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Real question: Is this just the early 90s & 00s all over again?


Укупно гласова: 18
19.07.2019 - 18:17
Hello again,

As you know, I'm that DFU guy (Deep and Fucking Unique), (Thanks), (No problem, bro, I got you) I am here to ask you all, yet another, yeah...Another question.

Here we go;
Is this just the early 90s & 00s all over again, in regards to the political situations with the "West" and the Middle East? Us and Uk in particular.

It's all happening again

- In the 90s the Us was interfering with the M.E then the UK gets involved, then mini war/proxy wars

- Late 90s, US and UK politicians say "No War"

- In the 00s the Us was interfering with the M.E then the UK gets involved, then mini war/proxy wars

- Late 00s, US and UK politicians say "No War"

- In the 2010s the Us is interfering with the M.E then the UK gets involved, then...Nothing? Or repeat?

Yes or No?

Your view?
*War in Europe again isn't good for anyone... that's why the EU is an Absolute! Long Live The Forth Realm! Long Live Europe!*
19.07.2019 - 22:21
With 2019 hindsight you can apply historical trends to just about anything, but I don't think there is a cosmic inevitability for war in the Middle East. The Iranian government knows exactly what it's doing, the U.S. government knows exactly what it's doing. In the end, both countries want to defend what is in their national interests.

On June 17th, an Iranian spokesperson said the country would violate the limit of 3.67 percent uranium enrichment in just 10 days, which was just in time for the G20 summit. Iran hoped the international community would convince Trump to preserve the deal. Trump, however, knew better than to bend to the dreams and wishes of a rogue state. In order to save the deal, Iran needed to end the deal; Trump didn't fall for it. Iran is acting out for several other reasons, too. For one, it wants to emanate a sense of patriotism--a rallying call--for its people. There is obviously an incipient democratic movement in Iran, the Iranian government knows this. If their economy--which is supported almost entirely by the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), otherwise known as the Iran nuclear deal--goes down the tubes, then their power wanes and ultimately their regime will crumble from within.

Trump and his advisors are foreign policy geniuses. There's a reason Trump refused to bomb an Iranian air base several weeks ago: strategy. Strategic patience will defeat Iran. If we respond to their insignificant attacks on oil tankers, U.S. military drones, etc., then that will provide the rallying cry they want. It will be internal decay, not external attack, that will soundly defeat the Iranian government. Otherwise, if they launch a significant enough attack on U.S. forces, we must respond appropriately with the deployment of a 500,000 ground force invasion and occupy the country. A reciprocal military response sounds like it makes sense, but in reality it is a victory for Iran. Trump knows this. We must remain strong and unyielding to the demands of a rogue state. #Trump 2020
Happiness = reality - expectations
20.07.2019 - 00:11
 Dave (Админ)
I think the primary driver of this right now is economic. The heavy sanctions against Iran are ruining the Iranian economy, and thus weakening the Ayatollah's continued hold on power.

The Iranians believe, probably correctly, that a democrat US president would be more agreeable to their national interests. I'm sure they would like nothing more than a return to Obama-style appeasement, where the US delivers planes full of cash in exchange for hostage releases. The Iranians could choose to simply wait out Trump's term for another 2 or 6 years, whichever the case may be, or they can try to force Trump into an unpopular military conflict which would ensure he doesn't get reelected. They seem to have chosen the latter.

The Iranians know they could never defeat the US in a full-scale war. But they also know the US hasn't had the political will for a full-scale war since WWII, and the American people generally tire of war quickly. (We gave up on Vietnam because we lacked the political will, not because we lacked the military ability, for example.) If Iran can provoke a limited-scale war, which drags on long enough and is sufficiently damaging to US morale, Trump will lose a certain percentage of support from voters who backed him due to his commitment to keep the US out of such foreign entanglements. It may not be much, but it could be just enough to cost Trump reelection. From Iran's perspective, all they have to do is provoke a war serious enough to damage Trump politically, but not so serious that the Iranian government can't hang on until the US eventually gives up an moves on.

Despite what the media would say, and regardless what you think of the man personally, I think the Trump administration has been making very smart moves with respect to foreign policy. So ultimately I think Iran's gambit will fail, and I hope that in time the Iranian people themselves will rise up and overthrow the ruthless Ayatollahs.
All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer,
but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.
--Sun Tzu

20.07.2019 - 04:22
Where is huarck this fucking iranian D
20.07.2019 - 04:41
For more than a few decades, the Iranian regime has been threatening the destruction of Israel and calling on the United States, the Great Satan and Israel the little Satan. This regime funds terrorist organizations throughout the world, especially in the Middle East. Hezbollah, an organization known as a terrorist organization by the European Union and the United States, is one of the organizations that receives funding from Iran. Iran's goal is to obtain a nuclear bomb so that it can be in a situation where North Korea is at the moment where it is free to threaten Japan and South Korea with nuclear bombs. In the event that Trump agrees to Iran's demands, the situation in the Middle East will not be different and many countries will be under the Iranian threat, especially Israel, which is one of the most hated countries for the Iranian regime.
20.07.2019 - 06:57
Iran illegally seized British Oil Tanker 'Stena Impero', yesterday with claims of 'sinking a fishing boat' and violating its laws. Despite this the ship was in international waters and the fishing boat complete fabrication.
Iran looking for any excuse to escalate the situation after UK legally seized its ship sending oil to Syria through British waters in Gibraltar.
20.07.2019 - 07:28
Sure Iran could get sanctioned and its economy would suffer, but think about how much iran could sanction the world, through the persian gulf travels 40% of the worlds crude oil, all iran needs to do is blockade and put mines in the sea to stop the commerce, in turn USA and the rest of the world suffers inflation and oil price skyrockets, its a win for iran.

Its why they are hardballing with trump about the nuclear deal, theyve got a good set of cards and are utilising them. What could the USA do really? War? The cost to invade a country like iran would be too high, mountainous terrain from all sides, russia to the north would be funding them. while US and middle east allies would not be able to advance in. Strategic bombing would have a limited effect but the outcome would probably be a fail. Another vietnam scenario.
''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies''

20.07.2019 - 07:50
Send a nuke to all those filthy Persians cowards, provoke some massive earthquakes that will destroy Teheran (check the map its actually quite scary the earthquake risks in Iran) = problem solve, Gg no re

(chill out folks, that's a joke)
20.07.2019 - 08:35
Написао Abraham, 20.07.2019 at 04:41

For more than a few decades, the Iranian regime has been threatening the destruction of Israel and calling on the United States, the Great Satan and Israel the little Satan. This regime funds terrorist organizations throughout the world, especially in the Middle East. Hezbollah, an organization known as a terrorist organization by the European Union and the United States, is one of the organizations that receives funding from Iran. Iran's goal is to obtain a nuclear bomb so that it can be in a situation where North Korea is at the moment where it is free to threaten Japan and South Korea with nuclear bombs. In the event that Trump agrees to Iran's demands, the situation in the Middle East will not be different and many countries will be under the Iranian threat, especially Israel, which is one of the most hated countries for the Iranian regime.

They better make a whole bunch of them yall got the most advanced missile defence systems in the world in israel.

We are not the same- I am a Martian.
20.07.2019 - 09:07
Iran did nothing wrong
20.07.2019 - 12:33
Admin who reads off-topic and gets involved in political debate? Not sure if i love or fear that.

Anyway, another case of USA bullying small countries, face Russia if you dare America!
If a game is around long enough, people will find the most efficient way to play it and start playing it like robots
20.07.2019 - 14:49
Написао Skanderbeg, 20.07.2019 at 12:33

Admin who reads off-topic and gets involved in political debate? Not sure if i love or fear that.

Anyway, another case of USA bullying small countries, face Russia if you dare America!

But russia is a small country too
''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies''

21.07.2019 - 07:39
Написао Skanderbeg, 20.07.2019 at 12:33

Admin who reads off-topic and gets involved in political debate? Not sure if i love or fear that.

Anyway, another case of USA bullying small countries, face Russia if you dare America!


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