29.09.2021 - 17:55
brianwl: Nick Sid: Dr. Doof Mobster: Philip Sean Spicer: Mad'am Gutentag Babaracus: Mr. X =============================================================================== Nick, "Dr. Doof", Phillip, "Mr. X" and "Mad'am Gutentag" were all just regular Americans. They happily went along with their life until one day, they all suddenly woke up in a large bustling city. They look around and see cars and motorcycles, but mostly motorcycles speeding around the road. It's still early in the morning and dark outside, but they can still make out the people riding their bikes and their cars. All around them, they see Asian looking people who also glare back at them. The buildings around them are plastered with Chinese writing that they don't understand. Not knowing how and when they got into this conundrum, they all knew one thing. They had to get the hell back home to the United States. ================================================================================ The game has started, you all will take turns performing actions (they can be literally anything you can think of). Your goal is to make it back to the USA. Good luck
29.09.2021 - 17:55
================================================================ brianwl: Nick Status: Healthy but spooked. ================================================================ Sid: Dr. Doof Status: Healthy White Lab Coat (Clean) Blue dress shirt (Clean) Blue Jean (Clean) 3 Pens 1 Pencil (Good) ================================================================ Mobster: Philip Status: Healthy Shorts (Clean) iPhone 5 (No charge, no Sim card) Blue T-shirt (Clean) ================================================================ Sean Spicer: Mad'am Gutentag Status: Healthy but spooked. ================================================================ Babaracus: Mr. X Turn done Status: Healthy Inventory: Khakis Pants (Good) White Dress Shirt (Stained) Brown Boots (Good) Black Socks (Good) Snickers Bar (Unopened) ================================================================
29.09.2021 - 17:56
"Mad'am Gutentag" starts hyperventilating as he/she woke up and didn't know where they were. Immediately, Mad'am Gutentag then starts hugging the wall of buildings with his/her back and creeping down the street. An angry old woman with a broom spots Mad'am Gutentag acting very suspiciously and starting yelling and swinging the broom at Mad'am Gutentag. Mad'am Gutentag panicked and ran away behind a building to avoid causing more trouble. ================================================================ Nick and "Dr. Doof" scan their surrounding. They are standing by a large round-about that has 3 roads attached to it.. There is a road that leads to a bridge that crosses a river. ![]() ================================================================ Dr. Doof then decides to check his belongings. He is wearing a clean, traditional lab coat with a blue dress shirt underneath. He is wearing blue jeans and inside his jean pockets, he finds several pens and pencils. ================================================================ Nick tries to check for bio hazard. He sees nothing particularly alarming, just a city. He then gets on his knees and starts praying to Zizou. Suddenly, some Chinese man from his car starts yelling at him. Nick couldn't tell what he was yelling, but he could tell it wasn't something good. Nick stopped praying and went to hide before something bad happens. ================================================================ Philips checks his short's pocket for his phone so he can call his family. Luckily, he still has his iPhone 5s, but unfortunately for him. His phone has no charge and even if he could power it up, his sim card would not allow him to make a call in a foreign country. Philips shrugs it off and considers himself lucky that he still has a phone. Philips is wearing sandals and a clean blue t-shirt. ================================================================ Mr. X immediately starts take inventory of his belongings. He's wearing khakis pants which are not new, but still in relatively good condition. He has a white dress shirt with some mud stains on it. He's wearing a brown boot with black socks underneath. He checks his pockets and finds a snickers bar! At least he won't go hungry tonight. ================================================================
01.10.2021 - 04:12
I would join but I'm afraid I would humiliate the game master after speed rushing the game in 5 turns
---- Happiness = reality - expectations
07.10.2021 - 00:17
Looks like we're not gonna get a fifth player... We'll start playing this Saturday with the 4 people if we don't get a fifth person.
07.10.2021 - 09:38
Add me. My name is Mad'am Gutentag
---- Happiness = reality - expectations
12.10.2021 - 20:52
Check my inventory and peer at my immediate surroundings for geography indications or landmarks.
13.10.2021 - 04:26
Scan immediate landscape, test for biohazards, pray to Zizou.
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13.10.2021 - 04:48
Check phone, call family. Tell them I'll be back in time for dinner.
13.10.2021 - 12:33
Hyperventilate. Blend in by creeping sideways with back against the walls of the buildings on each city block, head down, until I find something or someone recognizable
---- Happiness = reality - expectations
15.10.2021 - 02:26
Gaze at the others in my predicament, then ask everyone if they wants to try walking down the street eastward to find someone who speaks english (or if anyone there speaks chinese). Regardless of response, tell everyone I am a doctor, shall be referred to as such, and start walking down the street afterwards. ![]()
15.10.2021 - 02:45
Agrees with Doctor. Also looks around, trying to see how and where exactly he woke up?
15.10.2021 - 03:03
Ignore rest of group. Eat snickers bar. Start working the street as an informal parking helper... Guiding arriving cars into narrow parking spaces along the street, holding out hand at the end to receive small tips. Examine currency received to determine which country I'm in. (Does it have Mao's picture on it? Kim Jong Un? That Taiwanese flower symbol thingy? Does it say "Yuan" or "Baht" or "Dong", or...?) ![]()
15.10.2021 - 04:07
I go behind an old, dark building after being swatted away by the Asian woman. I stop for a few minutes to perform a comprehensive self-evaluation and reflection on the circumstances surrounding my blackout. To this end, I pat myself down and find nothing unusual, except stitches along my abdomen suggesting one of my organs are gone or that some type of tracking device or valuable item was stored in my belly. Unsure, I become emotional. I start shaking and rolling on the cold, Asian surface until I slap myself in the face. I get up, pace back and forth for several minutes... and then, I start to spin in place with my arms in the air, screaming to the sky at the top of my lungs: "WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR, HUH?... WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?... WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FORRR?..." ![]()
---- Happiness = reality - expectations
15.10.2021 - 11:21
Asks doctor if he is a medical doctor, or a PhD. Suggests finding a wifi hot spot ==> Presents compelling case - Chinoogle translate, Chinoogle maps... but secretly wants to take AW casual turns. ![]()
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08.11.2021 - 17:35
Sorry been busy irl ill pick this up again by this weekend.
Да ли си сигуран?