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05.03.2022 - 17:03
I want to say that you are absolutely right in your comdemnation of Putin.

It feels like there is no way to avert disaster.
05.03.2022 - 23:53
I should add in some ways.

Im just trying as best i can to he as diplomatic as i can. Im trying to be friendly.

On one level, i see the exact dynamic unfolding that prompted Putin to react. If anybody paid attention to whats been going on, they would know that Russia has always been the real target of NATO and the West.

Ukraine is but a pawn being used to go after Russia. Zelensky a puppet. Thanks to the West, Russia is fighting for its very survival.

Now, heres my thing. I think it is highly possible Putin is controlled opposition. After all, he was meeting with his WEF friend Klaus Schwab. I dont know this for sure. If he is, then he is a monster.

I mean i dont want to sound like im vascillating. I just dont want to sound like im indifferent to the plight of the Ukrainians. Just know this. The Ukrainians and Russians need each other as friends.

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