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01.09.2021 - 06:03
So, Black swans won duel season, Congratz!
Vendetta won second place, Congratz!

But lets see how they win it:
Black swans was most active in last week of duel season and in "photo finish" ge got boosted by "bosnjak" and "dopey" by 37 elo in total, which was enough to win season.

Vendetta's elo is most by farming non scenario players in scenario duels.

All of this is kind a legal, but that doesent show real strenght of players.

Season last for too long like you see.. Me and Tungston have played more than 100 duels in last season but still, players who came and farmed only in last month have won trophies.

We had an dissussion few weeks ago, i wonder what will be changed in new season or we will only disscus about problems on the end of seasons and do nothing to change it.

We need something like TOP 8 knockout phase to decide who is best cause for example, i was banned by Black Swans so i couldnt play against him and take out his elo like i did with tungston for example.
01.09.2021 - 06:46
Since this thread is basically "BlAcK sWaNs BaD" I feel compelled to respond.

I was in top 12 from first week to the last day of the season, and I've won the previous one as well. so it's not I come out of nowhere and beat Bosnjak and dopey and voila won a season. That's gross manipulation especially to someone who does not know the facts. I think, but I am not sure, that I've been above you in the rankings the whole time and that you "came out of nowhere" as well.

Truth is that you played more duels than me, but that doesn't grant you moral superiority. Talibands played 3.5 times less clan wars than the Bosniak Legion, and they didn't play any cws last days of the season and for better or worse that's strategy. I threw TBL's elo and we lost 2nd place and almost finished 4th.

Again, you twist facts, put a little bit of truth and give no context. While yes I have you banned, that's nothing new, that's been in place for 2-3 years now and you have me banned AND ignored as well, while I don't have you ignored. The reason why I have you banned can be understood in 2 seconds by anyone. Your nickname "tchetnik" is malicious at least. Chetniks was military group in the ww2 in yugoslavia who committed horrible crimes against Bosniaks and other non serbs, while on top being collaborators. In the 90s "Chetniks" was umbrella term for all serb separatist forces who committed gross crimes in Bosnia and Croatia.

Your reason for banning me is :"Radioaktivni mudžahedin" - meaning Radioactive Mujahedin

https://youtu.be/HFV86PvDUW4 - proof.

ps. I could point 2 infractions you committed, but I don't see a point in that.
"****swans is just torturing me like when uou caugh an insect *when you caught an insect and starts to pull
out from him their body parts****" - IHY
01.09.2021 - 06:51
Написао Black Swans, 01.09.2021 at 06:46

Since this thread is basically "BlAcK sWaNs BaD" I feel compelled to respond.

I was in top 12 from first week to the last day of the season, and I've won the previous one as well. so it's not I come out of nowhere and beat Bosnjak and dopey and voila won a season. That's gross manipulation especially to someone who does not know the facts. I think, but I am not sure, that I've been above you in the rankings the whole time and that you "came out of nowhere" as well.

Truth is that you played more duels than me, but that doesn't grant you moral superiority. Talibands played 3.5 times less clan wars than the Bosniak Legion, and they didn't play any cws last days of the season and for better or worse that's strategy. I threw TBL's elo and we lost 2nd place and almost finished 4th.

Again, you twist facts, put a little bit of truth and give no context. While yes I have you banned, that's nothing new, that's been in place for 2-3 years now and you have me banned AND ignored as well, while I don't have you ignored. The reason why I have you banned can be understood in 2 seconds by anyone. Your nickname "tchetnik" is malicious at least. Chetniks was military group in the ww2 in yugoslavia who committed horrible crimes against Bosniaks and other non serbs, while on top being collaborators. In the 90s "Chetniks" was umbrella term for all serb separatist forces who committed gross crimes in Bosnia and Croatia.

Your reason for banning me is :"Radioaktivni mudžahedin" - meaning Radioactive Mujahedin

https://youtu.be/HFV86PvDUW4 - proof.

ps. I could point 2 infractions you committed, but I don't see a point in that.

Its not really about you only, we have big disscusion before you was in top 5 about whole this thing about duel season..
This season thing is not working at all for duels..
And yes, i have you banned cause you behave like "Radioactive Mujahedin", BUT DONT BRING POLITIC INTO THIS you little innocent bosniak angel.
This is about DUEL SEASON and not about politic.
01.09.2021 - 06:52
I don't see what's the point of this thread other than defamation. There's nothing to suggest his duels were illegal, and all were played in public lobbies. We already have 3 other threads talking about new replacements for duel season. We get it. We know. Dueling sucks at the moment, so if you have any suggestions go make it there.

And on top of that, this gets derailed into a Balkan argument on the first post.

I'm gonna use this to congratulate everyone who participated in the duel season. Big ups for Swans for winning another one in a row, and good to see some new faces there.



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