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25.04.2014 - 17:13
This Scenario takes place at the end of Season 3 of the show, as you can see Robb is still alive but Daenarys has already sacked Yunkai. So therefore a more accurate description of this scenarios time frame would be book three, a sea of swords, although I know most have not read the books. There are a few characters I have created from the world of spoilers but they do not give away any crucial pieces of the show, for you non readers.

Economies have all been improved, although some will be richer than others for obvious reasons.

Some units will not be able to be "re-built" so use them wisely, they are; White Walkers, Giants, Mammoths, the Last Greenseer, Bran Stark, Jon Snow, King Robb, all Direwolves, Tywin Lannister, Joffrey, Braavosi flagships, Jamie Lannister, Kingsguard, Queensguard, Dothraki Screamers (but not Dothraki Raiders), Qarthian Tradeships and Battleships, Unsullied, All three Dragons, and Queen Daenarys Targaryian.

Also, the first turn is 10 minutes so each player has enough time to prepare defenses, arrange armies, create alliances, and spy on the others. The time will stay this way until it is voted away.

And if you are using ships and a naval commander strategy then you should know that no ships can take cities by themselves, they need a land unit with them, so plan your strategy around this (sorry if you don't agree but I don't think that ships should be allowed to take a city by itself, it needs a small army atleast, ships are more a support unit to me).

Characters are as follows:
King Beyond the wall ((King Mance Rayder))
The Nightswatch ((Lord Commander Mormont))
Lords Bannermen of the North
King of the North ((King Robb Stark))
The Twins ((Lord Walder Frey))
Casterly Rock ((Lord Tywin Lannister))
Highgarden ((Lord Mace Tyrell))
Dorne ((Prince Doran Martell))
The Iron Throne ((King Joffrey Baratheon))
The Iron Islands ((King Balon Greyjoy))
Dragonstone (King Stannis Baratheon))
Braavos ((the Iron Bank))
Pentos ((the Prince of Magisters))
Myr ((the High Magisters))
Volantis ((The Triarchs))
Dothraki Horde ((Khal Jhaqo))
Fire ((Queen Daenarys Stormborn Targaryian))
Ice ((Those whose name shall not be spoken)) or ((Cold Ones))

There are only 5 rules, and they are rules based on role playing, gaming experience, balance, and downright enjoyment for all.
1. The Lords bannermen of the North must ally King Robb. This alliance may be broken if King Robb is killed in combat (or other ways : / ), but if the King of the North still breathes than his bannermen must fight for him with the full strength of the north.
2. Lord Tywin Lannister of Casterly Rock, as well as Mace Tyrell of Highgarden, MUST ally King Joffrey of the Iron Throne on the very first turn. The Hand must remain loyal to the Iron Throne throught the entirety of the game and must never stop trying to keep Joffrey on the throne for the sake of house Lannister, but if joffrey is killed than Tywin may chose who to serve or whether to serve himself. However, Highgarden can end its alliance on the 3rd turn if it sees fit, Highgarden is in it for Highgarden.
3. Essos can not attack Westeros till atleast turn 9 or vice versa. However, Daenarys may attack Essos or Westeros on any turn.
4. If you use a blitz strategy and you are playing as the Nightswatch, please don't use your +3 movement on the walls (the only alternative to this would be to disable strats and I don't think anyone would want that)
5. This rule should go without saying but I know there are a lot of ally fags in this game so ill state it anyways. White Walkers may NOT ally anyone.

I will give every player a description of his starting host numbers, so if you are unhappy with them or others you may either voice your concerns with me (the maker) or you can leave before the game starts so as not to disrupt game play.

Mance Rayder: 150 wildlings, 30 giants, and 30 mammoths = 210 units
Commander Mormont:100 nightswatch, 25 nightswatch rangers, Jon Snow, Ghost (direwolf),13 sections of the great ice wall (forms a line along the borders beyond the wall) = 127 units plus 13 wall units
Lords Bannermen of the North: 50 westerosi knights, 50 guardsmen, 25 Mounted Knights, 25 cavalry = 150 units
King of the North: 50 westerosi knights, 50 mounted knights, 50 guardsmen, 50 cavalry, King Robb, Summer (direwolf), 40 guardsmen (in Winterfell) = 242 units
Casterly Rock: 70 westerosi knights, 50 mounted knights, Lord Tywin Lannister = 121 units
Highgarden: 50 westerosi knights, 50 mounted knights, 25 cavalry = 125 units
Dorne: 50 westerosi knight, 50 dornishmen, 50 wargalley = 150 units
The Iron Throne: 50 wargalley, 25 westerosi knights, 25 mounted knights, 50 guardsmen, 25 city watch, Lord Commander Jaimie Lannister, 11 Kingsguard, King Joffrey Baratheon = 188 units
The Iron Islands: 50 ironborn reavers, 90 ironborn raiders, 35 iron long ships = 175 units
Dragonstone; 70 wargalleys, 25 mounted knights, 25 westerosi knights, King Stannis = 123 units
Braavos; 100 braavosi flagships, 30 sellswords, 20 golden company sellswords = 150 units
Pentos: 100 wargalleys, 30 sellswords, 20 golden company sellswords = 150 units
Myr: 80 wargalleys, 30 sellswords, 20 golden company sellswords = 130 units
Volantis: 80 wargalleys, 30 sellswords, 30 golden company sellswords = 140 units
Dothraki horde west: 40 dothraki raiders, 90 dothraki screamers = 130 units
Dothraki horde east: 20 dothraki raiders, 110 dothraki screamers = 130 units
The Brotherhood without Banners: 50 members of the brotherhood (all stealth) = 50 units
Ice: 420 wytes, 80 White Walkers = 500 units
Fire: 6 trebuchets, 20 cavalry, 100 unsullied, 6 queensguard, 2 westerosi knights, Queen Daenarys Stormborn, Rhaegal, Viserion, Drogon = 132 units

Don't squander your hosts' but remember that a host can always be rebuilt so its not the end of the game for you if you lose your host.

All opinions are appreciated minus destructive criticism. If you just don't like the map so much so that you can not give any improvements, that is completely fine (because this map is still beta), but all I ask is that you just leave the game but not in the first 4 turns so i can work out all the kinks for each players faction.

Enjoy the game of thrones...
Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power. Through power I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. Only the dark side can free me.

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