Написао Aetius, 27.08.2017 at 09:24
Ho, it's the fact you knew the plan for a long time and knew what we were doing with the mot the day before. You didn't say anything on the day or before, about the fact all cards should be played at the same time. That would be fine but you also told me pheos Tribune has been used and asked him if he was returning to Rome. Which shows you accept his Tribune or you would not have told us to roll for mot and actually roll to kill it(Empirez did not mention his Tribune at this time only you did)
Then, you told us populars used all their tribune so the mot can be used without a counter, I would have reconsidered cause I knew empirez had one but you made it seem like he used it.
All this together plus the fact you were not straight with us, led to me leaving cause it totally ruined our plan and wasted a lot of my time. One of these things would have been fine, but 3......
Написао JF., 27.08.2017 at 11:56
Написао Aetius, 27.08.2017 at 09:24
Ho, it's the fact you knew the plan for a long time and knew what we were doing with the mot the day before. You didn't say anything on the day or before, about the fact all cards should be played at the same time. That would be fine but you also told me pheos Tribune has been used and asked him if he was returning to Rome. Which shows you accept his Tribune or you would not have told us to roll for mot and actually roll to kill it(Empirez did not mention his Tribune at this time only you did)
Then, you told us populars used all their tribune so the mot can be used without a counter, I would have reconsidered cause I knew empirez had one but you made it seem like he used it.
All this together plus the fact you were not straight with us, led to me leaving cause it totally ruined our plan and wasted a lot of my time. One of these things would have been fine, but 3......
Okay, leave and stop shitposting, case solved.
Написао Oleg, 27.08.2017 at 11:58
My first post on the topic, so say something logical.
Ps. I will only return unless we get some sort of compensation as a faction.Not right how much we wasted on that plan.
Написао JF., 27.08.2017 at 11:59
My first post on the topic, so say something logical.
Last game Aetius and Pyrrhus destroyed my fortunes completely but I didn't quit I just kept playing and eventhough I lost it was fun
Someone Better Than You
It's not fun any more tho cause of that.
Написао JF., 27.08.2017 at 12:10
It's not fun any more tho cause of that.
Populare plan failed anyway...
Someone Better Than You
==Turn 17: Special Phase has begun==
Написао JF., 27.08.2017 at 12:02
Ps. I will only return unless we get some sort of compensation as a faction.Not right how much we wasted on that plan.
if its something reasonable...suggest
Assassination Attempt..
As Lucius Cornellius Scipio (Zephyrusu) was boarding his fleet in africa, a man tried to push him overboard and make it look like an accident, armor and all. In a desperate fight Scipio managed to pull him off and legionnaires came to his rescuse, stabbing him to death.
Rolled 4(-1 secret bodyguard) =3 assassination failed but perpetrator not implicated
Написао Aetius, 27.08.2017 at 12:57
==Turn 17: Special Phase has begun==
Написао JF., 27.08.2017 at 12:02
Ps. I will only return unless we get some sort of compensation as a faction.Not right how much we wasted on that plan.
if its something reasonable...suggest
These idiots fucked up again, i dont really care.
Say what you can offer but the game seems pretty shit atm.
Also you said my character was frozen so how can it be captured. A real player should be there.
My fellow Senators, true servants of Rome! At the moment our realm is in a grave situation. Thus I ask all of you, Populares and Reformatio as well as neutrals, to donate all your wealth to our cause. I myself will do so as well, donating 9 ducats to the state.
Someone Better Than You
It's just lovely luck that only reform senators get captured. If JF quits I think I might quit too
Написао JF., 27.08.2017 at 14:00
Also you said my character was frozen so how can it be captured. A real player should be there.
Well, if he's frozen, he can't run away can he
Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
It's just lovely luck that only reform senators get captured. If JF quits I think I might quit too
Rolls were all posted on discord, feel free to check. No conspiracy, just coincidence.
Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
It's just lovely luck that only reform senators get captured. If JF quits I think I might quit too
Rolls were all posted on discord, feel free to check. No conspiracy, just coincidence.
I know that... it wasn't a sarcastic comment
I know that... it wasn't a sarcastic comment
Cant tell tone on forums, my bad :x
Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
Most important turn in the game and no one responds to my PMs... Why do you guys find the worst possible moments to get a life...
Someone Better Than You
to donate all your wealth to our cause. I myself will do so as well, donating 9 ducats to the state.
I still have 0 shekels because it's still turn 17
P.s. you didn't pm me
I still have 0 shekels because it's still turn 17
P.s. you didn't pm me ![](/images/smilies/sad.gif)
Supposedly you have 12..
Someone Better Than You
Guiz try to save me pliz, ill gib u my shekel horde if u do
Guiz try to save me pliz, ill gib u my shekel horde if u do
if you give me your shekels, I will release you
Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
The neutral Senator has decided to donate his personal treasury of 20 talents to my cause. In exchange for his generosity and servitude to the one true God, I release him to serve God or Sicily. I will also be releasing Germanus as a ceasefire gesture to the corrupted senate. In exchange, they will also honor the ceasefire while dealing with the barbarians. All other prisoners shall remain.
Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
So im governor of illyria?
So im governor of illyria?
How would you be... Illyria is rebel-controlled, I ransomed you back
Someone Better Than You
No, he said i had to pay but he'll let me be governor of illyria, my other option was crucification
Battle of Tunis
Lucius Cornellius Scipio (Zephyrusu) (Envelopment)
(11 Legions + 3 veteran legions +4 command)=21 strength
Hannibal (Balanced)
(16 armies+7 command+3 allied numidians) = 26 strength
Battle Roll: 9
Result: Disaster
Recruiting 5 new legions from senators Scipio reinvaded africa. This time he dispatched 3 of his legions to aid Massinissa in his war with Syphax. In a series of battles the pro-roman numidians were defeated, and Massinissa killed (Massinissa rolled 2+3 legions =5, Syphax rolled 4+2 carthaginian armies=6). Syphax then rode to Hannibals support
Deciding to engage anyway knowing this, both sides met near the ruins of Tunis quite close to Carthage. Fairly outnumbered, Scipio relied again on an envelopment strategy with his forces, and again it failed. This time even worse without the reserves and with the enemy numidian cavalry counter enveloping him. At this point Hannibal unleashed his elephants and elites, they crushed the the newly recruited legions. Scipio could not escape, the cavalry caught him. The veterans manage to do a fighting retreat to Utica and lock the gates.
Roman Casualties
-7 Legions
Carthaginian Casualties
Lucius Cornellius Scipio (Zephyrusu) has been captured and imprisoned in Carthage
Lucius Cornellius Scipio (Zephyrusu) loses -4 popularity for losing 7 legions
* all units are stuck on this front due to this result
The terms of Scipio's release
The ransom amount is ten talents or two Talents per Influence of the captive (whichever is more). If the War is defeated before the captive is ransomed he dies. Captives lose all income and have their personal treasuries frozen
Someone Better Than You
Let zeph die. we need all the money we can get to raise legions.
Let zeph die. we need all the money we can get to raise legions.
If you don't free me I might consider taking my veterans and joining pking...
Someone Better Than You
Let zeph die. we need all the money we can get to raise legions.
If you don't free me I might consider taking my veterans and joining pking...
are you threatening the people of rome?
what is more important your life or rome you traitorous scum