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03.08.2014 - 21:46
I see guides for things like MoS, blitz, perfect defense, and so on and so forth, but i havent seen a single guide for sm yet. I'm looking to try it out but i'm pretty skeptical considering i don't even know how to use it.
04.08.2014 - 00:14
Написао tophat, 10.03.2013 at 16:05

SM Guide Fully Complete

Sky Menace Guide

Sky Menace (SM) is a strategy that thrives on air power, speed and rushing. It prospers in either rich income zones or with cheap countries in high funded games. It's an expensive strategy all-around, but has no problem maintaing a steady income in accordance to the following.

What follows will cover basics and advanced tips, buying units, attacking neutrals flawlessly, the correct upgrades to purchase as well as the countries that are best for Sky Menace. (5k, 10k, 15k)

Basic Tips:
1) Use bombers to attack cities, with 1 land unit to capture. Preferably an infantry.
2) Air transports are buffed and much cheaper, use them wisely to transport land units.
3) Pick a country in a rich income zone (West Europe, USA, China) or pick a cheap country in a a high funded game. For ex: picking Ukraine: a cheap country, in a 10k game leaves you with tons of cash to expand quickly.
4)Use infantry and militia to defend cities. Use whichever one is more cost-effective in the given situation.
5) Bombers are also useful for defending, especially if you're stuck and need more defence.
6) Use stealths for surprise attacks or to break walls.
7) Don't buy too many stealths; they're expensive. Only buy them in large quantities if you have a very good income. They work best in world games.

Advanced Tips:
1) Expand to as many cities as possible, especially the ones with high income.
2) When expanding, don't be too focussed on getting the Whole Country bonus, expanding to every city in your path isn't good for Sky Menace.
3) Expand to mainly capitals. Sky Menace is about speed and rushing the enemy. Expand to mainly capitals and keep pressuring and isolating the enemy. Once you've established a base of land, then expand to the other cities to maximize your income.
4) Don't just make one big stack, make several little ones to cover more land, more extremities and more cities. Once you declare you want to cap your enemy, unite all your little stacks into one big stack to crush the enemy!
5) Walls are extremely important with Sky Menace. Since SM is a rushing strategy, this means your back frontiers are left weak.Therefore, you need to wall every single capital in your territory.
6) Walling your stacks is crucial. Why? Because SM isn't the best defensive strategy so you'll always want to move your stacks to different locations. Your enemy knows this, so if you don't wall your stack your enemy will simply wait a few movements and attack the city your stack was just in and capture that city, after your stack left for another city. So always wall your stacks to defend them, and the city they're in for the next turn.
7) The only time it's safe to not wall a stack is if your enemy can't reach it on that turn.
8) Your air transports are buffed on range, capacity and cost, use them to your advantage!
9) Use the "Recycle Air Transports" tactic. Which means don't attack cities with an air transport just yet. Drop the first batch of units, and pick up more! Watch out for range fails, so practice, practice, practice!
10) Finally, use "Transport Laterals". Move units with an air transport to another air transport, then to another air transport etc.... You can travel the whole world by doing this! This tactic is very useful for sending maximum amounts of units to given targets.

Expansion against militia neutrals:
1 bomber + 1 infantry beats 1 militia
2 bombers + 1 infantry beats 2 militias
2 bombers +1 infantry beats 3 militias
3 bombers + 1 infantry beats 4 militias
3 bombers + 1 or 2 infantry beats 5 militias
4 bombers + 1 infantry beats 6 militias
5 bombers + 1 infantry beats 7 militias
5 or 6 bombers + 1 infantry beats 8 militias

Expansion against infantry neutrals:
2 bombers + 1 infantry beats 1 infantry
3 bombers + 1 infantry beats 2 infantries
4 bombers + 1 infantry beats 3 infantries
5 bombers + 1 infantry beats 4 infantries
6 bombers + 1 infantry beats 5 infantries
7 bombers + 1 infantry beats 6 infantries
8 bombers + 1 infantry beats 7 infantries
9 bombers + 1 infantry beats 8 infantries

Sky Menace Styles

The Zerg Rush
The Zerg rush consists of attacking the neutral countries your enemy will, except with extreme force causing immediate casualties to your enemy. For ex: If you're Ukraine and your enemy is Germany. A typical German player expands to Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia etc. Attack those countries with absolute power and capture them instead of your enemy. In order to capture them, you'll have to send more attacking power than him. So send lots!

The Unpredictable Rush
The Unpredictable Rush is self-explanatory in itself. Basically, it means rushing the enemy where he least expects it. For ex: Break his capital wall, with several stacks in various cities nearby. Your enemy will assume you're going to cap him next turn. But no, instead, attack his small cities, the total equivalent to that of his capital. He will have sent all his defence to his capital while you deteriorate his other cities. This is just one example, keep diversifying yourself with this tactic and make sure to be creative, innovative and as unpredictable as possible!

Cap Rush: Expand then Unite
The Cap Rush is simple: Expand, attack your enemy's capital with all your units and capture it on reinforcements. Which means, expand normally, break your enemy's capital wall 2 turns before reinforcements, (Meaning turns 3, 7, 11, 15, 19...) so that you can attack 1 turn before reinforcements. (4, 8, 12, 16, 20...) Meaning you will capture his capital on reinforcements for maximum damage. How can you perfect this? The trick is covering as much ground as possible and all extremities, isolating your opponent. It's also about your expansion. You need to have as many sources (cities) nearby to be able to send absolutely everything you've got at your enemy's capital. With what you've already read above in this guide, you have all the tools to perform this. Expand to as many cities as possible, maintain a good income, follow the criterias of the "Cap Rush" and you'll succeed.

Upgrades for Sky Menace
- Air Transport Capacity 1
- Air Transport Capacity 2
- General: Air Main Attack
- General: Movement Range
- Faster General 1
- Faster General 2
- Naval Transport Capacity
- Safer Transportation
- Air Stealth
- Lift The Fog 1
- Lift The Fog 2

15k countries for Sky Menace
- Ukraine
- Germany
- France
- South Korea
- All USA
- All China
- Mexico
- Turkey

10k countries for Sky Menace
- Ukraine
- Spain
- Sweden
- South Korea
- China North
- China Northeast
- USA: Midwest
- USA: Mountain
- USA: Northeast
- Russia: Volga
-Russia: Central
- Austria
- Poland
- Greece
- Belarus
- Serbia

5k countries for Sky Menace
- Austria
- Serbia
- Belarus
- North Korea
- Portugal
- Ireland
- Belgium
04.08.2014 - 00:31
04.08.2014 - 07:15
Написао Your Monkey, 04.08.2014 at 00:14

god dammit, fucking change your avatar


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