How do you beat US Atlantic as Pacific? They get more cities to expand to so I always lose. Looking for some ways to improve my strategy. Thanks.
Planet Howdy Prison = 152/89.
I always use sky menace,take every single city of Mountain,(if I'm not wrong here) I wall them and then attack his cities and keep walling.
Always works,he has to be a very good and smart player to avoid that.
It's hard because Atlantic is closer to most of the cities, but Blitz Pacific could work. You need to have at least USA Midwest and USA South (and everything between pacific and theses two countries) to have a good fight.
Написао NewTea, 06.01.2017 at 18:41
How do you beat US Atlantic as Pacific? They get more cities to expand to so I always lose. Looking for some ways to improve my strategy. Thanks.
If Atlantic maximizes their movements and expansion, Pacific is at a decided disadvantage. If you are SM, MoS or Blitz, and he doesn't wall in his main stacks, you may be able to hit his offensive stacks on turn 2 and cripple his expansion enough to make a game of it though.
