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16.10.2020 - 10:03
New Game Starting Now

Pax Romanus XVI Release.1


1. Game Changes:

Okay, lots of changes for this week's game release:
• I have tried to consistently name 'upper' and 'lower' European regions using the Latin 'Superior' and 'Inferior'. For example, the two Berber tribes have been renamed 'Berber Tribes Superior' and 'Berber Tribes Inferior'.
• I have also attempted to rename Oriental regions using the Chinese 'Yōuyuè' (upper) and 'Xià' (lower).
• I have added a number of new region-specific infantry units including Greek Hoplite, Japanese Samurai and Chinese Shang amongst others.
• For those of you who have an interest in the Middle East regions, I have added the Mesopotamian Chariot unit. The research that I did revealed the interesting fact that the Mesopotamians were instrumental in the development of the chariot.
• The Roman Legionnaire unit has been upgraded consistent with other infantry units.
• The Heavy Infantry unit has been downgraded and renamed General Infantry.
• Look for more region specific units to be introduced in upcoming releases including horse archers, war elephants, steppe horsemen etc.

2. Bugs:

If you run into an error or inconsistency in the game, please send me a message specifying the error.

3. Turn One (1) Protocol:

Please do not move units outside of your home country on turn one (1). Player's who move units outside of their home country on turn one (1) will be required to either forfeit a turn or the game. Repeat violations will result in the player not being invited to future games.

4. Other Stuff:

• Players are automatically removed from the player invitation list after 21 days of atWar inactivity.
• Players with a rank of zero (0) to four (4) will no longer receive game invitations. They will, however, still be able to join games.
• If you wish to be removed from the player list, send me a request. You will be permanently removed.
• Players who are removed from the player list will not receive an invitation to future games. This is the only way to track those players who want to be invited to games versus those who don't.

Good luck to all...

Commodus, Game Admin

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