29.09.2019 - 23:55
The Supporters' Team is going to start maintaining an update log here in this thread on top of multiple other publications about the team in general. Do note this will be very similar to the one Dave maintains in Developers' Corner. This is purely so the community can stay informed. If you have any questions, bring it up to a supporter or make a post about it. Thanks! November 21st, 2019 -- Statistical, Development, & Organization ● We are re-organizing the team-members. ● October-November statistical update has been released; a yearly one has been planned for public release. ● New (top secret!) events have been planned and are ready to be released; We are just waiting on a few more approvals. ● We are planning our next meeting, which will discuss our next step to take in game development, content, and community. ● Help Squad (off-branch supporters) has been officially added. October 30th, 2019 -- Supporter Organization ● Supporters' forum has been overhauled and meets new standards. ● Discord update (minor) September 30th, 2019 -- Team Update ● Added Code of Conduct for Supporters' (more info to come on this). ● Overhauling the Supporters forum completely to meet new standards. ● Accepted new community members to help the game out in general. ● Discussed the rotation of featured maps (more info to come on this). ● Preparing for Discord Update as well as multiple other updates during the month of October.
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