18.01.2014 - 10:41
Battle of Britain ![]() Similar to the trenches in Ultimate WWI (http://atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=9825), the Home Guard and Atlantic Wall serve as the main defence line protecting the West German and British territory. It is vital that Britain survives as it holds the key capitals of both the British Colonies and the US 8th Army Command Post. It also holds the main income of the Free French Army. Each of these allied cities also has a set of 5 Bunkers each as a last defence. In this reenactment of the Battle of Britain, the Home Guard has a Naval line and a Ground Defence line housing sets of Bunkers, Anti Aircraft and Coastal Batteries while the Atlantic Wall only has Bunkers. Each of these front line cities is a dock that can be attacked by transports and naval units but it cannot create naval units or air units. Railway Lines ![]() Like Ultimate WWI, at various stations across the map, Established Rail can be used to transport troops at fast speed. These units can be built at stations which have single unit production and are controlled in a central hub. List of Establish Rail Lines (So far) Trans-Siberian Railway Moscow (Capital), Omsk, Nizny Novgrod, Perm, Yekaterinburg, Tyumen, Novosibirisk Trans-Caspian Railway Krasnovodsk (Capital), Tehran, Bukhara, Tashkent, Achgabat Leningrad-Vologda Rail Leningrad (Capital), Vologda, Smolensk Trans-Iranian Railway Tehran (Capital), Mashhad , Tebriz Baghdad Railway Baghdad (Capital), Basra, Mosul, Aleppo Prussian Railway Berlin (Capital), Breslau North Africa Rail Algiers (Capital), Tunis, Oran, Rabat
18.01.2014 - 10:41
Battle of the Atlantic ![]() British Naval Convoy- This city is able to build Naval units to protect British Trade. It can build a special unit called a Hunter-Killer which can hold up to 10 Depth Charges and has +2/+2 against U-Boats which will be attempting to sink British Supply Ships or decimate British Trade Cities. British Trade Cities- These Trade Cities are the main income of the British Isles. They each have 100 income which will grow overtime. It is important that Germany targets these cities as U-Boats deal High collateral damage. 1 U-Boat can permanently kill a British Trade City. If all 10 British Trade cities are hit, Britain will permanently lose 1K income a turn. U-Boat Wolf Packs- These are protected Naval cities that can only produce U-Boats which are high collateral stealth submarines that must destroy British shipping and trade. U-Boat Pens- These are the capital cities for the Wolf Packs. Without these, the Wolf Packs can no longer function. British Shipping Lanes- At every Reinforcement turn, 3 sets of Debt inducing Cargo with upkeep of 150 will be placed here and must be transported along the Lanes toward Liverpool. Liverpool Docks- A neutral city where Britain must send its Cargo. This city cannot be taken, do not attempt to try. ![]() The Objective In this theatre of war between the British, American and German Navy. Britain must transport Cargo units (Worth 150 in Upkeep cost each) in Supply Ships along the Shipping Lanes and dock them in Neutral Liverpool where a Special Neutral unit will kill both units. This will end the upkeep cost of the Cargo unit. A Cargo unit and a Supply Ship will arrive in each Shipping Lane capital at Weeks 1, 5, 9 and 13. That is 12 in total which will cost Britain 1800 in income if left stranded on Shipping Lanes. Britain can defend these Ships from attack through various methods. Hunter-Killers and Depth Charges have high stealth detection and are the best Naval units suited for hunting down U-Boats and defending British interests. The objective of Germany is to use its Wolf Packs to attack these supply ships as they move across the Shipping Lanes aswell as the Trade cities dotted around the Atlantic. The units are designed in such a way that the Supply Ship will defend first and the Cargo will defend second. Cargo has high HP but low defense so it would be wise for Germany to send as few Submarines as possible (2-3) to kill the supply ship but losing to the Cargo unit which will leave the Cargo stranded on the Shipping Lane. This will continue the upkeep cost as killing the unit is Britains main objective. Further Supply Ships can be bought at the Shipping Lane Capitals. ![]() The Soviets also have a small Supply Line. Iranian and Italian can attempt to hurt this supply line with planes. It will cut off some minor Soviet income.
18.01.2014 - 10:41
The Role of the USA ![]() The USA is a key player in the Battle of Atlantic (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_the_Atlantic), the Battle of Britain (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Britain) and Operation Torch (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Torch). If Britain and the USA work well enough, they might even take part in Operation Overlord (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Overlord), unless Operation Sea Lion (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Sea_Lion) bests them. Like Britain, it has a Naval Convoy which can build Hunter-Killers and Depth Charges to hunt U-Boats. The US can also build G.I.s and Sherman Tanks which are -10 cost Main Defense and Main Attack units. it's job is to take the three neutral supply cities in Great Britain. These cities are guarded by a special unit called ''Infrastructure.'' It can be killed with a unit called ''American investment.'' The US is given three 0 cost American Investments, one placed in each of the two Shipping cities at the start and another in a transport between them. If these Investments fail to make it to Great Britain, further Investments must be bought at the US Shipping Lanes and sent over again. US Investment and other units should be sent to Britain and protected using the Naval Convoy while also hunting U-Boats. To conquer a neutral Supply city, the Investment Unit must be sent in a Transport, alone. It will conquer the city. The Supply cities can build a key unit; the B-17 bomber which has +7 damage against Bunkers and has 40% immunity from Anti Air special defense. Note; Many players have noted that with heavy offense, these Supply cities can be taken without the American Investment. Players must remember that such an offensive will do considerable collateral damage which will more than halve or even annihilate the income and production of these cities. Investment does no collateral damage. Such costly offense would be best used against the enemy. ![]() Operation Torch ![]() The picture speaks for itself. North West of Spain are three cities owned by Free France, Britain and America. These cities each build their countries unique units and should be used to assault Morocco and Algeria. Success will open up a front in North Africa putting pressure on Italy, Vichy and Germany while easing the pressure on Greece and Egypt. Failure will lead to a strong Vichy and an Italy without any second front worries. Rommel will be pleased. ![]()
18.01.2014 - 10:41
Egypt ![]() Egypt is a key area. The Depression forces the Axis to to take El Alamein on its road to Alexandria and the Suez. Egypt holds the capital of Yugo-Greece and an important British Indian Trade City which houses a large portion of Indian income. Oil ![]() There are key Oil income cities which are the main income of a few players. Romanian Oil, Russian Oil and Persian Oil. All must be protected or destroyed. Jet Power ![]() These two neutral cities are a Research Center and an Airfield. The Airfield is able to produce Me 262s. Like the ''Infrastructure'' and the ''American Investment'' units, the ''Research: Jet Engine'' unit protects the capital of the Airfield city. Simply send the ''German Investment'' unit in a train to the capital and city should be taken. The Airfield must be taken by normal units. This will give Western Germany access to Me 262s which are very fast high damage fighters that also deal +7 damage against Bunkers. ![]()
18.01.2014 - 10:41
How to place Depth Charges and other Mines ![]() Transport the mines in the Hunter-Killer to where you want to place one. Click the stack and leave extend the lever until you are leaving one mine behind. Then click the transport icon and move away from the area. This should leave the Depth Charge in the sea. With multiple Depth Charges, you have a large field of vision to spot U-Boats. Remember, Depth Charges are stealth units so the U-Boat will not know where they are unless he tracks the movements of your ships. Combined with a few Recon Planes, it should make hunting alot easier.
18.01.2014 - 10:41
Special Units French Foreign Legion: Ground: Main Defense (Infantry) with +1Att and +10 Cost compared to default. Available in all Vichy or Free French territories. M4 Sherman: Ground: Main Attack (Tank) with -10 cost compared to default. Only available in US cities and British Operation Torch convoy. G.I.: Ground: Main Defense (Infantry) with -10 cost compared to default. Only available in US cities. T-34: Ground: Main Attack (Tank) -1Def with -40 cost compared to default. -2Def vs Fighters. Anti-Tank Infantry: Ground: Main Defense (Infantry) -1Def and +10 cost compared to default. +2Def vs all Tanks. Only available in Eastern Front territories. Waffen SS: Ground: Stealth (Marine) -2Att/+2Def and -10 cost compared to default. +2Att/+2Def vs Infantry. -3Att/-2Def vs Snipers. Only available in German territories. Sniper: Ground: Stealth (Marine) -2Att/+2Def and -10 cost compared to default. +2Att/+3Def vs Waffen SS. -2Att vs all other units. High view range. Only available in Russia Central, Komi, Volga, Ural, South and Siberia. Tiger I: Ground: Main Attack (Tank) +2Att/+2Def Tank with +10 cost and -1 speed. Only available in Germany. -3Def against Fighters.
18.01.2014 - 10:43
Edits- Bessarabia given to USSR. Karelian territory created and given to USSR. German players given oil income cities in Romania. US starting production nerfed. Panzer IIIs added for Hungary and Romania. Tiger Is and T-34s buffed. 03/06/2014 Extended Atlantic Wall to Denmark and Norway. Russia divided into two players for better management. T-34 cost lowered to 80. Oil cities for Romania and East Reich inreased to 650. Buffed East Reich with more production. Trench Cost lowered to 80. US capital and Allied income cities in Great Britian moved to Scotland. Persia buffed in both cash and production. Also added 20 starting event infantry.
18.01.2014 - 20:38
Fug this looks awesome, finally a WWII map that isn't the entire world, but just Europe and Africa. A lot of new features, looks fairly complex, think people can get used to this right away? Nonetheless, I'm looking forward to trying this one out.
---- "Another such victory and I come back to Epirus alone" - Pyrrhus of Epirus
19.01.2014 - 09:51
Wow this looks like nothing i have ever seen, will try
---- We are not the same - I am a Martian. We are not the same - I am a... divided constellation? ![]()
TheConqueror Профил је обрисан |
20.01.2014 - 00:32 TheConqueror Профил је обрисан
Great Work.
24.01.2014 - 15:16
I think that south africa front is unbalanced vichy is too weak can you add more units or double the reinforces 1st turn or some events units?
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07.02.2014 - 10:24
Details arent important while a game is in testing phase. Details get phased in over time. If you are going to downgrade a map because the maps are still in WWI settings, then why bother complaining at all. You will just downgrade the map anyway.
07.02.2014 - 10:25
I shall look into it but as of right now. Vichy in Africa is quite balanced. I have played as British COlonies myself and against good opponents, I can barely move out of Nigeria.
07.02.2014 - 10:30
Cant move from nigeria but vichy the same too cant take anything just defend
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07.02.2014 - 10:34
That means it's balanced. If its a stalemate, then its balanced and its down to player skill to push or hold. Both British Colonies and Vichy have major objectives elswhere and how your team members work will affect whether you will overcome the opponent or not.
07.02.2014 - 10:59
But this means british calonys can just let nigeria and care only from other fronts.
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07.04.2014 - 06:10
Hi Tik Tok, I've only, well, still playing, this the once so far. Britain and on the face of it the UK / German Atlantic walls don't quite work as planned. The defensive line I understand and can see what you are doing. In this game though, the effect seems to be to have given Germany a far superior production line of troops. It didn't help that my bunkers blew up from one hit. (That rare yet annoying game bug whereby an entire stack can die from a single hit. Not your fault of course. Despite that, Germany could still have blasted his way through into one of the defence line capitals. This would give the UK a problem in the normal course of events, but having the US capital there puts the UK in an impossible position. Germany has superior production and can ship in reinforcements at will. If the UK goes defensive then the US falls. If the UK attacks then time is up. Those tanks can move first turn so a UK offensive unit hit would follow them into a town setting and immediately be defensive troops. Attack with defensive troops and you are gambling that the German has moved. In this game. Turn 2 - German blasted his way into Homeguard SouthEast capital with nearly 30 tanks and around the same infantry. As mentioned above the 5 bunkers imploded and the 8 infantry took out 5 tanks. Short of using a crystal ball you can't guess where the Germans will attack and 5 bunkers were alll I could build so there's really no stopping the Germans getting in early. Also as mentioned above the UK is now in an impossible position. The US capital cannot defend itself, the free French and British colonies are reliant on the UK defending their income. The UK has to keep London safe whilst going on the offensive to boot out the Germans? As above, build offensive units and they will follow the enemy into defensive positions. Build defence and you are gambling that you can read Germany's mind. In this instance. Turn 3 - UK massed infantry into the London infantry wall. (London and the US capital had their own infantry walls already) The expected big German attack on the London lines didn't happen. He moved up the coast with his armour and took the Northeast Homeguard wall capital. It's cat and mouse with the UK always on the back foot. The Homeguard Southeast now has over 50 German infantry in it. A few tanks have broken the London and US capital infantry walls leaving them exposed. As luck would have it the infantry losses came from the weak parts of the wall, not the heavy connected centre of the triangle. Spreading the infantry could have preserved the wall but- The US could not muster enough troops to do this effectively for his capital. Doing this means that if the German hits the tails and not the centre of the triangle he misses a third of the defence. OK, so maybe the UK wall part is just tough and get on with it. But the US doesn't have the available manpower to have any options here and is relying on the UK. Turn 4 - Attacked the tanks which had moved up the coast. Recaptured the Northeast homeguard wall capital but missed the tanks and lost Scotland. This was the UK's first move and highlights the UK's problem now that the Germans are in. Those tanks will get to move, and you will only follow if they are out in the open. UK attacked the Homeguard Southeast wall with infantry on the assumption Germany will attack the US capital and take it to try and wipe out the US. As it is he held and reinforced with more infantry taking it to 100 for the battle. 53 left, current turn. UK London is weakened by necessity as the UK can't stay on the defensive unless he wants to die alone. US capital has 11 infantry and 2 GI's. He hasn't the resources to make more so is pretty much helpless. Now I'm not saying Germany hasn't played well, I think he's read it spot on. I just can't see what the UK can do? All those Atlantic walls can produce units for attack, and Germany has a lot more of them. The land masses are so close Germany can attack pretty much attack anywhere. If I played PD that may have helped, but Iron Fist with +2 HP to everything shouldn't be a bad strategy? Even with it's reduced mobility. Criticism bit over. It's not constructive if it's all complaint. ![]() My suggestion is this - Limit the defensive walls to only bunkers, coastal batteries and AA guns. This means they are still defensive but they cannot aid an offence. If that is felt to be too restrictive allow the capitals of the defensive walls to make other units but not the standard 'city' zones of the wall. even militia mass produced can be a useful offence so to my mind it has to be fairly Draconian. The UK is responsible for the defence of a big chunk of the Allied effort so it cannot be so fundamentally exposed from the off?
07.04.2014 - 10:32
I was playing as Germany and I won practically every battle against the USSR. Like, he made no significant gains against met he entire game except a win in Finland briefly. Other than that, I went straight through the territory. Was that a bad USSR or is USSR underpowered?
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07.04.2014 - 10:42
Both Ussr is easy to push, he needs to slow you down until you go bankrupt, otherwise germany will reach moscow with 100 units and is GG
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07.04.2014 - 11:43
Allies have the edge and win most of the time: Nobody says anything, just another normal day. Axis have the edge: Everyone is going wild, submmitting petitions and threatening with suicide and never playing WW2 ever again
---- The Most Feared Nazi Germany and SM Ukraine player in AW history. Retired ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
15.04.2014 - 05:36
Great idea. Done. Thank you for the effort you put into your post. It is very much appreciated.
15.04.2014 - 05:40
Russia is very far from under powered. It is given a very large and worrying amount of production. The Far East has very high production and double train production. Germany will by design burst through the Western Soviet territory but should be stopped in the central area. Germany has been considerably buffed because Russian production and transport is so high that pre buffed Germany couldn't even take Poland.
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