12.07.2014 - 22:17
Hey all, just finished the new map/scenario Medieval Civicus. It took me a while to develop it; for its complexity and some innovative issues that had to be tested. Specifically:
Published and playable is the scenario. ![]() I. Basic Information
II. Concept Players are organized into two teams (6v6) that possess either the western countries (Team 1) or the eastern countries (Team 2). The map is set in a city, divided by a river. There are two ways to cross the river: using the bridges (10 in total) or by using transport ships, which are only buildable in the 4 most southern countries (2 on each bank of the river). ![]() Players have to develop the game considering three basic matters: (1) expand territories in coordination with team mates (as usual), (2) develop economy and (3) develop technology. For this purpose, the map has three fields of action: the normal battlefield, the "Technology & Alchemy" level up field and the "Economy" level up area (as shown below). Technology & Alchemy: level up and unit unlock ![]() Leveling up "Technology & Alchemy", by taking city of next level, will unlock the production of new units in specific cities in a players own starting country (see image "Example Country" and the unit section below). Economy: level up and farming ![]() Leveling up "Economy", by taking city of next level, will unlock farmlands that can be then exploited by the unit "Farmer". These farmlands are located outside the city limits and the Cote d'Arms (players shield) indicates the respective farmlands of each player (see image "Example Country" below). III. Example Country As an example have a look at the following country. Example country ![]() This country basically has:
Furthermore, there are territories outside (on the edge) of the city limit. They are designated with numbers 1-4 and correspond to the farmlands that are related to the "Economy" levels I-IV. IV. Player Units These are the units managed by a player in the game. 1. Regular units (producable in "normal cities" and neutral territories) ![]() 2. Boats (only producable in ports of ....) ![]() 3. Bridge Tower (only producable on bridges) ![]() 4. Advanced Units (related to technology "Advanced Weapons") ![]() 5. Cavalry units (related to technology "Cavalry") ![]() 6. Stronghold and Siege units (related to technology "Stronghold and Siege Warfare") ![]() 7. Heroes (related to technology "Heroes") ![]() 8. Science (to develop technology) ![]() 9. Merchant & Farmer (to develop economy and seize farmlands) ![]() 10. Special drop: Panopticon (not producable) ![]() V. Units dropped The following units are dropped in turn 1. They are all neutral units and their function is to limit immediate expansion. Technology inhibiting units ![]() They are respectively for level I-IV of technological development. Economic development inhibiting units ![]() They are respectively for level I-IV of economic development. ![]() Represent a challenge when developing farmlands. Territorial development (expansion) ![]() They became necessary for "zero unit start issue of neutral territories". ![]() Representing a challenge when attempting to take a bridge. VI. Instructions There are some instructions on the map. Technology level and units ![]() Economic & Technological development ![]() Scenario is still in testing phase and I'm very thankful for feedback. Hope you enjoy playing Medieval Civicus!
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Black Shark Профил је обрисан |
13.07.2014 - 03:29 Black Shark Профил је обрисан
I would like a back story, please.
13.07.2014 - 10:48
Pick one:
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Black Shark Профил је обрисан |
13.07.2014 - 13:36 Black Shark Профил је обрисан c'mon.
16.07.2014 - 00:51
Removed Fortress and Bridge Tower is naval unit surrounded by no-go area.
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16.07.2014 - 22:24
Romeo & juliet, pls Also nice map! I like how you upgrade for get troop/economy. It give a great different way to play aw ![]()
16.07.2014 - 22:28 ![]() What is this unit? I didnt saw it in your post ![]() Question: can you give a unit a negative range? I remember there was a rare unit that had negative range.... I think it was coastal battery....
17.07.2014 - 00:05
Cart was unpublished (not buildable) in last version. This unit isn't necessary for the development of the game. Yes, there is a rare unit (Coastal Battery) that has a negative range. Tried to clone it, but it's not possible to reproduce the negative range to other units, as far as I know.
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17.07.2014 - 00:25
But cant you put negative range to your units with the map tools? so you could make fortress that cant move with blitz ![]()
17.07.2014 - 00:38
Couldn't find how. All units (normal buildable units, not rare) are affected by Blitz. Couldn't find a way to put negative range to them. That's why I eliminated Fortresses (could have made them naval units in landlocked cities). In the case of Bridge Towers I made them naval units and implanted a no-go area between them and the river.
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17.07.2014 - 22:44
Great map.. I feel it's intended for mature players for its complexity. I feel a young mind can't handle the simple rules/tasks to gain new units/economy. Thus making 3/6 teammates leave me.
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18.07.2014 - 15:14
We could still fight. Doesnt matte if they leave, is a +++ for us. ► their territory is free = more unit spam in the best hands. ► the economy/research they progressed in are also free = more economy/research in the best hands. More economy and unit spam in the best hands = more win. That is why I told Senji to take the territories of the guys who left first, but then he leave too.... and you was the 3rd ;_;.
18.07.2014 - 15:37
Clovis you DCed for 4 turns... leaving me by myself
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18.07.2014 - 21:51
I d/ced because you say you was leaving too.....
18.07.2014 - 22:04
Mods read the logs!!! No I didn't!
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18.07.2014 - 22:16
Omg yes I told you " dont leave. MOU take his territories in economy. We can win" and you say " nah I am leaving too" then I say " LOL then I am leaving." and d/ced
18.07.2014 - 22:23
That was V for Vendetta u narb.. ![]()
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18.07.2014 - 22:31
![]() ![]() I suggest the special citys have 8 reinformeds or more Also, a boost on SP would be good ![]()
20.08.2015 - 23:12
ok, I was playing this map once again, and I was leading the economical field (of course, in my dreams...) further than any other player, even when I lost the game I still had farms up to the 4th , 2 more than Meester who already had all techs in his side. Then I figure out that Meester was making 2k per turn, while I was making 1.2k per turn (I was imperialist). I had 2 more cities in the economical field than Meester and had all my farms, Meester also had all his farms, but also a bunch of countries that were anschluss from his teammates leavers. The income difference was pretty big though, we both had assume that the income would'be in the farms rather than in the cities. I've also noticed there are (4?) cities that can match farm income... (241 income at 100%). The other thing is that I was taking the economical cities using Mechants, then notice the neutral were very strong at it, while Farmers were cheaper and when stacked, they result in more HP (more chances of winning) , so I started using them instead. I had 9 farmers vs the last economical tier though, and for my surprise it roll a critical 97 hit that kills all my troops... ![]() So my suggestions are: 1) Balance the income between cities inside the map and Farms. 2) Allow us to go from our Farm to the rest of our teammates farms. This is specially useful if they leave the game. 3) Remove critical hits from ALL neutral units. 4) I'm not sure if you've give bonus to certain units in the map, but if you've done so, then pls add it on the unit's description or make it noticeable. Also, give mechants a bonus against the economicals neutral units or reduce its cost, or give it any bonus that would make it wort the almost 4x cost compared to farmers. ![]()
21.08.2015 - 01:34
I agree the map could use some work, especially the special units and advancement tree. When we first start I assumed that 1 merchant could take 1 city(no stated otherwise anywhere) and so I ended up lagging in tech and money and had to wait for the next reinforcement turn to progress. Maybe adding a non moveable 1/1 unit which can show you the numbers of unit in those cities would help, and please make use of the description box.
03.10.2015 - 10:41
Thanks for the comments; I really appreciate them. I also agree. This map has never been reviewed before and, thus, never recieved the tunings. Would you guys be willing to collab with it?
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06.10.2015 - 13:28
Added you as collaborator. You should be able to edit cities and units; not borders.
Also thanks.
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06.02.2017 - 09:35
Can you add me as an editor for this map and scenario so I can fix the economy/tech units so they work 100% of the time without hassle or luck? I also think there needs to be a clearer indication of how to start the farming tree, perhaps by having the first layer already under player control. As of right now I have no clue how to access farming. There also needs to be better information to inform the player of what units can be built where. I figured out out a while back how to create unique units that act like a key and a lock (100% of the time) after much trial and testing and I remembered this wonderful map/scenario you made that was held back by this lack of key and lock units. I'd like to solve it so we can play the game as it was intended. And if it's successful, we can make more like it. Each part of the tech tree should give access to a new unit which kills next the defending unit of the next part of the tree, and so on. What I will need from you is the costs you want of each upgrade in tech/economy. So unit 1 can be built at tech tree 1 and will cost 800 which can kill unit 2 defending tech tree 2. Tech tree 2 can produce a unit which will cost 1600 and will kill tech unit 3 defending tech tree 3. An issue that arises from this is the unit cost of these exponentially expensive units. Solutions: Option 1: A neutral dustbin city with an unbeatable unit for you to send your expensive units to die so they don't cost anymore. The city could be called 'History'. Option 2: Each section of the tech tree produces the same amount of cash as the cost of the unit used to acquire it. The problem with this is that the city will take time to replenish its value and overtime will grow in value. Option 1 might be best. These units can be given special names which I'm sure you can come up with. For example the Tier 3 unit that kills the unit 'Feudalism' at Tier 4 could be called 'Renaissance'. The units will also need info on them inform the player what kills it, or what it can kill. Extra info always helps. Examples: "Renaissance"- Unlocks 4th Level Economy tier by killing 'Feudalism' unit which defends it. When I have fulfilled my role, send this unit to attack the city 'History' at the start of tech tree to end my unit cost. "Feudalism"- Defends the 4th Level Economy tier. Can only be killed by unit 'Renaissance' unit buildable at Economy Tier 3. I also noticed that the no-go areas that separate the individual tech trees for players no longer work. No go areas are bugging out from what I've seen. Either that or there are no no go areas. If that is the case, that wont be good, we wouldn't want enemy players stealing tech trees from each other or generally being able to troll one another in that manner. Frankly, there is a lot that needs to be done to make this work the way you want, but it can be done and I'm willing to make it happen.
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