Step-by-step guide to the art of posting youtube videos.
>Step 1. Find the youtube video you wish to add in a message, and start a post where you would like to add it.
>Step 2. Type the following (DO NOT type the "-"s) [ - y - o - u - t - u - b - e - ]
>Step 3. Go back to your video, and copy paste the videos code, for example; in this video, the code is LYhqB6zeAXg, the code is usually after the = sign just to let you know.
>Step 4. Now, insert this code after the youtube bb code we added earlier, DO NOT put a space in front of it.
>Step 5. Now, after the code, WITHOUT USING ANY SPACES, type the following (again, DO NOT use the "-") [ - / - y - o - u - t - u - b - e - ]
>Step 6. Now, finish the post with any other writing you may have, and publish it. The whole code should look this (for the final time, NO "-")
[ - y - o - u - t - u - b - e - ]LYhqB6zeAXg[ - / - y - o - u - t - u - b - e - ]
>Step 7. Your video is complete! have fun!