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Постављено од стране AlBoZzZ, 13.10.2014 - 17:28
No flaming pls


football game (serbia vs albania ) who gonna win?


Укупно гласова: 61
29.10.2014 - 09:40
 Eagle (Модератор)
Написао Skanderbeg, 29.10.2014 at 09:30

Lol goblin is so dumb, he compared Serbian right on land to other countries dreams of greater states. And he say he study law, what a fallacy.

By the law, Serbia have right on the land of the aggressor as reparation for population casualties. Size of territory depends on the amount of victims on the conflict.

Austria owned regions called croatia, slovenia and bosnia, they invaded Kingdom of Serbia and killed 1,300,000 of them during occupation. When Serbia won, Great Powers
approved Serbia to take bosnia and croata as reward for contribution to the war and as reparation for lost population from evil austria. Serbia denied and created Yugoslavia,
equal state with bosnians, croats and slovenes.

In WW2, croats desert Yugoslav Army and create nazi paramilitary and swear allegiance to Nazi Germany, they create Axis state and killed 1,000,000 serbs during WW2.
When partisans[600,000 serbs or 80% of all partisans] won in WW2, they again created Yugoslavia and decided not to take regions of bosnia and croatia as reparations for
lost population.

In 1991 croats, slovenes and bosnians again desert from Yugoslav Army, stealing weapon and start new war, which resulted in 300,000 dead serbs and 500,000 ethnically

Now, those nations use Great Serbia to scare its people and make them hostile towards serbs, they teach them how evil serbs want to create great serbia and thats bad,
while in fact thats good and by the law. If Serbia took croatian and bosnian lands after WW1, that mean all serbs would be in the same state, though there would be bosnians and
croats as well. But only serbs would go to the army, and they wouldnt desert in WW2 like croats did, so situation would be different, Serbia would have a chance to defend and
wait for Allies like they did in WW1, croats would be unable to kill 1,000,000 serbs. We all know that WW1 ended because Salonika front was breached by Serbian Army and
forced Austria and Bulgaria to surrended, that could happen again in WW2, Serbian Army, French Free Forces, British Army, Australian Army, US Army and Soviet Army could
invade Axis from Serbia, make Romania, Bulgaria and Hungary surrender, and proceed to Vienna and Berlin from south, and not from Normandy where germans were stronger.
War could end in 1943. Thanks to croatian desertation of Yugoslav Army prolonged the war for 2 years least.

Therefore, larger Serbia would mean stability and prosperity on the Balkan, as Great Powers wanted in WW1 [check Anglo-French proposal to create larger Serbia]. There
wouldnt be special rights to minorities and foreigners like Yugoslavia had, no foreign newspapers and schools, only serbian. Just like United States have, latins learn english
in american schools, not spanish, they have to know american history to get american citizenship and they have to yell patriotic slogans on american celebrations. Same is in
England, France, Italy. Because of croatian and albanian hatred towards serbs, they wouldnt go the larger Serbia, and would stay to Croatia and Albania, and everyone is happy.


There are greater problems we have in the universe, although you dont know nothing about. I do. Thats why im pro-diversity, but not equality. I am for union and prosperity and
not division. But not union were larger group is under-represented like in Soviet Union where SSR Estonia had 50 members in the parliament and Russian SFSR had 20, small
estonia cant have more votes then large russia. Estonia have 1,300,000 population which means 1 representative in the assembly, Russia have 140,000,000 population which
means 140 representatives in the assembly, they represent more people and thus must have more votes according to population.

Same with Yugoslavia, we need one Republic of Yugoslavia, not federation and not autonomy provinces, we are too small land for that. We need only one parliament and not
two houses[upper and lower]. Whole nation vote for representatives[parties] and 2 parties with most votes enter parliament, other parties wait for next election in 6 years. Now
you will say then serbs will always have representatives in the parliament, but thats democracy, there are 8,000,000 serbs and that mean they can vote for serbian party if they
want, it will represent them, while 4,000,000 croats can vote for croatian party, slovenian party probably wont be able to enter parliament as they have only 2 million population
and would probaby lose on the elections. But they can create coalition with croatian party and candidate for parliament, so both slovenians and croatians can vote for that
coalition. But not allowed to make coalition after you enter parliament, only before candidature for elections.

We need to recover and advance our economy, then we need to invest in space program. Tito developed space program in 1950-1960 but he sold it to USA for billions of dollars,
as he needed money to recover ruined economy from WW2.

But it seems people here are idiots and stupid, they will rather starve to death then unite with each other and prosper.

Huge support
29.10.2014 - 09:45
Learn what a fallacy is.

First yugoslavia was a dungeon for Croatian people, oppressed for 30 years by the serbs - so dont cry about us not defending it.

Croats defending first Serbo-slavia would be like a rape victim defending its rapist. ...but no you say it was all flowers and rainbows, love and unity - bullshit liars.

On other shit i wont even bother to respond ...your sick and hateful person and so is eagle as it seems.

Born and raised on croatophobia, learned to hate, teached only history that shows you in a good light. (btw. your own academics complain about your history books being outdated and crap ...your own students complain about collages being ridicilous bunch of idiocity - what more to say)

I go over forums on internet and everywhere where serbia and croatia are mentioned there are 1000 serbs comming to comment and spread more croatophobia and hate, lies.

Croat comes and says "lol more serbian buisness". Think you are obssesed with us and all your neighbours - kompleksi malog nevaznog naroda.

Btw. historical facts:

Croats saved you from the bulgars let you populate bosnia - you stabed them in the back
Evil Austrians helped you against the ottomans let you populate its teritory - you stabed them in the back

Evil? interesting concept in your minds.
29.10.2014 - 12:41
Написао Skanderbeg, 29.10.2014 at 11:49

Btw, i dont know why you all both serbs and other are against 10 children per family. If not for that we wouldnt be able to survive 500 years under turks or
5 years under germans/croats.

There were 3 million serbs in medieval times, english in that time had as well 3 million. Then in 1804, Serbia had 400,000 population, England had 15 million.
In 1946 England had 40 million, Serbia had 6 million, 2014 England have 55 million, Serbia have 6 million.

We didnt knew that, but they started to reveal the truth as there is documentation and witnesses; 30-40 years ago, there was a policy to take new-born
serbian babies and send them to Albania and Kosovo so albanians can raise them, serbian parents are told their baby died on birth.
Thats why serbian population stagnated while albanian population skyrocketed from 500,000 to 2 million. Google it, there are documentation and documentaries
uploaded, i cant search for them, it is heartbraking.

Waw from what you just told me i see serbs are the one being oppressed through the years. Such a bad luck. Serbs are pure and clean but damn those albanians and turks stealing your kids and raising them as their own. Nice job you did doing genocide in bosnia,kosovo,croatia cuz they deserved. I just realised that serbs didnt ever do anything bad, but peoples did bad things to serbs . You are so right man thanks for telling me that. I will google forsure the documents that serbs fanatics wrotte.


29.10.2014 - 12:56
Написао Skanderbeg, 29.10.2014 at 11:07

There is no need talking to you, because no soap can clean the blood from your history where you killed more than million of innocent people.

Croats had more freedom in Yugoslavia than they had in Austrian Empire, judges were croats, tax collectors, language was croatian, ports were allowed for croats, but Yugoslavia didnt suit you because you hate serbs. Your existenital goal is to terminate serbian population. You can have austrian dick in your ass for 1000 years as long there are no serbs near you, thats your problem.

Serbs are afraid, they are rightfuly afraid for their children, as when we die, our children will be exposed to croats again. We fear our children dont end up like our grandfathers 70 years ago. Because no logic or reason can explain so much hate in Croatia which lead to mass genocide of innocent children and women.

No nation suffered more than Israel[7 million] Serbia[3 million] and Armenia[1.5 million]. Some evil is pushing you to kill small nations and eradicate your existance.

Also, Serbia doesnt need reparations territory, when serbs already live there, Serbia can claim Lika, Slavonia, Dalmatia and Bosnia because serbs live there since 600ad. Serbia can only confirm its right on these lands by reparation law. But true reparation territory should be Central Croatia, Istria and Croatian Maribor, as there are no serbs, thats croatian lands, and thus should be given to Serbia as reparation for lost population perpertrated by Croatia.

Lets not forget Croatia had republic in Yugoslavia, Serbia was destroyed on 6 little pieces [Vojvodina, Inner Serbia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Bosnia]. Croats had access to yugoslav institutions, while serbs had to renounce its nationality to have access [so called yugoslavs]. Croats were JNA generals, officers, pilots, tank commanders, infantry leaders, ship captains, while serbs were infantry, drivers, mechanics. Croatia had higher wage than Serbia, and Serbian companies were moved to Croatia and Slovenia so croats can work and take income, while Serbs had to work on the fields and villages, unable to make progress in economy. And then you import smuggled guns from ustasha from Argentina and start a war, kill more serbs, ethnically cleanse them from their land in Lika and Dalmatia, and make a story propaganda how you are victim.



and not your grandchildren ...you are not a serb and never will be.
29.10.2014 - 14:05
Написао Eagle, 29.10.2014 at 07:51

I wanted to be kind enough and not to intervene, but lol u albanians are bunch of low life imbeciles.
So for little dumb albanians, and others, Austria Hungary together with Turkey created so called "Albanian League" in 1879, so it could help them in war against Serbs. They basically took bunch of low life goat raping gypsies, put them together and tell them here you go, here's a country, go fight Serbs. So since you dumbfucks only have your pity little piece of land for a century and a half, HOW COME KOSOVO WAS ALWAYS YOURS. You just got your land, and instead of being grateful, you begging planning how to create 'Great Albania', a country that doest exist, and never will. Then Serbia goes in war with USA, USA asks us to make a base on our land, we dont allow it, so they just took it by force. Nice 'peaceful' country. Then they take biggest living scum on earth, organ traffickers and war criminals, and give them the power over Kosovo. The only reason why there is so much albanian scum in kosovo, is because its a family tradition that one couple has 10 kids a guess, and they dont care pretty much if they become killers or rapist, as long as they continue to reproduce.

From all ppl you are the DUMBEST one ever existed in aw. Dude albania was divided into italy,turkey,france,austro-hungarian empire and we fought them ourselves.

How is kosovo yours when kosovo ppl say theyre albanians,they wave albanian flag,they speak albanian and they got albanian customs. Are you really this stupid and full of shit? Do not ever post here again cuz from all ppl you are the most stupid and ignorant guy ever. I got nothing against no one even if they are serbs,macedonians or greeksas long as they are respectful to me and my nation. I have serb friends here in usa and one of them said the war which hapoend was stupid and that instead of doing that war our countries could've learned from eachother. As for greeks ive worked with they are nice and respectful.

Im not like you that hates someone only cuz he is albanian. I dont like only ppl like you who talk and make propaganda by having so much ignorance within you. So pls just go olay aw and rush someone with uk, the only country you can play

29.10.2014 - 15:29
Написао AlBoZzZ, 29.10.2014 at 14:05

Написао Eagle, 29.10.2014 at 07:51

I wanted to be kind enough and not to intervene, but lol u albanians are bunch of low life imbeciles.
So for little dumb albanians, and others, Austria Hungary together with Turkey created so called "Albanian League" in 1879, so it could help them in war against Serbs. They basically took bunch of low life goat raping gypsies, put them together and tell them here you go, here's a country, go fight Serbs. So since you dumbfucks only have your pity little piece of land for a century and a half, HOW COME KOSOVO WAS ALWAYS YOURS. You just got your land, and instead of being grateful, you begging planning how to create 'Great Albania', a country that doest exist, and never will. Then Serbia goes in war with USA, USA asks us to make a base on our land, we dont allow it, so they just took it by force. Nice 'peaceful' country. Then they take biggest living scum on earth, organ traffickers and war criminals, and give them the power over Kosovo. The only reason why there is so much albanian scum in kosovo, is because its a family tradition that one couple has 10 kids a guess, and they dont care pretty much if they become killers or rapist, as long as they continue to reproduce.

From all ppl you are the DUMBEST one ever existed in aw. Dude albania was divided into italy,turkey,france,austro-hungarian empire and we fought them ourselves.

How is kosovo yours when kosovo ppl say theyre albanians,they wave albanian flag,they speak albanian and they got albanian customs. Are you really this stupid and full of shit?

how then you are illyrian???
you dont speak illyrian language dont have illyrian pagan religion,dont have illyrian customs
how you explain albania country in caucasian in ancient times and now we have same name for country in balkan
or its nice propaganda we are illyrians whole balkan belong to us
29.10.2014 - 15:44
Написао Goblin, 29.10.2014 at 06:38

Написао avatar, 28.10.2014 at 20:15

Btw. you are wrong with your Albanian theory ...linguistic has proven that theory wrong since Caucasian Albanians have no similarity in language with balkan Albanians.

professors and scholars Paul, Hirt, Weigand, Tomashek,
Parvanov Georgiev Georgiev, Puscariu and many others, who with numerous scholarly arguments,
linguistic and historical, have proven that the Albanians not only have nothing
common with the illyrians, but not only that they are not indigenous to any
elsewhere in the balkans, but they are not even on the territory of present

but albanians still continued with the tale that allegedly albanians are autochthonous
pelasgo-Illyrian successors.
today albanian language is of the type satem,according to global division of languages illyrian is centum
one satem language can not be a direct descendant, even a kind of derivative of some
centum language without changing its substrate. Since the albanian language
no change in the substrate, that means that the albanians can not be in
any circumstance, genealogical descendants of the Illyrians.
29.10.2014 - 15:50
Balkan forums should be removed.

Until now they have been nothing but place of propaganda, hate speech and flame wars.

And mostly Tito's personal forum to recite his serbian extreme nationalistic propaganda.

Serbs in Slavonia, Croatia and Bosnia since year 600.? ...lies invented in 17. century by ortodox church that culminated in the creation of Nacertanije.

Fuck off with your fascistic crap ...and you others that follow his example ...guess fuck off aswell.

P.S. Avatar ...you were fighting when Tito insulted your Macedonian heritage, but you do the same to Commando.
29.10.2014 - 15:54
Написао avatar, 29.10.2014 at 15:29

Написао AlBoZzZ, 29.10.2014 at 14:05

Написао Eagle, 29.10.2014 at 07:51

I wanted to be kind enough and not to intervene, but lol u albanians are bunch of low life imbeciles.
So for little dumb albanians, and others, Austria Hungary together with Turkey created so called "Albanian League" in 1879, so it could help them in war against Serbs. They basically took bunch of low life goat raping gypsies, put them together and tell them here you go, here's a country, go fight Serbs. So since you dumbfucks only have your pity little piece of land for a century and a half, HOW COME KOSOVO WAS ALWAYS YOURS. You just got your land, and instead of being grateful, you begging planning how to create 'Great Albania', a country that doest exist, and never will. Then Serbia goes in war with USA, USA asks us to make a base on our land, we dont allow it, so they just took it by force. Nice 'peaceful' country. Then they take biggest living scum on earth, organ traffickers and war criminals, and give them the power over Kosovo. The only reason why there is so much albanian scum in kosovo, is because its a family tradition that one couple has 10 kids a guess, and they dont care pretty much if they become killers or rapist, as long as they continue to reproduce.

From all ppl you are the DUMBEST one ever existed in aw. Dude albania was divided into italy,turkey,france,austro-hungarian empire and we fought them ourselves.

How is kosovo yours when kosovo ppl say theyre albanians,they wave albanian flag,they speak albanian and they got albanian customs. Are you really this stupid and full of shit?

how then you are illyrian???
you dont speak illyrian language dont have illyrian pagan religion,dont have illyrian customs
how you explain albania country in caucasian in ancient times and now we have same name for country in balkan
or its nice propaganda we are illyrians whole balkan belong to us

Its hard not to reoly back to such ignorant comments. Without searching in google do you even know why we are called Albanians? Ill explain it to you and you can verify later .

In center of Illyria there was a tribe called Albanet. Everyone knows that serbs and sllavic ppl came from east and attacked illyria especially from north. Throughout all these years the only ppl who had illyrian tribe heritage were Albanet and because of that, we are called Albanians today.

I dont understand why the hell are you in this discussion anyway? This was about serbia albania game which i requested not to he turned into flame war which unfortunately did turn cuz of ignorant ppl commenting. Just go find your own thread or go do some maps or something.

The only reason you write here is to show these serbs guys your "support" as macedonian and kissing some serbian ass.

So pls stay out of where you have nothing to do

29.10.2014 - 15:58
Написао Goblin, 29.10.2014 at 15:50

Balkan forums should be removed.

Until now they have been nothing but place of propaganda, hate speech and flame wars.

And mostly Tito's personal forum to recite his serbian extreme nationalistic propaganda.

Serbs in Slavonia, Croatia and Bosnia since year 600.? ...lies invented in 17. century by ortodox church that culminated in the creation of Nacertanije.

Fuck off with your fascistic crap ...and you others that follow his example ...guess fuck off aswell.

croats and serbs are slavic brothers
but you are devided like north and south korea
but lie is always more acceptable than the truth.
the truth can hurt.
29.10.2014 - 16:25

From all ppl you are the DUMBEST one ever existed in aw. Dude albania was divided into italy,turkey,france,austro-hungarian empire and we fought them ourselves.

How is kosovo yours when kosovo ppl say theyre albanians,they wave albanian flag,they speak albanian and they got albanian customs. Are you really this stupid and full of shit?

how then you are illyrian???
you dont speak illyrian language dont have illyrian pagan religion,dont have illyrian customs
how you explain albania country in caucasian in ancient times and now we have same name for country in balkan
or its nice propaganda we are illyrians whole balkan belong to us

Its hard not to reoly back to such ignorant comments. Without searching in google do you even know why we are called Albanians? Ill explain it to you and you can verify later .

In center of Illyria there was a tribe called Albanet. Everyone knows that serbs and sllavic ppl came from east and attacked illyria especially from north. Throughout all these years the only ppl who had illyrian tribe heritage were Albanet and because of that, we are called Albanians today.

I dont understand why the hell are you in this discussion anyway? This was about serbia albania game which i requested not to he turned into flame war which unfortunately did turn cuz of ignorant ppl commenting. Just go find your own thread or go do some maps or something.

The only reason you write here is to show these serbs guys your "support" as macedonian and kissing some serbian ass.

So pls stay out of where you have nothing to do

Albanet ,and im serbian supporter axaxxaxa i troll serb players in past and i get mute i dont support anyone
but only one who need to stay out is you ,you just post shits story without proofs facts arguments
just give me one roman or greek ancient historian who mention alba-net tribe in center of illyria
and i will delete my acc and gone forever

once upon a time in center of planet mars there was a tribe albanet,americans sent them to colonize mars as a tribe that rapidly multiplies plus warlike tribe to defend earth against alien invasion.
cool story (sci-fi) Albanet vs Aliens.the next holywood blockbuster?
29.10.2014 - 16:28
 Eagle (Модератор)
Lol commando go rape a goat or something, that will make you stop cry
29.10.2014 - 17:53
Написао Eagle, 29.10.2014 at 16:28

Lol commando go rape a goat or something, that will make you stop cry

Go have family orgy like you guys do in serbia

31.10.2014 - 09:31
Написао AlBoZzZ, 28.10.2014 at 20:41

greek chickens would be complaining like sluts.

Thats right.drop the virgin mary victim act, you are not a good actor.This is who you are,a trashtalking hating racist.I dont know why you try to act serious and moderate on the forums, we all know what you really are.A fucking racist.I remember when you were telling me interesting stuff on pr, like how PROUD YOU ARE THAT GREEK PRISONS ARE FILLED WITH ALBANIANS AND THAT ALBANIANS CONTROL OUR PRISONS.OR LIKE HOW PROUD YOU ARE OF ALBANIANS BEATING UP GREEKS OR RAPING GREEK WOMEN.racist subhuman trash, drop the act, this is who you are.

Написао AlBoZzZ, 28.10.2014 at 20:41

As for khal, did you forget what happend in Cameria?

How dare you bring up Cameria.Camerian Albanians are war criminals, traitors.They helped the Nazis and they are responsible for thousands Greek and Albanian lifes lost.Greek court has 1700 judicial rulings against them and Albanians hated them too, cause they were traitors.I have a friend in Fieri and he told me that whenever they see Chams, they stab them.They are lower than worms.

Написао AlBoZzZ, 28.10.2014 at 20:41

Souther albanian that now is nothern greece?

You mean the area the Turks stole from us when they conquered us and gifted to you, for your help?Get the fuck out.

Написао AlBoZzZ, 28.10.2014 at 20:41

While albanians fought along greeks agaisnt ottoman ,italian invasion, greek soldiers caught us weak and they went in southern albanians homes and took out homes all albanians claiming all that land for themself, yet albanian are the one hated.

That never happened.Bring one source from this.This only happened in your brainless head.You were Ottomans puppets and what you did to us during Ottoman occupation is horrible.You fought against us, not with us.Italian invasion also, Italian army had lots of Albanian divisions in it.And lets not forget the Chams who collaborated with the Nazis later.And keep in mind, because you know nothing, you are illeterate and ignorant, that when we kicked the Ottomans out and got the area of North Greece back, the one you dare call "South Albania" , we made a deal with the Turks.We would send them all the muslims back unharmed and they would send us the christians.It would be a trade.Yet the Chams denied this.They wanted to stay in Northern Greece and they were saying they felt Greek.So we kept them, because Greece was always liberal and democratic.And what did we get for it?They bred like monkeys, tried to enstate Albanian as their language, tried to make their own rules and steal the land to make it part of Albania.Then they collaborated with the Nazis and are responsible for so many deaths of Greek and Albanian citizens, not only soldiers.

And after all of this, Greeks still dont hate Albanians.We took them in as economic immigrants.Your prime minister opened up his prison and deported the heavy offenders, murderers and rapists to Greece.They spread terror in Greece when they came, but no, we should be the ones to tame and civilize them, cause if not, we would be racists.So we took them in, gave them jobs, houses, education,CULTURE, taught them how to dress, bathe and how to act in a civilized 21st century society.And 20 years later, they are millions now.We help feed millions of Albanians, not only in Greece, but in Albania too, cause they sending money there too.And you know the joke?I saw a documentary, that interviewed Albanians, even kids and guess what.They fucking hate us.They all are taught to hate us over there.After all we did, YOU are the ones hating us.After i saw this im so pissed of, i dont even care anymore.Ill tell you the same thing im telling my Albanian friends.Gtfo if you dont like it, ungratefull assholes.

Bottom line, if you want to be a nationalistic racist pig, atleast open a fucking book, cause you are making a fool out of yourself.
31.10.2014 - 11:23
It is nor related with topic, but, where the hell are Bulgarians on atwar? lolo
...још сте ту...
31.10.2014 - 11:46
Написао Your Laki, 31.10.2014 at 11:23

It is nor related with topic, but, where the hell are Bulgarians on atwar? lolo

I stumbled upon one long time ago o.O ...he didnt meet other bulgarians either.
01.11.2014 - 11:07
Another "balkanski" topic that has to be locked.


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