21.11.2016 - 10:31
1. Will I receive a message if my stealth unit is found? 2. How do I enable that green circle mentioned in the master of stealth tutorial that shows how close my units have to be? 3. If my stealth unit is found or if I attack (which reveals them) do I have to return them to a city to hide them again, or will joining them with another group of units stealth them again? 4. When a city is walled, does it require one turn to break the wall before attacking next turn? Or is it possible to break a wall and attack at the same time? 5. If I, for example, use unit A to attack unit B while unit B attacks unit A, will unit A take damage as if unit B had both defended and attacked, or if unit B had only defended. 5. Is creating multiple layered walls an efficient method of defending against stealth units? 6. Is using stealth units efficient against walled cities? 7. How do you people make up for the lack of defense in submarines and marines? 8. Is it worth it buying air transports to be able to carry in infantry directly to defend a city that has been captured by marines? 9. If marines exit an air transport (which enemies will see as empty, from what I understand), will the enemies see the marine (assuming that it hasn't entered the stealth detection radius of an enemy) 10. From my understanding, submarines with marines will be stealthed. However, if I attack an enemy destroyer with my submarine (which reveals it) then unload the marines without stealthing the submarine again, will the marines be in stealth mode? Or will they be visible? Thank you for answering these questions in advance!
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21.11.2016 - 10:47
To the best of my knowledge: 1. No 2. ![]() 3. Not sure, I strongly believe you have to go to a city 4. If you do not move the wall, theoritically, it should take one whole turn to break the wall before being able to attack the city. 5.1 Depends if any of those units get turnblocked or not. You should read this thread: http://atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=16145. It recently got "outdated" added to the title, but it should be accurate enough to give you a general idea of the underlying mechanics. 5.2 Yes, and not only against stealth units. If you double wall your city, it will take one turn per wall to break them, and then the city could be attacked on turn 3. 6. You can definitely break walls with stealth units - but you can't cross them; the walls need to be broken first. 7. There is no magic solution. Either you order your moves properly to minimize the chances to be attacked (and leave a trailing unit to avoid units following you even if you moved prior to them), either you merge other units (eg. bombers) to the stealth unit stack once you are discovered. 8. Context might be important here, but in a general manner, I would say yes. If not, your marines and the militias that popped up will be easily destroyed. 9. No, they will be invisible. 10. I believe they become visible the moment the stack they are in attacked the destroyer. You would need to stealth them again. Good luck
21.11.2016 - 17:22
1 confirmed 2 confirmed 3 yes 4 confirmed (glitches happen though) 5a confirmed 5b confirmed 6 confirmed (also depends on your objectives, as stealth tend to cost more) 7 in general, don't keep your stealth in cities... first move priorities: move your larger stacks out of the cities, to places they are least likely to be detected. Build infantry in front line cities if there is a good chance your stealth unit will be 'caught' in the city. 8 generally this is true. Much cheaper to save your stealth by building a couple AT's loaded with inf. 9 confirmed 10 confirmed ♥
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