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He muted me on global for no reason
I very much doubt that xD
Lest we forget
Moja Bosna Ponosna
I don't know how you all get bullied by Google chrome so much, he is actually such a chilled guy. 90% of the time he is afk plus the people who I've seen get muted by him literally post shit like "fuck you Google chrome" in global... the only times I get muted is when I bash someone in global so I don't get how you all get muted for "no reason". I honestly get away with so much shit and I'm disliked by majority moderators so if they were as terrible as everyone says then I would be fucked. In saying that though I do get bullied sometimes
Lest we forget
Moja Bosna Ponosna
~Google is a scumbag, he mutes/bans a large number of players for no reason. If he was gone, atwar would be much better off.
~Google is a scumbag, he mutes/bans a large number of players for no reason. If he was gone, atwar would be much better off.
Anyone who thinks they were muted for no reason, and they broke the rules in no way, can message me. I am sure we can clear up any confusion.
Day of mute will be needed, otherwise I will not investigate.
Beware though, if I end up finding you did more spamming then was previously believed, I will adjust your mute accordingly.
If however, my mute is unwarranted, I will formally apologize.
Remove Google
He muted me on global for no reason
Anyone who thinks they were muted for no reason, and they broke the rules in no way, can message me. I am sure we can clear up any confusion.
Day of mute will be needed, otherwise I will not investigate.
Beware though, if I end up finding you did more spamming then was previously believed, I will adjust your mute accordingly.
If however, my mute is unwarranted, I will formally apologize.
Написао Helly, 11.03.2018 at 12:58
Use Moderators to moderate, and use supporters, or another group yet created to look into what mods are doing. If you feel your wrongly accused, there should be a group of people who you can go to who have no bias as to the situation. It really don't make sense that a mod would ever incriminate themselves. There needs to be a check to there power, mod repeal, just like ban repeal. But rather then have it as a public forum, make it a private forum where trusted supporters can bring complaints up without community out cry.
Sounds like a great idea.
Написао ise-kun, 09.03.2018 at 13:40
Well, Google muted me from the gl chat by saying '' no '' and '' 3v3 '' lol
Anyone who thinks they were muted for no reason, and they broke the rules in no way, can message me. I am sure we can clear up any confusion.
Day of mute will be needed, otherwise I will not investigate.
Beware though, if I end up finding you did more spamming then was previously believed, I will adjust your mute accordingly.
If however, my mute is unwarranted, I will formally apologize.
Just demote google chrome already,he is important just as traffic lights in gta 5...
Написао Google, 12.03.2018 at 00:06
Написао Helly, 11.03.2018 at 12:58
Use Moderators to moderate, and use supporters, or another group yet created to look into what mods are doing. If you feel your wrongly accused, there should be a group of people who you can go to who have no bias as to the situation. It really don't make sense that a mod would ever incriminate themselves. There needs to be a check to there power, mod repeal, just like ban repeal. But rather then have it as a public forum, make it a private forum where trusted supporters can bring complaints up without community out cry.
Sounds like a great idea.
Our next Moments are Tomorrows Memories
Написао Domo, 12.03.2018 at 01:06
Just demote google chrome already,he is important just as traffic lights in gta 5...
Agree; nothing personal against ~Google, but we might as well demote him
For those commenting about demoting GC, you clearly missed the point.
This isn't a thread to bash Google Chrome, because I honestly think he isn't doing really that bad at moderating this game.
This thread was mainly a response to locking my thread, the thread that was about mods locking threads because they personaly think it should not be discussed, or threads where its unable to talk about actions made my mods.
I mean we all get that they are human and that we make mistakes, but having rules that we simply cannot talk about particular actions made by mods is, like alot of players mentioned above, a huge problem. That is the main reason I made that thread, because I want to let the mods, and actually the admins, know that those rules should, and can be, changed.
Like helly said above, there should be a some sort of group or place where you can go if you feel like you've been handled wrongfully. Currently if we have a problem we have to talk with a moderator about it and most of the times the mute/punishment stays like that, or the threads stays unlocked. Most people don't feel like wasting their time on that and leave things the way it is. That is in my opinion a bit unfair to the people who cannot do anything against it. But on the other side, having a group of people that decide what is wrongfully and what isn't, will just lead to where we are at this point. So therefore I think we (the community) should atleast be able to express ourselves when we feel wrongfully handled, by forums or even in public chats.
Написао Waffel, 12.03.2018 at 06:28
Like helly said above, there should be a some sort of group or place where you can go if you feel like you've been handled wrongfully.
Sun used to step in when he thinks that mod decision is un fair , making group like you said is a bit hard and admins aren't going to do it anyways , best thing can be done is re promoting sun.
Написао razm, 12.03.2018 at 06:38
Написао Waffel, 12.03.2018 at 06:28
Like helly said above, there should be a some sort of group or place where you can go if you feel like you've been handled wrongfully.
Sun used to step in when he thinks that mod decision is un fair , making group like you said is a bit hard and admins aren't going to do it anyways , best thing can be done is re promoting sun.
That bridge is burnt, sun has clearly cut ties with them if you have been reading his posts. Rightfully so they wrongly humiliated him, and where disrespectful in there exucution of his demotion.
We are not the same- I am a Martian.
Text text ,
text text
cry cry cry
fuck you
you noob
Написао Alt 27, 12.03.2018 at 10:24
Text text ,
text text
cry cry cry
fuck you
you noob
Thank you!
OK i readed this thread
I agree but I am still too tired to write a whole comment
But still you kinda deserve it don't you think Waffel?
But still you kinda deserve it don't you think Waffel?
What are you talking about it?
OK i readed this thread
I agree but I am still too tired to write a whole comment
And im sorry to sound rude or something, but its not like we've all been waiting on a comment from your side, lol.
If you want to share something about it, fine.
If you don't, then don't comment like this, because its not really useful or needed.
Написао Waffel, 12.03.2018 at 12:11
And im sorry to sound rude or something, but its not like we've all been waiting on a comment from your side, lol.
If you want to share something about it, fine.
If you don't, then don't comment like this, because its not really useful or needed.
Nice arrogant mod attitude. as I said 80M minutes mute serves you well
Написао Waffel, 12.03.2018 at 12:11
And im sorry to sound rude or something, but its not like we've all been waiting on a comment from your side, lol.
If you want to share something about it, fine.
If you don't, then don't comment like this, because its not really useful or needed.
Nice arrogant mod attitude. as I said 80M minutes mute serves you well
? No Idea what you are talking about dude
Just check what u post before u post it, bcs its like a crossword puzzle here.
Написао Waffel, 12.03.2018 at 12:32
? No Idea what you are talking about dude
Well It's the first time I have ever seen brian writing a comment with no heart at it and it tells everything
But you know I will always love you ♥
Написао Waffel, 12.03.2018 at 12:11
But still you kinda deserve it don't you think Waffel?
What are you talking about it?
OK i readed this thread
I agree but I am still too tired to write a whole comment
And im sorry to sound rude or something, but its not like we've all been waiting on a comment from your side, lol.
If you want to share something about it, fine.
If you don't, then don't comment like this, because its not really useful or needed.
i readed it too is that important?
Our next Moments are Tomorrows Memories
I think the mods need a little dose of jesus.
I think the mods need a little dose of jesus.

Ur not funny...
You didnt want khal as a moderator cause too progressive, too extreme, too openminded, too blunt, too red pilled.Well now that you finally admit that you need me i have no time for you anymore gg kidos.
Написао Waffel, 12.03.2018 at 12:32
? No Idea what you are talking about dude
Well It's the first time I have ever seen brian writing a comment with no heart at it and it tells everything
But you know I will always love you ♥

You didnt want khal as a moderator cause too progressive, too extreme, too openminded, too blunt, too red pilled.Well now that you finally admit that you need me i have no time for you anymore gg kidos.
more buzzwords please.