20.01.2015 - 16:42
Well this is a longshot and if I get enough support I'll go ahead and finish it (already have base map). The idea is simply a game in which you must race other players to the finish line on a pre made track map. Simple idea, but a complicated way of implementing it. Taking advantage of the victory by capturing a certain country, one would have to capture the finish line country to win, although they can capture as much of the track and eliminate other players on the way. No alliances, strategies or upgrades either. Simply put, the finish line has Unit A. Unit A has a large defense bonus against all units except the racer unit, which each player only gets one. The player must get the racer to the finish line alive to win, and if it dies they have no chance at all of winning. There will be ground transports (bikes) to get them there fast, as the racer on it's own will have very little range. All players will start with one country evenly set on a starting line with even reinforcements and even income. They will also get their racer unit there. To prevent an unfair win (Player A takes player B's start city and Player B looses immediately), there will be a separate unit there that has a defense bonus against ALL units (including racer). The area surrounding the race course would be a no go area, and with no air units, there would be no possible way to cheat. So, should I go along with it or stop myself on my track? (This could also be done with NASCAR or formula 1 but Motocross is my thing so...)
---- [pr] Your Camel: Al Fappino: fapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfap, what day is it fap? ![]() If you go on ebay and find a life, lmk so i can give you cash so u can get it-Commando Eagle ![]()
20.01.2015 - 17:47
The thing is, how can you race in a game in which all sides have the same speed?
20.01.2015 - 18:25
Bringing in strategy, you must try to get to the finish line and ALSO try to kill the other player's racer unit. AND protect yours.
---- [pr] Your Camel: Al Fappino: fapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfap, what day is it fap? ![]() If you go on ebay and find a life, lmk so i can give you cash so u can get it-Commando Eagle ![]()
20.01.2015 - 18:29
I actually quite like this idea, excuse this terrible paint work but this is the basic concept that I thought could work. Can't be assed to explain by you will see what I mean. ![]() purple points are cities, black zones are no go areas
20.01.2015 - 18:31
You see it exactly, that is what I was planning except on a motocross themed map with motocross themed units.
---- [pr] Your Camel: Al Fappino: fapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfap, what day is it fap? ![]() If you go on ebay and find a life, lmk so i can give you cash so u can get it-Commando Eagle ![]()
20.01.2015 - 18:34
Definitley make it, keep the image as simple as possible though, could be a nice refreshing game like KoTH was in its time, simplicity is what is great about the concept
06.02.2016 - 23:02
---- [pr] Your Camel: Al Fappino: fapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfap, what day is it fap? ![]() If you go on ebay and find a life, lmk so i can give you cash so u can get it-Commando Eagle ![]()
07.02.2016 - 17:43
This sounds similar to a football tournament scenario i made. It was crazy fun. Had eight teams all equal distance and divided into 4 stages on the 'race' to the final. Search it its called Copa America 2015. ofc everyone would pick blitzkrieg. I think its a good idea to think outside the box. Maybe you will get time for atwar in the future ![]()
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