, you can already suppress him a lot, and mostly it will force him into offensive to gain up some land, either for buffer zone for cap, reinforcement or income, at this time, turn ur militia into static defence to crush the mobile force of infantry of opponent.

vs Imperalist

Main point of imperalist: 0 cost militia + weak attacking power

When compare with PD, it is little more to rely on income, since mil and inf can hardly be used in attack,
for attacking units mostly will be tanks or bombers in the air, which nearly costs 100.
However, if we leave imperalist too much land, they can spam militia to obtain an advantage in quantity.

Therefore, a 2-stage attack is more preferred, cutting the income, and hence the manpower.

The 2-stage plan:

Defensive stage
- Aiming for higher income countries of the opponent.
- Expose valuable cities for the opponent and force him to halt his expansion at early stage.
- Always aim at attacking units of opponents to force him replenish lost attacking units.

When his financial status in danger, either he will try to strike with expensive attacking units with no hope, or turn to defensive by cheap infantry and militia.

Offensive stage
- Expand to other parts of the map to gain up some extra income and manpower.
- Turn into full offensive and keep pressing enemy at all instance, no matter with strong defence or not.

Extra notes
Killing all sea transports
In most time when imperalist starts to face danger, they try to put up free militia in defence.
However, those militia are epic slow in range and normally they will transport them through the sea (Air transport is inefficient at all), so be ready to bomb any sea transport u can find.
Militia with such a low mobility is useless at all.

Clan War / Team Match

As told, GW is always an invasive and offensive strategy.
Its low cost units and instantly-available militia reinforcement make it a v.gd in early striking / encountering enemy.Therefore, GW is regarded as a more forward role and position in the team.

Better to keep close to enemy since start, giving pressure and disturbance to any enemy you encounter to disrupt their original plan. Your main aim is to backup your teammates to let them grow and gain up momentum for attack. Only try massive offensive when the situation favours your team already. Otherwise leave the big stuff for your teammates.

Have to take up some turnblocking jobs as you get proliferated militia, which can be wasted with no hesitation. Your close range to enemy stacks also make you available to turnblock many enemy's action.
However, that is not your main aim, if you face other stronger threats, leave it to your teammates who are in the back.

Be ready that you will be likely facing at least 2 enemies at the front and you have to fight alone sometimes.
Try to micro-manage your troops better to trick them. If you can successfully use your troops to hold 2 enemies' action/plan/troops, your team wins already and you surely will be satisfied with the nice fooling you have done to them.
Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
14.03.2012 - 17:59
Thank you hugo for that guide, I'll read it when I get a chance.
~Somewhere in the distance an eagle shrieked as it rode an American buffalo to an apple-pie-eating contest at a baseball field.~
14.03.2012 - 23:17
Guerilla dawg
Anything is possible for me as long as I set my mind to it.
15.03.2012 - 23:16
I love it in europe games when I take a bunch of important countries everyone leaves behind. Then stacking marines until I see a weak point in a player allowing me to stealth and take his land with ease.
I like stuff.... Yay?

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