25.04.2016 - 18:24 Rise of China 1: Korea ![]() Victory Conditions: Capture Enemy Capital and Hold for 3 Turns Starting Funds: 10000 Game Duration: 50 Turns Rise of China 1: Korea, takes place after another Korean War begins, pitting North Korea and China against South Korea, Japan, and naval forces of the United States.North Korea will be at a disadvantage at first, but the game evens out once Chinese reinforcements arrive, it's vital for the Anti - Chinese to take ground early. Players North Korea - North Korea must hold long enough for reinforcements to arrive from China, however, North Korea cannot be killed until China is killed,as his cap is protected by Chinese cities with unkillable units ![]() China - China is the most powerful player in the game, as well as the richest, however it must fund North Korea or the little nation won't be able to fight for long. China needs to try to deploy as many troops to Korea as possible before North Korea is overwhelmed. Chinese Navy - The Chinese Navy is tasked with sinking the Anti - Chinese transports while also harassing the Korean and Japanese coasts, and guarding Chinese troop transports South Korea - South Korea starts off with the advantage of being protected from ground attacks from the North because of the DMZ, but still needs to be careful of amphibious Chinese invasions from the East. South Korea needs to hold against Chinese and North Korean attacks and keep Chinese forces from getting to Japan. ![]() Japan - Japan needs to send troops to Korea to support South Korean troops advance North, and to counter Chinese reinforcements that will arrive later. Japan also needs to be wary of a Chinese stealth assault on the home islands, and it would also be helpful to send naval reinforcements to help the American Navy. United States of America - The United States is responsible for putting pressure on the Chinese mainland while also holding the DMZ against Chinese and North Korean attacks. The United States is the wealthiest Anti - Chinese faction and should fund its teammates
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26.04.2016 - 02:44
Seems interesting, but I can't find it in the map searcher
---- Someone Better Than You
26.04.2016 - 11:22
You can thank the silverlight editor for that.......
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03.05.2016 - 12:51
Your demands are way too great. Wanting to be able to use the mechanics you paid 40 euro for without any errors and other issues, such greed and arrogance, do you only ever think about yourself?
---- Someone Better Than You
18.05.2016 - 12:10
ok i will pay but first i want to test.
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