30.01.2022 - 19:56 A small preface- I know Sean Spicer will take the time and actually watch this 3h video because it's about the Federal Reserve and US history. For other players- this video talks about how the Rothschilds are planning to rob everyone from their private property in this coming crash. They already KNOW the date when the Federal Reserve will raise interest rates, possibly months in advance. But this time, unlike in March 2020, they won't implement QE. They used fake news to brainwash the public into believing inflation was caused by the 6 trillion dollars of increased money supply via stimulus bills. NO. Inflation was not caused by the COVID stimulus. It is due to supply shortages induced by global lockdowns. The 6 trillion in QE was only entered into M1 money supply. In order for it to enter public markets, the banks need to lend out the money via loans, thus creating M2 money supply. The issue is that they never loaned out the stimulus money- instead they used it to buy up "risk-free" assets like stocks and real estate. Long story short- in the coming crash, Biden will be running like a headless chicken begging the Federal Reserve (owned by the Rothschilds) to decrease interest rates. But the FED will purposefully come out and say- sorry but we can't increase the money supply because "it was the leading cause of 2020-2022 inflation bubble". That's bullshit! Supply chain issues caused inflation, not the stimulus bills, because the money passed was never brought into the real economy.
---- Miatsum Միացում Azerbaijan will be defeated
30.01.2022 - 22:58
Fake news, Biden will seduce the federal reserve and have them lower interest rates. He will also send the Rothschilds to Israel so they can get nuked by Iran in a few years. What you don't know is that Biden is actually faking dementia and he is actually an intelligent and dashing 20 year old young man within an 80 year old's body.
30.01.2022 - 23:47
Sorry, as soon as I hear someone blaming "the Rothschilds" I stop listening, because that's just lazy conspiratorial thinking. If you want to come up with a conspiracy theory, at least come up with something interesting.
31.01.2022 - 20:03
You obviously didn't watch the video. Because unlike your argument, the "blaming Rothschilds" is backed by historical evidence and monetary policy. I think you are confessing through projecting; it's similar to their family's Wikipedia page that says "conspiracies around the Rothschilds are baked into anti-semitic rhetoric". This is a statement used to close down a discussion instead of using facts and reasoning to look for a conclusion. But we both know it's easier to just shut down the debate than listen to the opposing viewpoint's facts and then perform some critical thinking...
---- Miatsum Միացում Azerbaijan will be defeated
31.01.2022 - 20:46
Actually, I have researched this topic extensively. The Rothschild family has not been relevant since WW1, maybe even before that. The "historical evidence" people use is largely from the Napoleonic era. And while it's true they exerted a lot of influence at that time, there simply isn't much evidence to support that claim today. The original family members are long since dead and gone; the wealth they had has been divided amongst many heirs; and whatever may be left of it today pales in comparison to much richer people who are alive now, e.g. people like Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, heck even George Soros. To continue blaming "the Rothschilds" for everything is cliché. Also, I've said nothing about anti-semitism. (You brought that up, not me.) Look, you'll believe whatever you want to believe, but from my research I long ago concluded "the Rothschilds" is a dead-end. I certainly have an open mind, I'm willing to change my opinion should some new evidence come to light. But I'm not going to waste 3 hours of my life trying to discover it, since I've seen enough videos like this already and I can almost guarantee it's going to be the same old, irrelevant "facts" I've already heard before.
31.01.2022 - 21:50
OK, your response is fair. Do me a favor and watch just the first 5 min of the video (there is NO mention of the Rothschilds until minute 27:47). I think the issue that turned you away from the video was my "clickbait shouting" Rothschild, which from your past experience has been a queue for nonsensical "illuminatti" discussions. However, this video is less about the Rothschilds and more about monetary reform in the US, although in the face of new evidence I think you will change your mind. Even if you don't watch this video, remember these 3 points about YOUR central bank in the US. 1) The Federal Reserve is a private, not a public institution. It has shareholders just like Microsoft, Amazon or Tesla. 2) Whereas your aforementioned Bill Gates gets to decide on the price of Windows software, the Federal Reserve gets to decide the price of dollars via interest rates. 3) The logical conclusion is that the Federal Reserve's shareholders control the price of Bill Gates' products via inflation or deflation. Thus they are more powerful than the billionaire stooges.
---- Miatsum Միացում Azerbaijan will be defeated
01.02.2022 - 04:01
Alright, I watched the first 10 minutes. I don't have any disagreement with it. As far as the Federal Reserve goes, it's probably right. I'm not a fan of the Federal Reserve system anyway, so I won't attempt to defend them. I think US Dollars haven't had any real value since we abandoned the gold standard... their only value now is the "full faith and credit" of the United States, which is essentially whatever the Federal Reserve wants it to be. In that sense, the chairman of the Federal Reserve is more powerful than the President (at least in the economic sphere). I can't dispute any of these facts. While I still think our (U.S.) system works better than most *overall*, it is definitely rigged in favor of what Huxley called the "Power Elite", at the expense of the little guy: -- Aldous Huxley, Brave New World Revisited, 1958 Also I like how he calls it "censorship by rising costs", i.e. the deliberate use of inflation to squeeze the little guy out of the market, and keep the power elites in control. I think that's what's happening now. ![]()
03.02.2022 - 23:06
I 100% agree with this documentary. I am firmly convinced that the control of the world's economy and global policy (The COVID Plandemic for instance!), is in the noose of these globalist bankers today. I fear what the next step is…the education system and other forms of MSM seem to be promoting population control…they might be doing it right now with COVID and abortion. It's all about control for them, and I sadly fear they have no limits. The number of wars since the French Revolution far outweighs everything prior to that tragic event…for a reason! I fear we have been deceived after living multiple generations under this tyranny to the point that we can't think outside the official narratives, that we can't objectively question everything we are told without being pointed to as crazy. Almost everything we are taught is tainted. I know it would be more convenient if all this is just fantasy, but it is our reality. It is certainly easier to recite what "approved" sources say, but let's not succumb to willful ignorance or mental laxity. It's time we look for the truth in places we are taught not to, it's time we stand up to tyranny, it's time we break free from the downward-spiraling status quo and live as we ought.
---- "Long have you hunted me. Long have I eluded you. No more. Behold the sword of Elendil." -Lord Aragorn, High King of Arnor and Gondor
04.02.2022 - 03:08
Bro... can you believe that we are taught how Americans died fighting the Nazis in WW2, only to find out that Averell Harriman, Henry Ford, Prescott Bush, Rockefeller were funding Hitler's rise to power, the German autobahns and the Nazi rearmament?? Heck, Standard Oil (Rockefeller's monopoly), under the subsidiary "Standard IG Farben", was supplying the Zyclon B gas for the Jewish death camps. This is some fucked up shit; but I think that a large percentage of the American population would much rather keep believing their school history propaganda, because knowing that their grand/ great-grandparents fought to fill up Rockefeller's money coffers would bring too much cognitive dissonance in their lives.
---- Miatsum Միացում Azerbaijan will be defeated
04.02.2022 - 21:57
I agree, few wish to even acknowledge that all this stuff is legit. Here is a pretty good explanation of what Jacob Rothschild has been up to lately (https://www.thiswestisourwest.com/index.cfm/down-the-rabbit-hole/jacob-rothschild-is-guilty-for-the-conspiracy-against-humankind/)
---- "Long have you hunted me. Long have I eluded you. No more. Behold the sword of Elendil." -Lord Aragorn, High King of Arnor and Gondor
11.02.2022 - 16:42
America are the money masters, lets go.
---- I shit in the dark so that you can't flush the toilet in the day. -Dr. Bright
22.03.2022 - 20:45
Actually not true at all. America is in debt. Most Americans don't own their own home. Guess what happens when the banks and economic system (which is primarily in the hands of big businesses) crash…. We already saw what a global Plan-demic did to normal life….
---- "Long have you hunted me. Long have I eluded you. No more. Behold the sword of Elendil." -Lord Aragorn, High King of Arnor and Gondor
22.03.2022 - 21:09
America are the debt masters, lets go.
---- I shit in the dark so that you can't flush the toilet in the day. -Dr. Bright
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