Must have been some miscommunication really I just cited parts of rules that you would find relevant for your planning of moving from greece to africa after you took greece or something had no idea what you were talking about. Naval invasion seemed quite clear to me. Anyway if you don't read rules on your own no one to blame but yourself, will roll battle now.
Написао Aetius, 05.10.2016 at 11:00
Naval movement =/= naval invasion, you intentioanlly cropped out the paragraph beneath naval movement explaining invasions. Now send strat so this game can continue without these long delays
I am going to ask mrarmy, if he doesn't reply in an hour I am going to assume balanced formation. You can't delay game out of butthurt.
I cropped out no paragraph for that is the only paragraph you sent me, retard. I asked you specifically for the conditions in the attack on Greece, sending me a paragraph about moving to friendly provinces makes no sense so I assumed it counted for all moves. In any case I'll send you the strat eventhough what you did is pure bullshit.
He sent you stuff for Naval Movement where you're the defender like deploying to defend Africa or Asia from a Naval Invasion by mistake. Meanwhile what you did is a Naval Invasion where you're the attacker.
Battle of Rome
Gaius Marius Maximus (Pyrrhus )+Decius Nipius ( Death1816) (Flanking)
(3 Evocati + 5 Veterans + 16 Legions)=35 strength
Metellus Cornelius Scipio (Zephyrusu) +Marcus Caetronianus (MrArmy987)(Flanking)
(1 Evocati + 3 Veterans + 14 Legions) = 23 strength
Battle Roll: 12 (+12 from greater strength) +2 from bad omens=24
Result: Decisive Victory
Taking up a defensive position along the Tiber, Scipios smaller and less veteran army could only hope to hold back the Populare force and hold Rome while waiting for more reinforcements to arrive. Arriving from the north, roman cities one by one hailed the Populares as the new ruler until they reached Rome and saw the senatorial army waiting. Marius ordered Nipius with the evocati to lead a flanking attack around one of the bridges to the south. Scipio countered with the same and sent Caetronianus. There both sides fought for supremacy and the Legio Evocati XII Hispana gave its lives dearly for the republican cause but after Caetronianus himself was slain the rest of the army on the flank lost heart. Now, seeing the senate flank broken, Marius launched a all out assault on Scipio and crushed the army completely supported by Nipius
Marius gains a veteran legion, Legio I Italia
Marius promotes a veteran legion, Legio IX Fortuna, to Evocati
Populare Casualties
Slight, anything lost replaced by former loyal legionnaires
Senatorial Casualties
Total, all levies and veterans
The following people now have a choice to make, as they have been defeated and at this very moment the legions of the populares are entering the city seeking out their former enemies. You may either 1) kill yourself with honor (considered an honourable death) 2) surrender voluntarily to the populares in good faith 3)Attempt to escape to Africa with the fleet to continue the fight (50% you escape, 50% caught). If you don't reply in 12 hours going to assume you want to escape.
Publius Numertorius (JF) [Suicide]
Metellus Cornelius Scipio (Zephyrusu) [Escaped]
Optimus Maximus (Google Chrome) [Suicide]
Marcus Caetronianus (MrArmy987) [Died in battle]
Drusus Caelius (Safari) [Captured]
Junius Damasippus (Resting Lime) [Captured]
Sextus Varius (Meester) [Surrendered]
If you escape you will become part of this:
Exiled Senate -If Rome is taken the Senate becomes a "rebel", however senators do not lose half their equites. The senator with the most influence becomes the leader like a dictator. He may resign and appoint someone else, or the senate may nominate someone else and vote on it. He can't execute anyone but must always lead the main army.
At last, with Rome gone i am no longer opposed by a cucked bureaucracy
Написао Tundy, 05.10.2016 at 12:34
At last, with Rome gone i am no longer opposed by a cucked bureaucracy
Idk what you thought you would achieve by nominating someone as impulsive as Zeph Dictator
"Another such victory and I come back to Epirus alone" - Pyrrhus of Epirus
Kill myself with honour
Before i die i want to sell all my equites.
Написао Darth., 05.10.2016 at 12:37
Написао Tundy, 05.10.2016 at 12:34
At last, with Rome gone i am no longer opposed by a cucked bureaucracy
Idk what you thought you would achieve by nominating someone as impulsive as Zeph Dictator
It was a worthy gambit, i can't predict expontaneous stupidity. I expected a scipio to defend africa instead of dyng at sea
Honorable suicide, after nuking rome.
Sell equites, idk why I would, but he thought it was a good idea ^^
Do not take the cowardly way out, we will give everybody a fair trial.
==Turn 24: Phase 1 has begun==
Give all to rome treasury, if we're still negative during phase 2, then I sell my equites to donate more.
All my treasury to rome. The families of Numetorius, Maximus, and Caetronianus won't get away that easily, you will pay up. Our legionnaires will be arriving shortly at your homes and taking your sons and wives and daughters hostage..
All treasury to Rome.
Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
Become corrupt
Send all to rome
All money to Rome
All to Rome.
The illegitimate junta in Rome doesn't have imperium and thus any transaction made using the roman treasury will be considered an act of open thievery. Any member of a "legion" raised post-rebellion is compose of desperadoes and outlaws who as of now are no better than looters and thieves.
The 3 headed monster is partitioning the republic among dogs and vultures, they all want to eat the soul of the republic to the bone.
Написао Aetius, 05.10.2016 at 18:35
All my treasury to rome. The families of Numetorius, Maximus, and Caetronianus won't get away that easily, you will pay up. Our legionnaires will be arriving shortly at your homes and taking your sons and wives and daughters hostage..
Good thing i am already dead
Написао Tundy, 05.10.2016 at 21:23

The 3 headed monster is partitioning the republic among dogs and vultures, they all want to eat the soul of the republic to the bone.
Ok former traitor.
Flee to Further Spain I guess.
Surrender to Rome. xa
Написао Google, 05.10.2016 at 21:37
Good thing i am already dead
oooooooooo, spooky ghosts of Maximus and Caetronianus, spooky ghosts from the dead, so spooky
k for the other 3, safari and resting lime are caught, zeph escapes.
Due to having the highest influence, Metellus Cornelius Scipio (Zephyrusu) is the leader of the Exiled Senate (with dictator powers), he may resign and appoint someone else the leader if he wishes
Metellus Cornelius Scipio (Zephyrusu) -- in Africa
Achaius Pontidius(mr tyler) -- in Africa
Lars Pedius (Zenith) -- in Narbonese Gaul
Marcus Antonius (El Tundero) -- in Further Spain
I am making the "Antonian Faction"
Metellus Cornelius Scipio (Zephyrusu)
Achaius Pontidius(mr tyler)
Lars Pedius (Zenith)
are invited.
All shekels to the faction treasury of a liberated Rome, the entire Antonine gens will be exterminated along with those who do not submit to the rightful Roman authority
"Another such victory and I come back to Epirus alone" - Pyrrhus of Epirus
Написао Pyrrhus, 05.10.2016 at 22:56
All shekels to the treasury of a liberated Rome, the entire Antonine gens will be exterminated along with those who do not submit to the rightful Roman authority
You should be ashamed;
Rome is disgraced when you are in sight;
Murderous is your nature;
Enemy of the virtuous man you are;
Looting and burning can be seen in your eyes;
Like a dog you are only capable of attack;
Like a dog you should be put down.
Since Safari and Resting Lime have been captured, the trial for their lives will begin soon.