Cataphractoi Профил је обрисан |
18.05.2014 - 20:05 Cataphractoi Профил је обрисан
This is just a blueprint for a scenario I intend to make somewhere down the road, but if someone else makes it, I wouldn't exactly be frothing at the mouth. Goguryeo: Gojoseon(capital), Jin, Okjeo, Yemaek, Yilou, Buyeo, and Donghu Tribes. Xiongnu: Xiongnu Nomads(both of them)(capital), Wuzhong Nomads, Wuhuan Nomads, Di Nomads, Rong Nomads, Xianyun Nomads, Yuezhi Nomads, and Wusun Nomads. Qin: Qin(capital), Shu, Han, Changzou, Wei, Zhou, Qi, Cao, Zheng, Song, and Chu. Yue: Yue(capital), Wu, Lu, Man Tribes, Bi, Ba, Yelang, Van lang, Di Tribes, and Thai Tribes. Paurava: Kingdom of Porus(capital), Parapanisus, Arachoisa, Sattagudia, Sind, Nabhakas tribes, Ujajni tribes, Surashtra, and Maukharis Tribes. Dravidia: Dravidian Kingdoms(capital) and all the provinces directly adjacent to it, Moriyas Tribes, Kalinga Empire, and Panduvamsis tribes. Sakas: Thyssagetae(capital), Apasiacae, Dahae, Khorsamii, Massagetae, Aspisi, W. Sakas, S. Sakas, N. Sakas, E. Sakas, and Tocharian States. Parthia: Persis(capital), Parthia, Carmania, Aria, Bactria, Sogdiana, Drangiana, Gedrosia, Hyrcania, Media, Assyria, and Susiana. Arabs: Arabia(capital) and the provinces directly adjacent to it except for Babylonia. Egypt: Lower Egypt(capital), Middle Egypt, Upper Egypt, Locus Blemmyae, Nubia, Oasis Magna, Marmurica, and Nabateans. Scythia: Maeotis(capital), Bosphrous, Scythia, Tribus West Sarmatae, Tribus East Sarmatae, Tribus Alanni, Tribus Slavs, Venedae, and Tribus Vandalli. Hellas Union: Macedonia(capital), Thrace, Epirus, Tthesslay, Attica, Sparta, Crete, Rhodos, Bithynia, Mysia, and Lydia. Dacia: Getae(capital), Tribali, Paeonia, Dardania, Illyria, Pannonia, Tribus Jazyges, and Dalmatian Illyria. SPQR(Romans): Latium(capital), Campania, Apulia, Brutium, Sicilia, Umbria, Etruria, Venetia, Liguria, Sardinia, and Corsica. Carthage: Carthage Emp.(capital), Carthage Emp, Carthage Cirta, Carthage (emp), Carthage Al-Kaf, Carthage Zama City, Carthage (theveste), Cydamae, Phasania, Numidia, Mauretania East, Mauretania West, and Deitania. Iberia: Hispania(capital) and all directly adjacent provinces. Gaul: Central Gaul(capital) and all provinces directly adjacent to it, Cisalpine Gaul, Transalpini Gaul, and Narbonesis. Germania: Germania Superior(capital), Germania Inferior, Tribus Alemanni, Tribus Franki, Tribus Chattii, Tribus Saxones, Norcium, Tribus Marcomanni, Tribus Lombardi, Tribus Burgundii, and Locus Gothi. Norse: Viking Tribes(capital), Norse Tribes, Geat Tribes, North Norse Tribes, Swedes Tribes, Arctic Saami Tribes, Saami Tribes, Arctic Finnish Tribes, West Finnish Tribes, and East Finnish Tribes. I would say this is a pretty balanced map.
05.07.2016 - 08:08
Lol after 2 years i see this xb
---- A little rusty but I think I can still put up a bit of a fight ![]()
26.08.2016 - 01:47
Give me collaboration let me make the americas.
---- ![]() We are not the same- I am a Martian.
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