Why do people in africa never drink pills ? Cause you don't drink pills on an empty stomach.
What type of music is michael jackson making now? Underground music.
A little gypsy girl asked her father.
" Dad can you pick me up today from the kindergarten? "
Her dad said:
"No i have to go to school , ask your husband" .
A gypsy man died and he went to meet St.Peter.
" You are going to go to heaven now my son and i will guide you" , said St.Peter.
" What ? Can't i go to Germany instead..." , replied the gypsy.
How do the children from Chernobyl count to 30 ? On their hands.
"You have no idea how sweet my wife is..." , said the cannibal and started eating his wife.
Just some i remembered , might come back with more . D
This made me lmao
Написао Croat, 06.07.2017 at 12:52
"You da bomb!"
"No, you da bomb!"
In America - a compliment.
In the Middle East - an argument.
I don't mind these jokes, after all its black humor.Some people like it some don't.
I'm not crazy for it but I won't judge someone that uses it.If it annoys me I will tell him to stop.