21.02.2018 - 12:58
Hello everyone this is closed alpha recruitment for a new clan based on the principles of protecting what we hold dear on atwar. Many things are changing and little of it is for the better, so I'm calling like minded veteran players and map makers who are willing to protect scenarios, and new players from the clutches of roleplay. If this sounds like you contact me, and we will see if your up to the task of being apart of my leadership. Here are a few guidelines for the alpha recruitment of leaders and officers. -A year or more of experience. -Advanced knowledge of game mechanics -Basic map editor knowledge -Hatred or willingness to leave roleplay -Premium -A willingness to make a positive change in the community and help new players -Decent amount of weekly activity 3-5 days a week atleast an hour -A level of maturity is required to stay calm while under scrutiny of segments of the community, and trolling from hostile roleplayers -Absolutely no trolling from our side, I have a plan to deal with roleplay and it requires that we hold ourselves to a diferent standard then themselves Basically I'm looking to form a core group for leadership who are willing to train and build our forces so we may create a clan of highly effecient players to fill the lacking standards of what is left of the scenario community. I have six years of experience and have a vast vault of knowledge that I wish to pass on to as many people I can in an attempt to saturate the community with intelligence it is desperately lacking. If this sounds like you leave me a pm and we will get to work.
---- ![]() We are not the same- I am a Martian.
21.02.2018 - 22:32
Explain your plan please ![]()
21.02.2018 - 23:52
You'll see ![]()
---- ![]() We are not the same- I am a Martian.
Да ли си сигуран?