What a lot of nonsense from a troll
Just one day after the release of the first public version, I'm forced to release the new version 3.11. It fixes two major issues:
- Critical numbers not being calculated accurately (spotted by Noob Detector)
- Status changes not taking effects.
As well as some other small bugs. I've also introduced some easy-to-implement features, thanks to your suggestions:
- Ability to remove selected units instead of having to clear the whole stack! Just select the unit that you want to delete and click on Remove.
- New configuration button in the simulator: clicking on it allows you to mark/unmark the average options as well as decide if you'd like to keep the previous calculation (means, "append" the new one at the bottom of it).
Huge apologizes to everybody  . Due to the critical issue the majority of the calculations made with the version 3.1 are mistaken. You all also gonna have to download the file again. I spend the night testing the calculator for hours in order to assure that everything is working correctly with this version.
Additionally there is now a (.application) file in the folder, which works as a normal installer. It could help the players who can't download the .exe file due to the anti-virus, please go take a look.
Due to the severity of the issue I didn't communicate with Darkmace either, so apologizes if the new layout changes looks horrendous.
Tried the .application file.
Placed an autoextract .exe file (of winrar) with the archives to the installation of the calculator. Please test again
Placed an autoextract .exe file (of winrar) with the archives to the installation of the calculator. Please test again
I get same anti virus warning with the new file and it wont let me in.
Guess there's no way to deal with the certified problem...
No side scrollbar
Stryko Профил је обрисан |
Ye make it into a website too. Making free websites is easy using a 3rd party in return for having your website be something like [your website name here].weebly.com or having a few ads on it.
Didn't know clovis could program and code
Написао Htin, 17.09.2016 at 06:00
Didn't know clovis could program and code
If I'm not mistaken Clovis is studying Physics. I'm not very familiar with the field but I did go into natural sciences so I can tell you that basic coding and programming is almost essential.
Gg clovis somehow got ahold of my credit card number and my social security number
i lost my wife and my house because of him, thanks clovis for putting a keylogger on my pc -_________________________-
Gg clovis somehow got ahold of my credit card number and my social security number
i lost my wife and my house because of him, thanks clovis for putting a keylogger on my pc -_________________________-
Написао Meester, 17.09.2016 at 06:15
Well, i dont know if its coincidence or not... On main undergraduate studies of Physics in my country you don't have programming, there is some ICT, but thats just primar learning to use computers, and some programs that are used for Physics, but there are different types of studies of Physics, one with programming too.
Clovis, now make a ww1 version of the calculator
Ummm I was working in a website version of the calculator, but eventually lost the motivation to do it. I might make another try later or if someone's interested I can pass the code of the desktop version of the calculator.
With asp.net it should'be somewhat easy to pass this to website. Had never properly investigated about it though.
Very good calculator clovis and darkmace i use it most times in major battles
Написао Nations, 13.02.2017 at 10:56
Very good calculator clovis and darkmace i use it most times in major battles
I only assisted with the visual portion of the calculator while the statistics and harder coding was done my Clovis. Clovis generously left that part out and gave me more credit than I deserve. I just wanted to make that clear since I don't like to take more credit than I deserve, especially from other peoples hard work.
Написао Nations, 13.02.2017 at 10:56
Very good calculator clovis and darkmace i use it most times in major battles
I only assisted with the visual portion of the calculator while the statistics and harder coding was done my Clovis. Clovis generously left that part out and gave me more credit than I deserver. I just wanted to make that clear since I don't like to take more credit than I deserve, especially from other peoples hard work.
doesnt matter mate its a very usefull tool congrats!
Alright guys,
I've started to develop and got the version v1.0 of the atWar Online Calculator available in this site:
The V1.0 is pretty simple:
- emulates a 1 type of unit vs 1 type of unit fight. Attacker vs Defender.
- Standard roll calculation includes the critical hits, the battle stacking bonus and the defender clause.
- Ability to repeat the battle fixed at 1,000 [bigger variation margin].
Do note that the desktop version of the calculator is still a lot more complete and stronger. Free server hosting generally means... bad quality just that.
More features will be coming as the progress goes, but for now... enjoy!
KingJim Профил је обрисан |
All the things this guy did and he didnt get anything from atwar..smh make this guy mod instead of eagles
Clovis i think there's a bug somewhere

As this shows, imperialist transports will kill 1 militia with only 1 transport alive (this will show for any number of transports)
Instead, this happened
Написао LukeTan, 09.07.2017 at 08:24
Clovis i think there's a bug somewhere

As this shows, imperialist transports will kill 1 militia with only 1 transport alive (this will show for any number of transports)
Instead, this happened

calculator is completely broken in some parts. don't rely on it.
Написао LukeTan, 09.07.2017 at 08:24
Clovis i think there's a bug somewhere

As this shows, imperialist transports will kill 1 militia with only 1 transport alive (this will show for any number of transports)
Instead, this happened

calculator is completely broken in some parts. don't rely on it.
If that's true, I would like to know the bugs so I can fix them.
Написао LukeTan, 09.07.2017 at 08:24
Clovis i think there's a bug somewhere
Odd indeed.
The whole AW mechanics are odds when it comes to the tie clause. How much HP does the unit have left after it is a question to wonder. In my case, I just don't subtract the HP so the unit always end up with some.
Will take a look when I get free time...
Написао LukeTan, 09.07.2017 at 08:24
Clovis i think there's a bug somewhere
Odd indeed.
The whole AW mechanics are odds when it comes to the tie clause. How much HP does the unit have left after it is a question to wonder. In my case, I just don't subtract the HP so the unit always end up with some.
Will take a look when I get free time...
rolls concerning big stacks, if and lb are miscalculated sometimes.