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Постављено од стране Hugosch, 27.11.2015 - 05:35
5th official atWar 1v1 Tournament


Scedule & Planning:
I will give 1 week for matches the losers bracket, 2 weeks for the winners bracket. I give extra time in the first round, since it officially starts on 1 December. The first matches have to be played before Monday 7December. After this date i will post the new deadline date.

  • If you cannot get in contact with your opponent, PM me in time! I will first attempt to reconcile the player's schedules, and finally by fiat should accommodations be unattainable.
  • Without any notification before the deadline and no matchresult here, all players involved will be disqualified for this tournament and future 1v1 tournaments.
  • If possible, inactive players will be substitute by one of the reserves. After round 1, reserves will not be added.

    Default Match rules:
    Game Type*: Quick game
    Map: Europe+
    Turn duration: 3mins
    Starting funds: 5k
    Maximum players*: 2
    Joining until week*: 0
    Victory*: Capture player capital and hold for at least 2 turns
    Game duration: 50turns
    Rares: None
    Initial countries: 2
    Extra cities: On
    Allow rejoining*: Off

    Additional rules:
  • The above match rules are default: If both players agree on other gamerules (like other turn duration, map, initial countries or both players don't have premium), then it is allowed to change the default rules. Rules marked with * are non-negotiable
  • If there are players with serval accounts; you can enter the tournament with just ONE of them. Entering the tournament with more accounts will lead to disqualification on all accounts.

    Reporting a Victory
    It is the responsibility of the Victor to report the result of the game via forum or private message

  • If possible, the winner should take a screen shot of the results of the game, showing the winner
  • In the event that a screenshot is unavailable, the results must be corroborated by the losing opponent for the match to be considered valid.

    We still need some reserve players! If you want to join the tourney, post a message in this forum! Any other questions? Post below

    Current Reserves: (0)
    SellSex4Shinies (3)
    Stryko (11)
    Glory Of Allyfag (10)
  • 14.12.2015 - 15:00
    Ok guys, sorry for my late reply as well. Some matches runned out of the deadline, but since we where late with PM'ing everyong (me and clovis didn't had the time); i'm willing to give some extra time to the matches. I will say: Next friday all the matches from Loserbracket round 1 and Winner bracket round 2 needed to be played. If the match is not played by then; all players in 'Yellow' will be removed from the tourney (white will win). If both players are marked 'white' i will give a fixed date/time to play. The brackets have been updated.

    Also, i had to remove these players:
  • panteri (banned, lost his match)
  • The Great Panzer (resigned)

    Also: Players that don´t put any energy in the tourney, and which i have to send messages to every round, and run out the deadline every round, will also be removed. If you don't bother about the tourney, i don't bother about you. For this reason, the following 5 players have been kicked from the tourney:
  • llThe_Witnessll
  • Waffel
  • blatata
  • rushing butcher (kato)
  • aftermath96
  • ----
    Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
    14.12.2015 - 15:33

    14.12.2015 - 15:37
    Genuinely scared to play this guy in the punisher tournament... gg
    15.12.2015 - 06:20
    Профил је обрисан
    Написао Steve Aoki, 14.12.2015 at 15:33

    Nice fake ss.
    15.12.2015 - 08:43
    When does round 3 have to be completed? As now 1 game has been played but some of us still dont have an opponent and next week is the xmas holidays
    15.12.2015 - 08:54

    Report: I was searching for my opponent many times, but guy called 'itonisrael' doesn't exist.
    Probably he changed his nickname and I have no idea who could itonisrael be.

    If you can help me about this issue I would appreciate, so we can finish our match asap.


    15.12.2015 - 12:57

    2nd game won with Hungary as capital. Coincidence? I think not.
    15.12.2015 - 13:14
    Написао 1GodofWar1, 14.12.2015 at 14:32

    I never see my match online.

    I forgot that there was a losers bracket too. We can arrange it.
    16.12.2015 - 08:19
    Написао Hugosch, 14.12.2015 at 15:00

    Ok guys, sorry for my late reply as well. Some matches runned out of the deadline, but since we where late with PM'ing everyong (me and clovis didn't had the time); i'm willing to give some extra time to the matches. I will say: Next friday all the matches from Loserbracket round 1 and Winner bracket round 2 needed to be played. If the match is not played by then; all players in 'Yellow' will be removed from the tourney (white will win). If both players are marked 'white' i will give a fixed date/time to play. The brackets have been updated.

    Also, i had to remove these players:
  • panteri (banned, lost his match)
  • The Great Panzer (resigned)

    Also: Players that don´t put any energy in the tourney, and which i have to send messages to every round, and run out the deadline every round, will also be removed. If you don't bother about the tourney, i don't bother about you. For this reason, the following 5 players have been kicked from the tourney:
  • llThe_Witnessll
  • Waffel
  • blatata
  • rushing butcher (kato)
  • aftermath96

  • Lol whut? I sent you a message on 12th of December saying that I couldn't make it on Monday/Today because of exams.. Past week, including saturday/friday, I waited for Stryko to get online and complete this match. I got a message of him on 13th of December, which is sunday, which I wasn't online due to learning for exams. I even sent you what I wrote to him and expected to not to get disqualified for only 1 or 2 days later, since I gave an (in my opinion) legit reason.

    Yet you say you are willing to give some extra time till coming Friday, yet without messaging me you decided to disqualify me.

    Pretty weird saying that and then doing the other thing.

    Today and Friday I have time to play the match with Stryko, if still possible, and if it doesn't fit into Stryko's schedule perhaps in the weekends.

    Написао Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

    Waffel for mod 2015
    16.12.2015 - 11:07
    Написао Waffel, 16.12.2015 at 08:19


    Send another PM to Hugosch....
    16.12.2015 - 11:54
    Написао Waffel, 16.12.2015 at 08:19


    You are right.
    I 'marked' all players that did not message me (or clovis) in the first round and didn't make it before the deadline, and i wanted to remove those players that didn't message me in the second round either. But you are right, you did PM me, and i shouldn't remove you. Anyway: Got u back in, try to play your match against Stryko.
    Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
    16.12.2015 - 13:19
    Написао Hugosch, 16.12.2015 at 11:54

    Написао Waffel, 16.12.2015 at 08:19


    You are right.
    I 'marked' all players that did not message me (or clovis) in the first round and didn't make it before the deadline, and i wanted to remove those players that didn't message me in the second round either. But you are right, you did PM me, and i shouldn't remove you. Anyway: Got u back in, try to play your match against Stryko.

    Can you please advance me or help us arrange Smth with fire cause deadline is over.I asked clovis to help us arrange Smth but it seems be has job.Just saying
    Pws:I remembered you got him on yellow so why not advance me?
    16.12.2015 - 16:35
    16.12.2015 - 17:30
    16.12.2015 - 18:12
    Написао Croat, 15.12.2015 at 08:54

    Report: I was searching for my opponent many times, but guy called 'itonisrael' doesn't exist.
    Probably he changed his nickname and I have no idea who could itonisrael be.

    If you can help me about this issue I would appreciate, so we can finish our match asap.


    16.12.2015 - 18:38
    Написао Evic, 16.12.2015 at 18:12



    16.12.2015 - 19:17

    [pr] Commando Eagle: duel?
    [pr] Commando Eagle: i have to regain back the lost elos and gain extra as punishment for rush

    16.12.2015 - 23:48
    17.12.2015 - 10:23
    Won vs eagle, gg

    17.12.2015 - 14:34
    Thx for playing the matches. Brackets have been updated. Please make sure to play your matches quick. Deadline tomorrow for all players in the 2nd winners round or 1st losers round.
    Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
    17.12.2015 - 15:38
    Написао Hugosch, 16.12.2015 at 11:54

    Написао Waffel, 16.12.2015 at 08:19


    You are right.
    I 'marked' all players that did not message me (or clovis) in the first round and didn't make it before the deadline, and i wanted to remove those players that didn't message me in the second round either. But you are right, you did PM me, and i shouldn't remove you. Anyway: Got u back in, try to play your match against Stryko.

    Thank you

    Написао Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

    Waffel for mod 2015
    18.12.2015 - 03:04
    Screenshot tool screwed up but gg

    oh no not dino again
    We are not the same - I am a Martian.
    We are not the same - I am a... divided constellation?

    18.12.2015 - 12:47


    18.12.2015 - 12:49
    Thats fucking bullshit eliminating me for nothing.... even godofwar playing
    19.12.2015 - 13:51
    Deadline is over, however it seems like Hugosch is busy.

    Whoever haven't played their match: you have until the bracket are updated I guess.
    20.12.2015 - 03:45
    Профил је обрисан
    20.12.2015 - 11:36
    My opponent laozi is offline for 3 days and didnt answer my Pms. Sent pm to Hugosh too, no answer either...
    Seule la victoire est belle
    21.12.2015 - 09:43
    Stryko last seen 4 days ago?

    Написао Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

    Waffel for mod 2015
    21.12.2015 - 10:41
    Написао Waffel, 21.12.2015 at 09:43

    Stryko last seen 4 days ago?

    21.12.2015 - 11:36
    Написао Cold Case, 21.12.2015 at 10:29

    Why doesnt hugo answer/update?Fire 5days off! And he was another 4 last time +he hasnt answered my pm

    I'm sorry for the delay, he have been busy lately...

    When he comes back it will be updated, inactives will get removed. No worries!

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