24.06.2013 - 23:33 ![]() Clan War Report by Madara 6/24/13 Greetings everyone, This is my very first article and CW report for ATN! I hope you enjoy the article and the match for those that were able to watch it. Cheers! This CW as I guessed was to be very grand and exciting! This was a CW for both Victorious Secrets return and a continuation of The Avengers 2nd pursuit of the gold medal! Last season Avengers won gold by a landslide and this season they just might win over Campfire Fellowship who overtook Stalins Martians just recently! Being both a fan of Pera and Chess I was stuck between both coalitions like many spectators of the match. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Avengers Pera as Ukraine Lemonade as Italy Eagles8576 as Germany Victorious Secret Chess as Spain Safari as Turkey hedinho as United Kingdom As far as teams go I think this is a fairly even set up which is how you get overall exciting and fun CWs. Along with that we have an interesting set up!: ![]() Please refer to the teams at the top so you know who's who! Let's see how their first turn expansion fairs: ![]() Quite what I expected although Italy clearly knows his stuff! Avenger's strategy seems to be to wipe Turkey as quickly as possible and then help Eaglet (He's my hubby I can call him that) in Germany. However this plan clearly didn't go as planned ![]() Looking at turn 4 I'd say Avengers have a clear advantage! And yes UK did get walled in Munich. At this point I expected UK to be capped by Eaglet in Germany or at least capturing a few cities. ![]() Nope. Eaglet seemingly had no sea transports and only captured two cities. Quite the blunder if you ask me. I wonder what happen to the one he used for Sweden.. Moving on we will see Turkey come back stronger than ever!: ![]() Here turn 8 we see Italy's decline of the Balkans which was crucial for Safari's survival, the plan after all was to get rid of him, right? ![]() Didn't work out :/ By turn 15 Italy's wait is no more, he can no longer make futile attempts to postpone the inevitable. While at the same time we see over in London Eaglet makes a jump for London, which you can't blame him for. It was hit or miss as Italy knew he was to be capped! And might I reveal Ukraine has made no attacks on Ankara nor has he successfully captured a in Turkey? His only 'offensive' was a mere skirmish in Hungary and he was able to capture Greece, with one marine I believe. Which I have for you here: ![]() Turn 16 ![]() This turn was no surprise but I can't deny It made me wail to see little Eaglet get bodied like that ;_; Victorious Secret sexy, huh? If they ever catch you looking you'll end up just like Eaglet: ![]() This ain't no joke either son. ![]() ![]() At this point Avengers had no point to fight. Let me present to you the concluding screenshot: ![]() Match rating - 9/10 - this was a very enjoyable match for me and was even for a majority of the which kept the strong tension and everyone questioning which team might be the victor. This CW was exactly what I hoped it would be. Overall player ratings Safari - 10/10 - Man of the match, survived whole game and mostly clever gameplay Pera - 5/10 - Loser of the match, did relatively nothing while his team survived 15 turn whereas he made no progress in that time Chess - 9/10 Eagles8567 - 6/10 hedinho - 7/10 Lemonade - 8/10 Now enough of my rambling. I got a few of these fantastic players in a corner ![]() The first subject to my interrogation was to be Safari, being the man of the match an all ![]() [pr] ~Safari: but getting banged from Chess on the left and me on the right isn't very easy [pr] ~Safari: and italy didn't got enough support to survive [pr] Madara: ~Safari: No he didn't. Was Ukraine in your mind not agressive enough? [pr] ~Safari: yes absolutely. Pera was GW and GW is in my opinion a strategy mainly for attacking [pr] Madara: ~Safari: You jumped into Lviv early game and it seemd to me you might rush Ukraine but then you retreated and kept you're army in Turkey 99.9% of the time. [pr] Madara: ~Safari: your* [pr] ~Safari: but he didn't even attacked ankara once [pr] ~Safari: yes i jumped back, because first i should play save and second i would have taken kiev, but pera could have retaken his cap easily and then go for turkey [pr] ~Safari: i couldn't risk that [pr] ~Safari: so i had to go home [pr] Madara: ~Safari: Precisely my thinking. And that plan served you well. [pr] Madara: ~Safari: Was there any initial plan before the game began? [pr] ~Safari: no. we didn't even discussed before the CW. just chess and hedinho a bit (i was not reading that, I was doing small talk with the guys in the lobby, game chat) [pr] ~Safari: but it was obvious what my job was with italy and ukraine as my opponent [pr] ~Safari: not much to talk about [pr] Madara: ~Safari: I see. Overall you enjoyed the CW, right? [pr] ~Safari: ofc. if you have chances of winning while playing you enjoy every game [pr] ~Safari: just if you are underpowered in comparison to the other team you start to dislike that game [pr] ~Safari: the more equal the teams are the more interesting it gets [pr] Madara: ~Safari: I see this was Victorious' first CW of this season, what was the hold up? [pr] ~Safari: well. as you know have been in the last few weeks the last exams for this school year [pr] ~Safari: and in accordance that most of our members are in high school or university [pr] ~Safari: they had plenty of other stuff to do, so that VS was kinda inactive. But now we are looking forward again with a bunch of active guys [pr] Madara: ~Safari: Would you include hedinho in future CWs? [pr] ~Safari: sure. if he is active why not [pr] Madara: ~Safari: So, I must say Victorious Scholars has been quite inactive. Is this only temporary? What's your next move with Victorious Scholars? [pr] ~Safari: imo all people should play CW if they are active [pr] ~Safari: well VScholars is now really a bit inactive, because we are searching for a new leader [pr] ~Safari: our aim is that is getting an own instance [pr] ~Safari: currently i have to run this and running 2 clans is very hard (especially if i dont have that much time currently) [pr] ~Safari: good that there is still KaasCity he is a big help [pr] ~Safari: but next week i have again way more time. Then we will find an great successor for Freeland & Co [pr] ~Safari: and let's hope that VScholars create its own dynamic [pr] Madara: ~Safari: Sounds great. So we can see Victorious Scholars come back at the later this season? I look forward to their progress ![]() [pr] ~Safari: yes VScholars will return for sure, but tbh i haven't really searched for a successor yet, because i am also one of these 'students' [pr] ~Safari: but as i already mentioned. next time i have more time [pr] ~Safari: and then i will search for "VS next top model" [pr] Madara: ~Safari: Hahahahaa I see. Again I look forward to all of this ![]() [pr] Madara: ~Safari: Thank you for the interview! It was my pleasure ![]() [pr] ~Safari: VS is the sexiest clan of atWar! I must say he gave good overall responses and we can see Victorious Secret is back! Victorious Scholars is still prepping it's return but will surely be back in time to climb up this season for a medal maybe? We shall see. Safari clearly hasn't let down his coalition even though hdrakon is gone and he will take the steps to bring Scholars to it's former self! Now, for our loser of the match, Pera ![]() [pr] Madara: Pera: Greetings, may I interview you? [pr] Pera: No. LOL [pr] Pera: Jk, of course. [pr] Madara: Pera: Rofl you actually scared me a bit mate. x3 [pr] Pera: Just tell me about what? [pr] Pera: xD [pr] Madara: Pera: Huh? x3 You don't confuse the interviewer now let me ask you questions for our devious readers to read for their reading desire. Please? [pr] Pera: Of course, mister interviewer. ![]() [pr] Madara: Pera: Great! Now, what did YOU think of the clanwar? [pr] Pera: In my opinoin it was very hard. I couldn't do anything about Safari(Turkey), so i kinda gave up a little. [pr] Pera: Everyone played well, but i was surprised when Lemonade picked Italy [pr] Madara: Pera: Yes, I was impressed with Safari's preformance! What did you think of your clan's preformance? [pr] Pera: Eagles played nicely, until that rush on london. But that doesn't matter. He knew we lost, so he just went for it. [pr] Madara: Pera: So there wasn't any initial plan before the game started? [pr] Pera: There was. But not on the countries. [pr] Pera: We didn't agree on that. [pr] Pera: I just told Eagles to take Germany to suport me against turkey. [pr] Pera: If Lemonade picked France eagles could have helped in balkans and we might have kiled Safari. [pr] Pera: It's not that Lemonade played bad, cause he didn't. It's just that he picked Italy. [pr] Pera: That is the reason i think we lost. That and my poor judgement of strategy against Turkey. [pr] Madara: Pera: Eagle's Germany is never dissapointing and Lemonade did play very well. [pr] Pera: I wanted SM. But Eagles told me to go GW. [pr] Pera: I thought i could take balkans at least with SM. [pr] Madara: Pera: I've just been exposed to Gw these last few days and it was my first attempt trying to play Gw in general. Did you have any doubt if Gw was a good decision or not? [pr] Pera: I had no doubt. Because i normaly never lose with GW. [pr] Pera: But when i saw Safari stacking up balkans and Turkey i kinda didn't know what to do. [pr] Pera: My militia couldn't handle that. [pr] Madara: Pera: What was your struggle with Safari (Turkey)? You both seemed to be on the defensive. [pr] Pera: Yes i thought he would rush Kiev. [pr] Pera: So i didn't leave out my militia. [pr] Madara: Pera: What was Lemonade's role in this Cw? To simply hold off Chess? I was dissapointed when I saw his armie's decline in the Balkans. [pr] Pera: I thought lemonade would help me in balkans to kill Safari. But he couldn't do much since he picked GC. [pr] Pera: 2nd turn he had Serbia stacked with over 25 infantry and general so he didn't have any more reinforcements. [pr] Pera: That's when he lost. [pr] Madara: Pera: Aah, I see. It seems to me the communication wasn't clear with your team. Is that something you think your coalition needs to work on or just a minor mistake? [pr] Pera: No. We comunicate a lot during the games. [pr] Pera: But I thought he would go PD. [pr] Pera: That's why i didn't say anything about his strategy. [pr] Madara: Pera: I never imagined he would be GC. Pd was also my guess. [pr] Pera: The reason i couldn't defeat Safari is becouse he never left Turkey. [pr] Madara: Pera: Moving on, do you think this game is due for a rematch? [pr] Pera: I wouldn't know that now. [pr] Madara: Pera: Well, I'm sure we all look forward to another CW such as this ![]() [pr] Madara: Pera: How are things in Avengers? This recent Cw hasn't sparked debate or argument has it? [pr] Pera: No. We don't argue. It's usually me or someone else pissed off typing shit in cln chat. xD [pr] Madara: Pera: Rofl I see. Your coalition won gold last season by a landslide. What's Avenger's goal this season? [pr] Pera: Considering we have 5 more games I think that if we win them all or win 4 lose 1 we can still be first. [pr] Pera: But that all depends on the coalition we beat. [pr] Pera: Everyone gets most CP from SM. [pr] Pera: They have very high competence. [pr] Madara: Pera: SM will be your top priority then. [pr] Pera: The best for anyone would be if they beat Dalmati, but they are inactive right now. [pr] Madara: Pera: Well, thanks for the interview! Glad too see Avengers still has open eyes on the prize! [pr] Madara: Pera: Is there anything you'd like to say to our readers? [pr] Pera: Stay in school and don't use drugs. xD [pr] Pera: LOL [pr] Madara: Pera: Fabolous! Goodluck to Avengers, and thanks again! [pr] Pera: And about the drugs thing, you can use some. ![]() [pr] Pera: Thank you. Well, The Avengers still have their eye on the gold! And maybe they'll get it ![]() ![]() Now for Chess! [pr] Madara: Chess: Greetings. [pr] Madara: Chess: May I interview you? [pr] Chess: sure [pr] Chess: just let me get a glass of water ![]() [pr] Chess: back [pr] Madara: Chess: Great! [pr] Madara: Chess: So, who did you think was going to win before the cw war began? [pr] Chess: i was expecting that we would win since we had safari, hedinho and me as a lineup [pr] Chess: with a turkey + uk and spain combo you can hardly lose [pr] Madara: Chess: Was your team ready for this? Was there any speculation as to 'can we really win this'? [pr] Chess: no, but i had some little doubts since the avengers had some good players as wel [pr] Chess: yes our team was ready for this ofc ![]() [pr] Madara: Chess: I see. Pera indeed is no stump at all. [pr] Madara: Chess: This is Victorious Secrets first cw of the season. What was the hold up? [pr] Chess: lots of players were inactive because of school and work, so we had difficulties finding enough players [pr] Chess: but this was just a temporary problem [pr] Chess: VS is again one of the most active coalitions [pr] Chess: however we do miss hdrakon who has unfortunately been banned [pr] Madara: Chess: What kind of impact did that make in your coalition? hdrakon was one of your most active members and a legend to many to in atWar. [pr] Chess: it tear a hole into the coalition, as i said before we miss him [pr] Chess: i hope VRIL will consider unbanning him and hopefully hdrakon will not insult VRIL any further after that [pr] Madara: Chess: Many of us do miss him. I wish the best of luck to Victorious Secret as it still remains one of the strongest coalition's of atWar! [pr] Chess: thank you [pr] Madara: Chess: So moving on the details of the cw, was there any initial plan before the game started? [pr] Chess: not really, having fun was the main goal of the cw ![]() [pr] Madara: Chess: I see. Good spirit among you guys, eh? [pr] Chess: ofc sexy people alway have good spirit ![]() [pr] Madara: Chess: What made you decide to play GC? The spectators were all thinking PD? [pr] Chess: PD gets boring after a while ![]() [pr] Madara: Chess: What would you say was your teams most crucial turn during the game? [pr] Chess: uff i cant remember the exact turn. It was when eagles tried to get Uk and I got italy. [pr] Madara: Chess: What was your teams response to hedinho's early mistake getting walled in Munich leaving him sufferable to Germany? [pr] Chess: nothing, expect that i told him not to lose london this turn [pr] Madara: Chess: I see. So, how does victory feel? [pr] Chess: amazing ofc ![]() [pr] Madara: Chess: Wow. Amazing:)! Now, what are you guys going to do with Victorious Scholars? It seems to be be in it's worst time. [pr] Chess: VScholars are doing okay, they reached the 3rd place in the last season ![]() [pr] Madara: Chess: I see. Have they brought in any valuable players to Victorious Scholars you can name? [pr] Chess: hm i didnt really pay attention to who came from VScholar to us, i was just happy when we got new members ![]() [pr] Chess: this interview is pretty long ![]() [pr] Madara: Chess: Yes I joined the atWar New Network today and this is my first article ![]() [pr] Chess: you are doing a good job for your first interview ![]() [pr] Madara: Chess: Anyway, THANKS for the interview! Is there anything you would like to say to our readers? [pr] Chess: VS still the sexiest coalition ![]() [pr] Chess: thank you as well and good bye ![]() hedinho was executively ordered to defend London. His army being trapped in Munich an all I think he did and exceptional job! 3 units in London seemed to do the trick ![]() Last but not list we have Lemonade. Who actually did exceptionally well with Italy! I praise him for surviving so long but here he admits his first mistake was picking Italy. [pr] Madara: Lemonade: Greetings. [pr] Lemonade: hey [pr] Madara: Lemonade: May I interview you? [pr] Lemonade: sure [pr] Madara: Lemonade: Great! What did you think of the Clanwar and your preformance? [pr] Lemonade: Playing VS was fun and alot of spectators though the game was nice.And as for my performance,well my pick fucked us up and put me and my team in a bad place...so not gd. [pr] Madara: Lemonade: I believe you played Italy well! What do you think your biggest mistake was? Anything that game taught you to improve on? [pr] Lemonade: My italy is very gd i think,but giving them uk and spain by me was a big mistake,and made me have to handle with Safari and Chess....and i lost after 13 turns mainly to the fact that i didn [pr] Lemonade: i didnt hold in the balkans much long* [pr] Madara: Lemonade: Yes indeed. I believe you played GC? What was your reason on that decision? [pr] Lemonade: I played PD, Chess was the one who played GC. [pr] Madara: Lemonade: Ah, rofl seems I've been mislead. Was there any initial plan before the game began? [pr] Lemonade: Not actually a plan,we just wanted to kill Safari quickly and then help eagles and win it.But then Safari starting spaming inf and grew real strong with stacks everywhere(MVP in the CW imo) [pr] Madara: Lemonade: I see. That indeed was a clever plan. What do you think of your clan and Victorious Secret's preformance? [pr] Lemonade: We are on of the best clans if not the best atm 1 lose wont set us back,as for VS they played gd and won it. [pr] Madara: Lemonade: I see. A goodsport you are mate ![]() [pr] Lemonade: In what aspects? [pr] Madara: Lemonade: There isn't any arguing or anger among your clanmates over the CWs outcome, right? [pr] Lemonade: nah dude,we are pro's,everyone makes mistakes and ours was my pick thats all.It's cool. [pr] Madara: Lemonade: Good to hear it! Avenger's won gold last season and over 400 CPs! What's Avengers goal this season? [pr] Madara: Lemonade: Do you think you guys can grab gold again? [pr] Lemonade: We still have 5 or 6 cw's i think,im sure that we can win them all against any clan..so yes ofc we can. [pr] Madara: I see ![]() [pr] Madara: Lemonade: I see ![]() [pr] Madara: Lemonade: Thank you for the interview it was my pleasure! Have you anything to say to our readers? [pr] Lemonade: nothing much thanks ![]() [pr] Madara: Lemonade: Are you sure? [pr] Lemonade: Lemo4life ![]() He was in good spirits and wasn't ashamed! Claiming Avengers to be well into that 'best clan' range of atWar. Everyone makes mistakes and The Avengers are going to comeback I guarantee! As for Eaglet and hedinho, Eaglet might I say 'rage quit' and signed off so I was unable to grab him and hedinho said he didn't have the time. Well, hope you all enjoyed! Thanks for reading ![]() Scroll through our exclusive gallery!: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Now to our hot seat! Ask Freeland questions below! Freeland will be in our hotseat this time so fire away! Thanks for reading! By Madara ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Death1812 Профил је обрисан |
25.06.2013 - 00:07
Nice photos, this is my favorite CW report so far. Freequiesce, who is your favorite cartoon character?
---- The church is near, but the road is icy... the bar is far away, but I will walk carefully...
25.06.2013 - 00:07
Great article glade the communisty has things like this and radio iv seen AW evolve alot sense i joined last year and iv seen alot i like and these articles are great for us to have. not alot of games have such a thing like AW does
---- ![]() We are not the same- I am a Martian.
25.06.2013 - 00:12
Why do the interviews on the radio like a new channel i dont fell like reading all of it but gj
---- ![]()
25.06.2013 - 01:10
Nice job Madara! A good balance of fun and substance. thx Wait, why is Hdrakon banned??
---- He always runs while others walk. He acts while other men just talk. He looks at this world and wants it all. So he strikes like Thunderball.
Ld. Dark Knight Профил је обрисан |
25.06.2013 - 02:26 Ld. Dark Knight Профил је обрисан
Excellent article, I know I chose my recruit well! ATN needs journalists, please contact me if you're interested!
25.06.2013 - 03:08
Great Article. Its the best CW report so far imo. yay i got a 10/10 --> Man of the match ![]() looking forward to read some more awesome articles of you ![]()
25.06.2013 - 06:44
Very nice game! Even though i wasn't there i know VS would have won no matter what! ![]()
25.06.2013 - 07:56
I am so excited to see VS winning ![]() FORWARD TO VICTORY
---- I like stuff.... Yay?
25.06.2013 - 08:25
The sexiest cln did it again ![]() ![]()
---- ![]() ![]()
25.06.2013 - 12:04
Great article Madara. I really love how you took the time out and recorded them. Great job ![]()
---- Always follow your heart cause it will lead you to anywhere in life ![]()
Hawkk Профил је обрисан |
25.06.2013 - 15:10 Hawkk Профил је обрисан
Very nice!
31.05.2014 - 11:22
31.05.2014 - 14:27
---- "My words are my bullets."-John Lydon ![]() Spart is love
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