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01.04.2012 - 09:17
Well, I just woke up from a good ol' Zombie one (Had to sleep next to a trashbag full of corpses' y'know), what's the worst you've had, /aw/?

Decided i'd explain mine since everyone else did. Basically, it started out with me being in a very weird version of lunchroom (It's the same one that's been in different dreams, layout I mean, but it's only half a lunch room, the other half is cut out into a cave/wooded-like thing, similar to how a Stronghold looks when a Trench spawns through it in Minecraft, the lunchroom had a blue palette of colors etc), and I was getting lunch. This time, I bought two cookies because they didn't have what I wanted (I did that on Friday), and the next thing I knew, was that I was walking out of the lunchroom and into the dark/muddy area. I looked to my right and saw what looked like the living room of a house inside a smaller cave. There was a big, greenhouse style window in back, and a couch was up against it. A bunch of Juniors from my school were in there, and the first thing I thought was "They're all going to die". I walked towards the back of the muddy/dark area, and there was a tall, roman-style tower. It reminds me of the lighthouse of Alexandria, but circular. There was a bunch of hooks or vines on the back which I could climb up, and then I heard screams and people running. The only thing I could think of was "it's Zombies'". I climbed up, and noticed a large castle door to my right (opposite side from the living room). I kept climbing, and when I got to the top their was a bunch of trashbags' full of corpses, and a small handbag. I opened it, and three small trinkets' came out, along with a bobby pin and a pen. The trinkets' looked like perfume bottles, and were very Victorian looking. The dream ended when I looked under one of the trashbags', and saw a large red exclamation point (!).
01.04.2012 - 10:24
Odd thread, but okay...

I never have bad dreams. Most of my dreams (and I used to lucid dream a lot BTW), are really erotic and stuff like that. I never really have bad dreams, except ones where the girl dies out of the blue and I'm really grief-stricken. They are pretty rare these days, as are lucid dreams, because it hits you pretty hard if it's a bad one. But no, they are surprisingly erotic though thank God I've never had a wet dream. Fuck, talking about this just makes me feel weird already.

Also, if you really just woke up from the dream and the first thing you thought of was to post about it on the AW forums... yeah...
Youth-Oriented, Bydło-Approved
01.04.2012 - 10:26
yeah, that time when i have a dream in a dream, i..... i kill everyone i know, by no reason..... xD
01.04.2012 - 10:53
Написао YOBA, 01.04.2012 at 10:24

Odd thread, but okay...

I never have bad dreams. Most of my dreams (and I used to lucid dream a lot BTW), are really erotic and stuff like that. I never really have bad dreams, except ones where the girl dies out of the blue and I'm really grief-stricken. They are pretty rare these days, as are lucid dreams, because it hits you pretty hard if it's a bad one. But no, they are surprisingly erotic though thank God I've never had a wet dream. Fuck, talking about this just makes me feel weird already.

Also, if you really just woke up from the dream and the first thing you thought of was to post about it on the AW forums... yeah...

I didn't JUST wake up, but I did about an hour before it. Checking /aw/ is on my Internet to-do list erryday

Написао Tundy, 01.04.2012 at 10:26

yeah, that time when i have a dream in a dream, i..... i kill everyone i know, by no reason..... xD

01.04.2012 - 11:15
In the dream I'm in my army uniform, running through a pine forest, totaly exhausted and breathing hard. Before I hear him I can sense him, it's like a slight tingly feeling in my neck and then I know he is somewhere behind me. I turn around, but can't see him. He is yelling my rank and name in a voice that frightens me to death. 'He' is the 'Spieß' of my (then) company (second in comand, I looked it up but didn't find a proper English word, first sergeant maybe). That guy is one of the few East German soldiers that the German army enlisted into it's ranks after the reunification and he is such a beast, looking like that old army dude from Avatar, with the exact haircut and everything he had a somewhat evil aura surrounding him. He is chasing me thorugh the woods, yelling my name from behind but I can never see him, I just feel that he is coming closer and closer and my hard is beating so hard it's about to explode. Then I reach a crag and start climbing it. With my last power and will I drag myself into a cave, look up and see my (then) girlfriend. Somehow I feel completly relieved, as if she could do anything to stop that beast of a man. I walk close to her, she is smiling, I want to hug her, she hammers a knife into my chest. And then I die.

I'm out of the army since like 3 years or so, but I still get this dream over and over again. I don't really know why and it only bothers me a little, but yea, here you go.
01.04.2012 - 11:16
I think when I was 5 or 6 I had some freakin Wolf dream that I just can't describe. Its almost like one of those horror movies but only you can almost feel your in it. (Also kinda like those dreams where you think you fall off something and then you wake up instantly going "what the fuck?") Also was my last nightmare. I figured it'd be easier to just not dream when sleeping.
I like stuff.... Yay?
01.04.2012 - 11:53
Написао learster, 01.04.2012 at 11:15

In the dream I'm in my army uniform, running through a pine forest, totaly exhausted and breathing hard. Before I hear him I can sense him, it's like a slight tingly feeling in my neck and then I know he is somewhere behind me. I turn around, but can't see him. He is yelling my rank and name in a voice that frightens me to death. 'He' is the 'Spieß' of my (then) company (second in comand, I looked it up but didn't find a proper English word, first sergeant maybe). That guy is one of the few East German soldiers that the German army enlisted into it's ranks after the reunification and he is such a beast, looking like that old army dude from Avatar, with the exact haircut and everything he had a somewhat evil aura surrounding him. He is chasing me thorugh the woods, yelling my name from behind but I can never see him, I just feel that he is coming closer and closer and my hard is beating so hard it's about to explode. Then I reach a crag and start climbing it. With my last power and will I drag myself into a cave, look up and see my (then) girlfriend. Somehow I feel completly relieved, as if she could do anything to stop that beast of a man. I walk close to her, she is smiling, I want to hug her, she hammers a knife into my chest. And then I die.

I'm out of the army FOR like 3 years or so, but I still get this dream over and over again. I don't really know why and it only bothers me a little, but yea, here you go.

Damn man, sounds harsh. Iv'e never had them that detailed before; usually mine are just random and don't make much sense. Did everything feel real?
(Also, I corrected your grammar in the last line; another German friend of mine says "since" where "for" should be all the time, so y'know, grammar nazi am I xD)

Написао Deray YG, 01.04.2012 at 11:16

I think when I was 5 or 6 I had some freakin Wolf dream that I just can't describe. Its almost like one of those horror movies but only you can almost feel your in it. (Also kinda like those dreams where you think you fall off something and then you wake up instantly going "what the fuck?") Also was my last nightmare. I figured it'd be easier to just not dream when sleeping.

Lol, I get that a loy. I like, just fall asleep, and imagine falling over, and try and save myself.
01.04.2012 - 13:44
Написао learster, 01.04.2012 at 11:15
That guy is one of the few East German soldiers that the German army enlisted into it's ranks after the reunification and he is such a beast, looking like that old army dude from Avatar, with the exact haircut and everything he had a somewhat evil aura surrounding him.

East German? Geez, how old are you man?
Youth-Oriented, Bydło-Approved
01.04.2012 - 13:45
Ok so its a late afternoon, im on my porch drinkin sweet tea and i see a chopper go by. all the sudden the phone rings, they say the chopper is out of control or somehting. all the sudden it starts goining in circles and stuff. then a buch of people show up. an hour passes then the chopper gets to low and hits a pecan tree by my house. it blows in to a big fireball. i run as fats as i can to see if itheres any survivors. the ground is scortched around the wreck. i look around and lay my eyes upon to human carcasses, both girls from my school were flying the plane suposively. i go back home shocked. i pass soeone. they ask if theyre ok. i just shake my head and walk off.

a weak later after this dream there was an actuall chopper crash in mobile bay beside my house. 4 Coast Guard mebers died, there were no survivors
Написао NateBaller, 30.08.2012 at 20:04

I make Americans look bad? Are you kidding me?
01.04.2012 - 14:19
Написао Garde, 01.04.2012 at 11:53

Damn man, sounds harsh. Iv'e never had them that detailed before; usually mine are just random and don't make much sense. Did everything feel real?
(Also, I corrected your grammar in the last line; another German friend of mine says "since" where "for" should be all the time, so y'know, grammar nazi am I xD)

It's very vivid, yes. But it's not like I dream this every day or so. Happens now and then. And I will never get that since and for thing right. :'(

Написао YOBA, 01.04.2012 at 13:44

East German? Geez, how old are you man?

Did I express myself unclear there? My superior was a former East German soldier, I myself am only 22, 19 when I was drafted (we still had conscription until recently).
01.04.2012 - 15:04
My worst nightmare is a polar bear mauled me to death.... in my primary school playground.
01.04.2012 - 15:34
My dreams tend to be less scary and more either strange or boring. Most of the time I wake up and I think "That was fucking weird...". What's funny is the one time I have ever had a lucid dream, it was the most boring dream ever. It was just 4 roads in a square surrounded by a forest. I wandered around for a little bit and found nothing interesting...
This doesn't really say anything, it's just a space filler while I try to come up with a better signature.
01.04.2012 - 15:50
Написао Counterpart, 01.04.2012 at 15:34

My dreams tend to be less scary and more either strange or boring. Most of the time I wake up and I think "That was fucking weird...". What's funny is the one time I have ever had a lucid dream, it was the most boring dream ever. It was just 4 roads in a square surrounded by a forest. I wandered around for a little bit and found nothing interesting...

Try not dreaming like me
I like stuff.... Yay?
01.04.2012 - 18:57
I had a dream that gardevoir woke up next to me...but I was YOBA!!!!!!!!!!!!

I had this dream because I read YOBA's autobiography (Fleeing Denbs: Why I moved to England) and read the chapter on his first sexual encounter.
I was banned for your sins

VAGlJESUS ["I love me some KFC"]
01.04.2012 - 19:02
Написао VAGlNEER 2.0, 01.04.2012 at 18:57

I had a dream that gardevoir woke up next to me...but I was YOBA!!!!!!!!!!!!

I had this dream because I read YOBA's autobiography (Fleeing Denbs: Why I moved to England) and read the chapter on his first sexual encounter.

That was cute. Now go play with the Byzantines' you rascal.
01.04.2012 - 19:18
Oh,a nightmare... lol.. i confuse nighmare with a dream i had....
the worst nightmare was when i was walking on a abandoned city... no sight of life... no trees, no nothing.. just dry blood on the floor and the remaining lights on the street where cover by mud... then i close my eyes 1 second, and i was in a abandoned hospital.. i keep walking to a dark room, i dont know why, then the light of the room turns on, and off every second, and can just see a Nurse with the face cover with blood, she keep whispering my name.. and i try to move but i was paralized... (you know i hate that kind of nighmares) and then i just appear on the street again... and i stat to run to the next street when i saw a huge ligh coming from the opposite side of the rood, and then i get stuck on the middle... and then the light, was a Bus Light... i try to move , but i was paralized again, and when the bus was 2 feets away. i wake up and i fall from the bed... and then i hear a sound on my kitchen...
the lesson was... dont watch Silent Hill before sleep...
after that i dont have dreams or nightmares unless i fall asleep thinking on something....
yeah, it just fine, a random stranger nightmare...
that nightmare was, when i was 11 years old..
01.04.2012 - 19:59
I once had a dream, where I was in some sort of subway, and I was hiding behind a sand-bag wall. There was debris everywhere, and slowly a subway train was coming to station, except it was on fire, and everyone was burning alive inside.

In my dreams', recurring "scary" themes are loneliness, being chased, or being stared at by wild animals/creatures'.

I was had a dream, where my Mum was reading to me, then she got up to get a drink, and in this small window behind the chair she was in, was the face of the yeti from that movie Abominable. Stuff like that scares me.

One from my childhood, i'd say around when I was four, and when I was kind of poor (parents' had shitty jobs', lived in a trailer park, fuck you Sandler); i'm not poor anymore, actually quite rich. Upper middle class probably. Anyways, I was a little kid and there was a huge dog outside my house (Huge = bigger than the house). It kind of looks like a Dingo or Hyena. In the back of the street I lived on was a fenced-in area, and there was a Graboid chained up under the dirt in it. In my "dream neighborhood", there was a street that looped all the way around farther into the park, up to a sort of factory looking place. For some reason in my dreams', I always wanted my dad too take me there. This will sound kind of funny, but a few weeks ago I had one of these dreams again, except it was in the middle, and there was a hotel called "Kings'", and I was staying there for some reason. I don't know why, but just any dream in this location gives' me the creeps. If they ever invent some machine that can take images from your head and print them out or something, I'd have a better story to tell.

One that I recently had, started in a house with "friends", then someone got dragged into the shadows', then this thing that looked like the chick from Grudge came out and snatched everyone. I think I was seeing this through someones' eyes', because the only one who survived was this girl that looked anorexic nand had cancer. The next part is 13 years' later, with her looking normal, and going into a car with her mom, complaining about the shadows'.They drove to an airport, and met Slash there. For some reason Slash was a part of Rush in my dream. Anyways', she and Slash boarded the plane and it took off. Then she looked in the back of the airplane and saw shadows' and told Slash "If I start screaming, please just hold me down". Then, that grudge thing came back, and slowly came down from the ceiling, upside down, in front of her face, and started screaming, but it wasn't real. She started watching the TV in the cabin, and it was playing FFX. The next thing that happened was her in a bus driving in a forest, with two bear statures fallen on each other. It looked like Northern Canada. Then I woke up.
01.04.2012 - 22:22
I had a dream that I was dreaming about the dream I was dreaming.

02.04.2012 - 14:01
My worst nightmare was couple of days ago...
You fuck with the best you die like the rest !!!
02.04.2012 - 14:04
Написао Himmler, 02.04.2012 at 14:01

My worst nightmare was couple of days ago...

Oh noez D:
02.04.2012 - 18:29
Being trapped in the Windows 95-96 screensaver Maze

02.04.2012 - 22:15
Написао GlennMiller, 02.04.2012 at 18:29

Being trapped in the Windows 95-96 screensaver Maze

Oh dear god thats terrible.
I like stuff.... Yay?

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