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Постављено од стране Garde, 02.04.2012 - 20:32

"On the eve of June 28, 1914, the world would change forever. The next four years of Human history would be ones of death, war, and Armageddon. Yet, hope still prevailed. In the end, Versailles determined the fate of the nations who committed these atrocities. In the end, we had survived. In the end, the world was changed forever." -Anonymous

My scenario, 1914: Dawn of war, and it's 2 sequels proved the capability of Scenarios early on. Over time, they aged with the rest of my profile, and they now appear absent from Afterwind. This thread is dedicated to the constant work I have done on remaking the scenario. Everything has been redone, and I have taken a very long labor of love in making sure every city is historically accurate for the period, along with every flag, country, and unit. Some countries, such as The Kingdom of Serbia, have one or a few extra territories to balance out the scenario. I am currently 40 or so percent done with the scenario, so a release date has not yet been thought out. It should be out at the latest, the beginning of May (Mai). For the moment, I will keep you updated with every change I make, and new features that are added. I would like your feedback on everything I post here, etc etc. Thank you for reading, and stay in tune to the thread! I promise I will not disappoint you; this will be the best scenario I have ever made.


Av1 - Countries v1 added (British empire (British isles, colonial (Anglo-Sudan, Arabia, Baluchistan)), French Empire (France proper), German empire, Austro-Hungary, Russian empire (Moscow (south), Novgorod, Tartaria (Western Siberia)), The Ottoman empire, Kingdom of Serbia)

Av2 - Flags added/city names changed (Too many to list! about 60% of the cities on the map!, ever country has a Historical flag!)

Av3 - Units added/pics added (Source: Freesourceimages, Mutant Chronicles, Wikipedia, LilDgoinin, Learster)

Av4 - Historical economies added (Source: Wikipedia, Google, World war one on BBC, "The World war" (Arthur G. Daniels, 1917)).

Av5 - Historical populations added:

~The Entente~

ttl: 945,886,225

~Central powers~

ttl: 163,580,000

P.O.N.A.W.: 1,109,466,225
world pop: 1,721,426,000


Bv1 - Final polishes and preparation for first test game

Bv2 - First, Second, and Third tests: Tanks replaced with Artillery, Walls removed, Tunis given to France

Bv3 - Expansion work started, final preparation for Public Beta started

Bv4 - Public Beta begins

27.09.2012 - 06:55
Constantinople became Istanbul...500 years before WW1
The great questions of the day will not be settled by means of speeches and majority decisions but by iron and blood.
27.09.2012 - 16:08
Actually the name changed with ataturk
After the creation of the Republic of Turkey in 1923, the various alternative names besides İstanbul became obsolete in the Turkish language. With the Turkish Postal Service Law of March 28, 1930, the Turkish authorities officially requested foreigners to cease referring to the city with their traditional non-Turkish names (such as Constantinople, Tsarigrad, etc.) and to adopt Istanbul as the sole name also in their own languages.
27.09.2012 - 17:17
Well politically it still was Istanbul not Constantinople.
The great questions of the day will not be settled by means of speeches and majority decisions but by iron and blood.
29.09.2012 - 09:54
Написао Utah, 27.09.2012 at 17:17

Well politically it still was Istanbul not Constantinople.

It was always Constantinople until 1923.
29.09.2012 - 09:55
Написао FasterThanRaito, 26.09.2012 at 17:04

Rename French Empire to French Republic. Just because one owns a colonial empire does not mean one is not a democracy. Is the U.S.A. called the American Empire?

Empire of Liberty ftw.
30.09.2012 - 03:41
Hey gardevoir, why don't you change the name to ''Kostantiniyye''. Ottomans named Constantinople ''Kostantiniyye'' after they capture it and in 1914 it was still Ottoman.
30.09.2012 - 10:44
Написао Roncho, 30.09.2012 at 03:41

Hey gardevoir, why don't you change the name to ''Kostantiniyye''. Ottomans named Constantinople ''Kostantiniyye'' after they capture it and in 1914 it was still Ottoman.

I rarely edit, or even play the game any more. I plan on remaking this with it's own map once the custom maps update is released anyways.
30.09.2012 - 11:07
Написао Garde, 30.09.2012 at 10:44

Написао Roncho, 30.09.2012 at 03:41

Hey gardevoir, why don't you change the name to ''Kostantiniyye''. Ottomans named Constantinople ''Kostantiniyye'' after they capture it and in 1914 it was still Ottoman.

I rarely edit, or even play the game any more. I plan on remaking this with it's own map once the custom maps update is released anyways.

what happen with the original 1914 scenario.
02.10.2012 - 15:34
Cool scenario
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